Man pages for EpiNow2
Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying Epidemiological Parameters

add_day_of_weekAdds a day of the week vector
adjust_infection_to_reportAdjust from Case Counts by Infection Date to Date of Report
allocate_delaysAllocate Delays into Required Stan Format
allocate_emptyAllocate Empty Parameters to a List
backcalc_optsBack Calculation Options
bootstrapped_dist_fitFit a Subsampled Bootstrap to Integer Values and Summarise...
calc_CrICalculate Credible Interval
calc_CrIsCalculate Credible Intervals
calc_summary_measuresCalculate All Summary Measures
calc_summary_statsCalculate Summary Statistics
c.dist_specCombines multiple delay distributions for further processing
clean_nowcastsClean Nowcasts for a Supplied Date
clean_regionsClean Regions
construct_outputConstruct Output
convert_to_logmeanConvert mean and sd to log mean for a log normal distribution
convert_to_logsdConvert mean and sd to log standard deviation for a log...
copy_results_to_latestCopy Results From Dated Folder to Latest
create_backcalc_dataCreate Back Calculation Data
create_clean_reported_casesCreate Clean Reported Cases
create_future_rtConstruct the Required Future Rt assumption
create_gp_dataCreate Gaussian Process Data
create_initial_conditionsCreate Initial Conditions Generating Function
create_obs_modelCreate Observation Model Settings
create_rt_dataCreate Time-varying Reproduction Number Data
create_shifted_casesCreate Delay Shifted Cases
create_stan_argsCreate a List of Stan Arguments
create_stan_dataCreate Stan Data Required for estimate_infections
create_stan_delaysCreate delay variables for stan
delay_optsDelay Distribution Options
dist_fitFit an Integer Adjusted Exponential, Gamma or Lognormal...
dist_skelDistribution Skeleton
dist_specSpecify a distribution.
dist_spec_plusCreates a delay distribution as the sum of two other delay...
epinowReal-time Rt Estimation, Forecasting and Reporting
EpiNow2-packageEpiNow2: Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying...
estimate_delayEstimate a Delay Distribution
estimate_infectionsEstimate Infections, the Time-Varying Reproduction Number and...
estimates_by_report_dateEstimate Cases by Report Date
estimate_secondaryEstimate a Secondary Observation from a Primary Observation
estimate_truncationEstimate Truncation of Observed Data
example_confirmedExample Confirmed Case Data Set
expose_stan_fnsExpose internal package stan functions in R
extract_CrIsExtract Credible Intervals Present
extract_initsGenerate initial conditions from a Stan fit
extract_parameterExtract Samples for a Parameter from a Stan model
extract_parameter_samplesExtract Parameter Samples from a Stan Model
extract_stan_paramExtract a Parameter Summary from a Stan Object
extract_static_parameterExtract Samples from a Parameter with a Single Dimension
filter_optsFilter Options for a Target Region
fit_model_with_nutsFit a Stan Model using the NUTs sampler
fit_model_with_vbFit a Stan Model using Variational Inference
forecast_secondaryForecast Secondary Observations Given a Fit from...
format_fitFormat Posterior Samples
gamma_dist_defGenerate a Gamma Distribution Definition Based on Parameter...
generation_time_optsGeneration Time Distribution Options
generation_timesLiterature Estimates of Generation Times
get_distGet a Literature Distribution
get_generation_timeGet a Literature Distribution for the Generation Time
get_incubation_periodGet a Literature Distribution for the Incubation Period
get_raw_resultGet a Single Raw Result
get_regional_resultsGet Combined Regional Results
get_regionsGet Folders with Results
get_regions_with_most_reportsGet Regions with Most Reported Cases
get_seeding_timeEstimate seeding time from delays and generation time
gp_optsApproximate Gaussian Process Settings
growth_to_RConvert Growth Rates to Reproduction numbers.
incubation_periodsLiterature Estimates of Incubation Periods
init_cumulative_fitGenerate initial conditions by fitting to cumulative cases
lognorm_dist_defGenerate a Log Normal Distribution Definition Based on...
make_confFormat Credible Intervals
map_prob_changeCategorise the Probability of Change for Rt
match_output_argumentsMatch User Supplied Arguments with Supported Options
mean.dist_specReturns the mean of one or more delay distribution
obs_optsObservation Model Options
opts_listReturn an _opts List per Region
plot_CrIsPlot EpiNow2 Credible Intervals
plot.dist_specPlot PMF and CDF for a dist_spec object
plot.epinowPlot method for epinow
plot.estimate_infectionsPlot method for estimate_infections
plot_estimatesPlot Estimates
plot.estimate_secondaryPlot method for estimate_secondary
plot.estimate_truncationPlot method for estimate_truncation
plot_summaryPlot a Summary of the Latest Results
plus-.dist_specCreates a delay distribution as the sum of two other delay...
print.dist_specPrints the parameters of one or more delay distributions
process_regionProcess regional estimate
process_regionsProcess all Region Estimates
regional_epinowReal-time Rt Estimation, Forecasting and Reporting by Region
regional_runtimesSummarise Regional Runtimes
regional_summaryRegional Summary Output
report_casesReport case counts by date of report
report_plotsReport plots
report_summaryProvide Summary Statistics for Estimated Infections and Rt
rstan_optsRstan Options
rstan_sampling_optsRstan Sampling Options
rstan_vb_optsRstan Variational Bayes Options
R_to_growthConvert Reproduction Numbers to Growth Rates
rt_optsTime-Varying Reproduction Number Options
run_regionRun epinow with Regional Processing Code
sample_approx_distApproximate Sampling a Distribution using Counts
save_estimate_infectionsSave Estimated Infections
save_inputSave Observed Data
secondary_optsSecondary Reports Options
set_dt_single_threadSet to Single Threading
setup_default_loggingSetup Default Logging
setup_dtConvert to Data Table
setup_futureSet up Future Backend
setup_loggingSetup Logging
setup_target_folderSetup Target Folder for Saving
simulate_infectionsSimulate infections using a given trajectory of the...
simulate_secondarySimulate a secondary observation
stan_optsStan Options
summarise_key_measuresSummarise rt and cases
summarise_resultsSummarise Real-time Results
summary.epinowSummary output from epinow
summary.estimate_infectionsSummary output from estimate_infections
trunc_optsTruncation Distribution Options
tune_inv_gammaTune an Inverse Gamma to Achieve the Target Truncation
update_horizonUpdates Forecast Horizon Based on Input Data and Target
update_listUpdate a List
update_secondary_argsUpdate estimate_secondary default priors
EpiNow2 documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:11 p.m.