
Defines functions mmKnapsackIntegerized mmKnapsack

Documented in mmKnapsack mmKnapsackIntegerized

mmKnapsack <- function(maxCore = 7L, len, itemsProfits, itemsCosts, capacities, heuristic = FALSE, tlimit = 60, useBiSrchInFB = FALSE, threadLoad = 8L, verbose = TRUE)
  profitResv = itemsProfits
  costResv = itemsCosts
  capacityResv = capacities
  lenResv = len

  d = length(capacities)
  mV = itemsCosts

  fixedSize = T
  if(len == 0)
    fixedSize = F
    len = nrow(mV)
    mV = as.matrix(rbind(matrix(numeric(len * d), ncol = d), mV))
    itemsProfits = c(numeric(len), itemsProfits)
    backout = function(x, len){sort(x[x > len] - len)}

  N = length(itemsProfits)
  minCosts = 0
  mTarget = (capacities + minCosts) / 2
  mME = (capacities - minCosts) / 2
  if(!all(mME >= 0)) stop("Minimal costs surpass capacities")

  shouldConjugate = F
  if(2L * len > N)
    shouldConjugate = T
    len = N - len
    itemsProfits = max(itemsProfits) - itemsProfits
    capacities = 0 - (colSums(mV) - capacities)
    mV = as.matrix(0 - mV)
    minV = apply(mV, 2, function(x) min(x))
    mV = apply(mV, 2, function(x) x - min(x))
    capacities = capacities - minV * len
    minCosts = apply(mV, 2, function(x) sum(sort(x)[1L : len]))
    mTarget = (capacities + minCosts) / 2
    mME = (capacities - minCosts) / 2

  theOrder = order(itemsProfits)
  profits = itemsProfits[theOrder]
  mV = as.matrix(mV[theOrder, ])
  rst = z_mTargetMatForKnapsack(len, mV, mTarget, mME)
  mV = rst$mV
  targetMat = rst$targetMat
  mME = rst$mME

  dimnames(mV) = NULL
  # return(list(len = len, mV = mV, profits = profits, targetMat = targetMat, mME = mME))

  rst = z_Gknapsack(len, mV, numeric(0), profits, targetMat, mME, 1L : len, (N - len + 1L) : N, tlimit, useBiSrchInFB, maxCore, threadLoad, verbose, heuristic)

  if(rst[1] == 1L & rst[length(rst)] == 1L) return(list())

  # rst = theOrder[rst$optimalSelection]
  rst = theOrder[rst]
    tmp = 1L : N
    rst = tmp[-rst]
  if(!fixedSize) rst = backout(rst, len)

  selectionProfit = sum(profitResv[rst])
  if(ncol(costResv) > 1L) selectionCosts = colSums(costResv[rst, ])
  else selectionCosts = sum(costResv[rst, ])
  list(solution = rst, selectionCosts = selectionCosts, budgets = capacityResv, selectionProfit = selectionProfit, unconstrainedMaxProfit = sum(sort(profitResv)[(length(profitResv) - lenResv + 1L) : length(profitResv)]))

mmKnapsackIntegerized <- function(maxCore = 7L, len, itemsProfits, itemsCosts, capacities, heuristic = FALSE, precisionLevel = integer(length(capacities)), returnBeforeMining = FALSE, tlimit = 60, useBiSrchInFB = FALSE, threadLoad = 8L, verbose = TRUE)
  profitResv = itemsProfits
  costResv = itemsCosts
  capacityResv = capacities
  lenResv = len

  if(.Machine$sizeof.pointer == 4L)
    message("32-bit architecture unsupported")

  d = length(capacities)
  mV = itemsCosts

  # substract minima
    minV = apply(mV, 2L, function(x) min(x))
    mV = apply(mV, 2L, function(x) x - min(x))
    capacities = capacities - len * minV

  fixedSize = T
  if(len == 0)
    fixedSize = F
    len = nrow(mV)
    mV = rbind(matrix(numeric(len * d), ncol = d), mV)
    itemsProfits = c(numeric(len), itemsProfits)
    backout = function(x, len){sort(x[x > len] - len)}

  N = length(itemsProfits)
  minCosts = apply(mV, 2, function(x) sum(sort(x)[1L : len]))
  mTarget = (capacities + minCosts) / 2
  mME = (capacities - minCosts) / 2
  if(!all(mME >= 0)) stop("Minimal costs surpass capacities")

  shouldConjugate = F
  if(2L * len > N)
    shouldConjugate = T
    len = N - len
    itemsProfits = max(itemsProfits) - itemsProfits
    capacities = 0 - (colSums(mV) - capacities)
    mV = as.matrix(0 - mV)
    minV = apply(mV, 2, function(x) min(x))
    mV = apply(mV, 2, function(x) x - min(x))
    capacities = capacities - minV * len
    minCosts = apply(mV, 2, function(x) sum(sort(x)[1L : len]))
    mTarget = (capacities + minCosts) / 2
    mME = (capacities - minCosts) / 2

  # integerize
    tmp = z_integerize(len, mV, mTarget, mME, precisionLevel)
    mV = tmp$integerized
    mTarget = tmp$target
    mME = tmp$ME
    minV = apply(mV, 2, function(x) min(x))
    mV = apply(mV, 2, function(x) x - min(x))
    mTarget = mTarget - minV * len

  INT = list(len = len, mV = mV, mTarget = mTarget, mME = mME)

  theOrder = order(itemsProfits)
  profits = itemsProfits[theOrder]
  mV = as.matrix(mV[theOrder, ])
  rst = z_mTargetMatForKnapsackINT(len, mV, mTarget, mME)
  mV = rst$mV
  targetMat = rst$targetMat
  mME = rst$mME

  dimnames(mV) = NULL

  # subtract minima again
    minV = mV[1, ]
    mV = apply(mV, 2, function(x) x - x[1])
    tmp = minV * as.integer(len)
    targetMat = apply(targetMat, 2, function(x) x - tmp)
    dimnames(mV) = NULL
    dimnames(targetMat) = NULL
    dimnames(mME) = NULL

  targetMatAndMaxMag = z_filterTargetFindLargestMagnitude(len, mV, targetMat, mME)
  targetMat = targetMatAndMaxMag$targetMat
  maxMag = targetMatAndMaxMag$maxMag

  # crunch integers
    tmp = z_crunchIntegers(len, mV, targetMat, mME, maxMag = maxMag)
    mV = tmp$mV
    targetMat = tmp$targetMat
    mME = tmp$mME
    maskV = tmp$maskV

  tlimit = tlimit * maxCore

  if(verbose) cat("Dimensionality reduced from", ncol(INT$mV) + 1L, "to", ncol(mV), "\n")
  if(returnBeforeMining) return(list(solution = integer(0), INT = c(INT, list(compressedDim = ncol(mV)))))

  rst = z_Gknapsack(len, mV, maskV, profits, targetMat, mME, 1L : len, (N - len + 1L) : N, tlimit, useBiSrchInFB, maxCore, threadLoad, verbose, heuristic)

  if(rst[1] == 1L & rst[length(rst)] == 1L) return(list(soltution = integer(0), selectionCosts = NA, budgets = capacityResv, selectionProfit = NA, unconstrainedMaxProfit = sum(sort(profitResv)[(length(profitResv) - lenResv + 1L) : length(profitResv)]), INT = c(INT, list(compressedDim = ncol(mV)))))

  rst = theOrder[rst]
    tmp = 1L : N
    rst = tmp[-rst]
  if(!fixedSize) rst = backout(rst, len)

  selectionProfit = sum(profitResv[rst])
  if(ncol(costResv) > 1L) selectionCosts = colSums(costResv[rst, ])
  else selectionCosts = sum(costResv[rst, ])

  list(solution = rst, selectionCosts = selectionCosts, budgets = capacityResv, selectionProfit = selectionProfit, unconstrainedMaxProfit = sum(sort(profitResv)[(length(profitResv) - lenResv + 1L) : length(profitResv)]), INT = c(INT, list(compressedDim = ncol(mV))))

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