
test_that("create_rt_data returns expected default values", {
  result <- create_rt_data()
  expect_type(result, "list")
  expect_equal(result$r_mean, 1)
  expect_equal(result$r_sd, 1)
  expect_equal(result$estimate_r, 1)
  expect_equal(result$bp_n, 0)
  expect_equal(result$breakpoints, numeric(0))
  expect_equal(result$future_fixed, 1)
  expect_equal(result$fixed_from, 0)
  expect_equal(result$pop, 0)
  expect_equal(result$stationary, 0)
  expect_equal(result$future_time, 0)

test_that("create_rt_data handles NULL rt input correctly", {
  result <- create_rt_data(rt = NULL)
  expect_equal(result$estimate_r, 0)
  expect_equal(result$future_fixed, 0)
  expect_equal(result$stationary, 1)

test_that("create_rt_data handles custom rt_opts correctly", {
  custom_rt <- rt_opts(
    prior = list(mean = 2, sd = 0.5),
    use_rt = FALSE,
    rw = 0,
    use_breakpoints = FALSE,
    future = "project",
    gp_on = "R0",
    pop = 1000000
  result <- create_rt_data(rt = custom_rt, horizon = 7)
  expect_equal(result$r_mean, 2)
  expect_equal(result$r_sd, 0.5)
  expect_equal(result$estimate_r, 0)
  expect_equal(result$pop, 1000000)
  expect_equal(result$stationary, 1)
  expect_equal(result$future_time, 7)

test_that("create_rt_data handles breakpoints correctly", {
  result <- create_rt_data(rt_opts(use_breakpoints = TRUE), 
                           breakpoints = c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1))
  expect_equal(result$bp_n, 3)
  expect_equal(result$breakpoints, c(2, 2, 3, 3, 4))

test_that("create_rt_data handles random walk correctly", {
  result <- create_rt_data(rt_opts(rw = 2), 
                           breakpoints = rep(1, 10))
  expect_equal(result$bp_n, 5)
  expect_equal(result$breakpoints, c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6))

test_that("create_rt_data throws error for invalid inputs", {
  expect_error(create_rt_data(rt_opts(rw = 2)),
               "breakpoints must be supplied when using random walk")

test_that("create_rt_data handles future projections correctly", {
  result <- create_rt_data(rt_opts(future = "project"), horizon = 7)
  expect_equal(result$future_fixed, 0)
  expect_equal(result$fixed_from, 0)
  expect_equal(result$future_time, 7)

test_that("create_rt_data handles zero sum breakpoints", {
  result <- create_rt_data(rt_opts(use_breakpoints = TRUE), 
                           breakpoints = rep(0, 5))
  expect_equal(result$bp_n, 0)

test_that("create_rt_data adjusts breakpoints for horizon", {
  result <- create_rt_data(rt_opts(rw = 2, future = "latest"), 
                           breakpoints = rep(1, 10),
                           horizon = 3)
  expect_equal(result$breakpoints, c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4))

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EpiNow2 documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 5:09 p.m.