
Defines functions psdAdd.formula psdAdd.default

Documented in psdAdd.default psdAdd.formula

#' @title Creates a vector of Gabelhouse lengths for each species in an entire data frame.
#' @description Creates a vector of the Gabelhouse lengths specific to a species for all individuals in an entire data frame.
#' @param len A numeric vector that contains lengths measurements or a formula of the form \code{len~spec} where \dQuote{len} generically represents the length variable and \dQuote{spec} generically represents the species variable. Note that this formula can only contain two variables and must have the length variable on the left-hand-side and the species variable on the right-hand-side.
#' @param species A character or factor vector that contains the species names. Ignored if \code{len} is a formula.
#' @param data A data.frame that minimally contains the length measurements and species names if \code{len} is a formula.
#' @param units A string that indicates the type of units used for the lengths. Choices are \code{mm} for millimeters (DEFAULT), \code{cm} for centimeters, and \code{in} for inches.
#' @param use.names A logical that indicates whether the vector returned is numeric (\code{=FALSE}) or string (\code{=TRUE}; default) representations of the Gabelhouse lengths. See details.
#' @param addSpec A character vector of species names for which \code{addLens} will be provided.
#' @param addLens A numeric vector of lengths that should be used in addition to the Gabelhouse lengths for the species in \code{addSpec}. See examples.
#' @param verbose A logical that indicates whether detailed messages about species without Gabelhouse lengths or with no recorded values should be printed or not.
#' @param \dots Not used.
#' @details This computes a vector that contains the Gabelhouse lengths specific to each species for all individuals in an entire data frame. The vector can be appended to an existing data.frame to create a variable that contains the Gabelhouse lengths for each individual. The Gabelhouse length value will be \code{NA} for each individual for which Gabelhouse length definitions do not exist in \code{\link{PSDlit}}. Species names in the data.frame must be the same as those used in \code{\link{PSDlit}}. See the examples for one method for changing species names to something that this function will recognize.
#' Individuals shorter than \dQuote{stock} length will be listed as \code{substock} if \code{use.names=TRUE} or \code{0} if \code{use.names=FALSE}.
#' Additional lengths to be used for a species may be included by giving a vector of species names in \code{addSpec} and a corresponding vector of additional lengths in \code{addLens}. Note, however, that \code{use.names} will be reset to \code{FALSE} if \code{addSpec} and \code{addLens} are specified, as there is no way to order the names for all species when additional lengths are used.
#' @return A numeric or factor vector that contains the Gabelhouse length categories.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @section IFAR Chapter: 6-Size Structure.
#' @seealso \code{\link{psdVal}}, \code{\link{psdCalc}}, \code{\link{psdPlot}}, \code{\link{PSDlit}}, and \code{\link{wrAdd}} for related functions. See \code{\link[plyr]{mapvalues}} for help in changing species names to match those in \code{\link{PSDlit}}.
#' @references Ogle, D.H. 2016. \href{https://fishr-core-team.github.io/fishR/pages/books.html#introductory-fisheries-analyses-with-r}{Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R}. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
#' Guy, C.S., R.M. Neumann, and D.W. Willis. 2006. New terminology for proportional stock density (PSD) and relative stock density (RSD): proportional size structure (PSS). Fisheries 31:86-87. [Was (is?) from http://pubstorage.sdstate.edu/wfs/415-F.pdf.]
#' Guy, C.S., R.M. Neumann, D.W. Willis, and R.O. Anderson. 2006. Proportional size distribution (PSD): A further refinement of population size structure index terminology. Fisheries 32:348. [Was (is?) from http://pubstorage.sdstate.edu/wfs/450-F.pdf.]
#' Willis, D.W., B.R. Murphy, and C.S. Guy. 1993. Stock density indices: development, use, and limitations. Reviews in Fisheries Science 1:203-222. [Was (is?) from http://web1.cnre.vt.edu/murphybr/web/Readings/Willis\%20et\%20al.pdf.]
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ## Create random data for three species
#' # only for repeatability
#' set.seed(345234534)
#' dbg <- data.frame(species=factor(rep(c("Bluegill"),30)),
#'                   tl=round(rnorm(30,130,50),0))
#' dbg$wt <- round(4.23e-06*dbg$tl^3.316+rnorm(30,0,10),1)
#' dlb <- data.frame(species=factor(rep(c("Largemouth Bass"),30)),
#'                   tl=round(rnorm(30,350,60),0))
#' dlb$wt <- round(2.96e-06*dlb$tl^3.273+rnorm(30,0,60),1)
#' dbt <- data.frame(species=factor(rep(c("Bluefin Tuna"),30)),
#'                   tl=round(rnorm(30,1900,300),0))
#' dbt$wt <- round(4.5e-05*dbt$tl^2.8+rnorm(30,0,6000),1)
#' df <- rbind(dbg,dlb,dbt)
#' str(df)
#' ## Examples (non-dplyr)
#' # Add variable using category names -- formula notation
#' df$PSD <- psdAdd(tl~species,data=df)
#' head(df)
#' # Add variable using category names -- non-formula notation
#' df$PSD1 <- psdAdd(df$tl,df$species)
#' head(df)
#' # Add variable using length values as names
#' df$PSD2 <- psdAdd(tl~species,data=df,use.names=FALSE)
#' head(df)
#' # Add additional length and name for Bluegill
#' df$PSD3 <- psdAdd(tl~species,data=df,addSpec="Bluegill",addLens=175)
#' head(df)
#' # Add add'l lengths and names for Bluegill and Largemouth Bass from a data.frame
#' addls <- data.frame(species=c("Bluegill","Largemouth Bass","Largemouth Bass"),
#'                     lens=c(175,254,356))
#' df$psd4 <- psdAdd(tl~species,data=df,addSpec=addls$species,addLens=addls$lens)
#' head(df)
#' ## All of the above but using dplyr
#' if (require(dplyr)) {
#'   df <- df %>%
#'     mutate(PSD1A=psdAdd(tl,species)) %>%
#'     mutate(PSD2A=psdAdd(tl,species,use.names=FALSE)) %>%
#'     mutate(psd3a=psdAdd(tl,species,addSpec="Bluegill",addLens=175)) %>%
#'     mutate(psd4a=psdAdd(tl,species,addSpec=addls$species,addLens=addls$lens))
#' }
#' df
#' @rdname psdAdd
#' @export
psdAdd <- function (len,...) {

#' @rdname psdAdd
#' @export
psdAdd.default <- function(len,species,units=c("mm","cm","in"),use.names=TRUE,
                           addSpec=NULL,addLens=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...) {
  ## Some checks
  units <- match.arg(units)
  if (!is.numeric(len)) STOP("'len' must be numeric.")
  if (!inherits(species,c("character","factor")))
    STOP("'species' must be character or factor.")
  if (!is.null(addSpec)) {
    if (is.null(addLens)) {
      WARN("'addSpec' is not NULL when 'addLens' is NULL; made 'addSpec' NULL.")
      addSpec <- NULL
    use.names <- FALSE
  ## Prepare the PSD literature values data frame
  PSDlit <- FSA::PSDlit
  ##  Find species that have known Gabelhouse lengths
  # get list of species in data
  specs <- unique(species)
  GLHSspecs <- specs[specs %in% unique(PSDlit$species)]
  ## Create data.frames with species that are NA and w/o Gabelhouse lengths and
  ## one with Gabelhouse lengths. The loop below will then start with a 
  ## the non-Gabelhouse species and sequentially add the Gabelhouse fish 
  # Create data.frame with length, species, rownumbers, and PSD values (blank)
  # - rownumbers is needed to get back the original order
  # - PSD will eventually have the Gabelhouse length categories
  data <- data.frame(len,species,rownums=seq_along(len),PSD=rep(NA,length(len)))
  # data.frame where species is NA and doesn't have Gabelhousee length
  ndata <- data[is.na(data$species) | !data$species %in% GLHSspecs,]
  if (verbose & nrow(ndata)>0)
    message("No known Gabelhouse (PSD) lengths for: ",unique(ndata$species))
  # data.frame where species have Gabelhouse lengths ... make sure no NAs
  data <- data[data$species %in% GLHSspecs,]
  data <- data[!is.na(data$species),]

  ## Cycle through each species where PSD values are known, add PSD categories
  ## and append to data.frame that contained species w/o Gabelhouse lengths
  for (i in seq_along(GLHSspecs)) {
    # isolate a data.frame with the current species
    tmpdf <- data[data$species==GLHSspecs[i],]
    # add Gabelhouse lengths ... put in additional lengths if they are provided
    if (GLHSspecs[i] %in% addSpec)
      tmpAddLens <- addLens[which(addSpec==GLHSspecs[i])]
    else tmpAddLens <- NULL
    # get the Gabelhouse length categories
    glhse <- psdVal(GLHSspecs[i],units=units,addLens=tmpAddLens)
    # computes the Gabelhouse length categories and adds to the data frame
    if (all(is.na(tmpdf$len))) {
      if (verbose) message("All values in 'len' were missing for ",GLHSspecs[i])
      tmpdf$PSD <- tmpdf$len
    } else tmpdf$PSD <- lencat(tmpdf$len,breaks=glhse,
    # bind current species to the new data frame being created
    ndata <- rbind(ndata,tmpdf)
  ## reorder the data.frame to match original rows
  ndata <- ndata[order(ndata$rownums),]
  ## factor the PSD variable if using category names
  if (use.names) 
    ndata$PSD <- factor(ndata$PSD,
  ## return just the vector of PSD values

#' @rdname psdAdd
#' @export
psdAdd.formula <- function(len,data=NULL,units=c("mm","cm","in"),use.names=TRUE,
                           addSpec=NULL,addLens=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...) {
  ## Perform some checks on the formula
  tmp <- iHndlFormula(len,data,expNumR=1,expNumE=1,expNumENums=0,expNumEFacts=1)
  if (tmp$vnum!=2)
    STOP("'len' must have one variable on the left-hand-side\n",
         "and one variable on the right-hand-side.")
  if (!tmp$metExpNumR)
    STOP("'len' must have a left-hand-side with one and only one variable.")
  if (!(tmp$Rclass %in% c("numeric","integer")))
    STOP("Variable on left-hand-side of 'len' is not numeric",
         " (thus, not lengths).")
  if (!tmp$metExpNumE)
    STOP("'len' must have a right-hand-side with one and only one variable.")
  if (!tmp$metExpNumEFacts)
    STOP("'len' must have one and only one factor variable (species)",
         " on right-hand-side.")
  ## Send to default method

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