
Defines functions recombination_sbx

Documented in recombination_sbx

#' /sbx recombination for DE
#' Implements the "/sbx" (Simulated Binary) recombination for the ExpDE 
#' framework
#' @section Recombination Parameters:
#' The \code{recpars} parameter contains all parameters required to define the 
#' recombination. \code{recombination_sbx()} understands the following field in 
#' \code{recpars}:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{eta} : spread factor.\cr
#'    Accepts numeric value \code{eta > 0}.
#'  }
#' @section References:
#' K. Price, R.M. Storn, J.A. Lampinen, "Differential Evolution: A 
#' Practical Approach to Global Optimization", Springer 2005\cr
#' F. Herrera, M. Lozano, A. M. Sanchez, "A taxonomy for the crossover
#' operator for real-coded genetic algorithms: an experimental study", 
#' International Journal of Intelligent Systems 18(3) 309-338, 2003.\cr
#' K. Deb, R.B. Agrawal, "Simulated binary crossover for continuous search 
#' space", Complex Systems (9):115-148, 1995.
#' @param X population matrix (original)
#' @param M population matrix (mutated) 
#' @param recpars recombination parameters (see \code{Recombination parameters} 
#' for details)
#' @return Matrix \code{U} containing the recombined population
#' @export

recombination_sbx <- function(X, M, recpars) {

  # ========== Error catching and default value definitions
  assertthat::assert_that(is.matrix(X), is.numeric(X),
                          is.matrix(M), is.numeric(M),
                          assertthat::are_equal(dim(X), dim(M)),
                          assertthat::has_name(recpars, "eta"),
                          recpars$eta > 0)
  # ==========
  R <- randM(X)
  S <- R <= 0.5

  #Define beta parameters
  mexp <- (1 / (recpars$eta + 1))
  beta <- S * ((2 * R) ^ mexp) + (!S) * ((2 * (1 - R)) ^ mexp)
  # Return recombined population
  dir  <- sign(0.5 - matrix(rep(stats::runif(nrow(X)),
                                times = ncol(X)),
                            ncol = ncol(X)))
  return(0.5 * ((1 + dir * beta) * X + (1 - dir * beta) * M ))

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ExpDE documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:11 a.m.