
Defines functions LasVegas

Documented in LasVegas

# Probabilistic Searchs
#' @author Francisco Aragón Royón
#' @title Las Vegas
#' @description Generates a search function based on Las Vegas algorithm. This function is called internally within the \code{\link{searchAlgorithm}} function. The LasVegas method  \insertCite{LiuSetiono1996}{FSinR} starts with a certain set of features and in each step a new set is randomly generated, if the new set is better it is saved as the best solution. The algorithm ends when there are no improvements in a certain number of iterations.
#' @param start Binary vector with the set of initial features (1: selected and 0: unselected) for the algorithm
#' @param K The maximum number of iterations without improvement to finalize the algorithm
#' @param verbose Print the partial results in each iteration
#' @return Returns a search function that is used to guide the feature selection process.
#' @references
#'    \insertAllCited{}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## The direct application of this function is an advanced use that consists of using this 
#' # function directly and performing a search process in a feature space
#' ## Classification problem
#' # Generates the filter evaluation function
#' filter_evaluator <- filterEvaluator('determinationCoefficient')
#' # Generates the search function with Las Vegas
#' LV_search <- LasVegas()
#' # Performs the search process directly (parameters: dataset, target variable and evaluator)
#' LV_search(iris, 'Species', filter_evaluator)
#' }
LasVegas <- function(start = NULL, K = 50, verbose = FALSE) {
  LasVegasSearch <- function(data, class, featureSetEval){
    if (attr(featureSetEval, 'kind') == "Individual measure") {
      stop('Only feature set measures can be used');
    # Check parameters
    if(K < 1) stop('The minimum number of executions must be at least 1')
    # Function to generate new subset
    generateRandomSubset <- function(){
        subset <- sample(0:1,ncol(data)-1,replace=TRUE)
    # Extract and eliminate the class to have only the features in the variable 'features' 
    column.names <- names(data) 
    class.position <- which(column.names == class) 
    features <- column.names[-class.position]  
    # Check for maximization-minimization
    metricTarget <- attr(featureSetEval,'target')
      max <- TRUE
    }else if(metricTarget=="minimize"){
      max <- FALSE
    }else{ # Metric is not specified
      # Wrapper methods use by default RMSE for regression and Acuraccy for classification (in filter methods the metric is always specified)
      max <- ifelse(is.factor(data[,class]), TRUE, FALSE)
    # Initialize params
    k <- 0 # Number of iterations without improvement
    iter <- 0 # Number of total iterations
    # If the initial feature set is not passed, it is generated randomly
      start <- sample(0:1,ncol(data)-1,replace=TRUE)  
        start <- sample(0:1,ncol(data)-1,replace=TRUE)
    # List with results
    res <- list(NULL)
    res[[1]] <- NA
    res[[2]] <- NA
    res[[3]] <- start 
    res[[4]] <- NA
    ncol <- 3 + length(start)
    res[[5]] <- matrix(rep(NA,ncol), ncol=ncol, dimnames = list(c(),c(c("iter", "k"), paste0("x", 1:(length(start))), c("fitness"))))
    names(res) <- c("bestFeatures","bestFitness","initialVector","initialFitness","trace") 
    best.features <- start
    best.value <- featureSetEval(data, class, features[which(start==1)])
    res[[4]] <- best.value
    C <- length(which(start==1)) # Number of features
      cat(paste("LVW | InitialVector = ",paste(best.features,collapse="")," | InitialFitness = ",round(best.value,7),"\n"))
      # generate new subset
      new_subset <- generateRandomSubset() 
      C1 <- length(which(new_subset==1))
      # Obtain the new fitness
      new.value <- featureSetEval(data, class, features[which(new_subset==1)])
      if(max){ # Classification -> maximize
        better <- new.value > best.value     
      }else{ # Regression -> minimize
        better <- new.value < best.value  
      if( (better) || ((new.value == best.value) && (C1<C)) ){
        k <- 0
        best.value <- new.value
        best.features <- new_subset
        C <- C1
        k <- k + 1       
      iter <- iter + 1
      # Print the partial results
        cat(paste("LVW | iter = ",iter," | k = ",k," | Vector = ",paste(new_subset,collapse="")," | Fitness = ",round(new.value,7), " | Best_Vector = ",paste(best.features,collapse="")," | Best_Fitness = ",round(best.value,7),"\n") )
      # Save the iteration results
        res$trace[iter,] <- c(iter, k, best.features, best.value)
        res$trace <- rbind(res$trace, c(iter, k, best.features, best.value))    
    # List with results
    best.set.aux <- matrix(best.features, ncol=(ncol(data)-1), byrow=FALSE, dimnames=list(c(),features))
    res[[1]] <- best.set.aux
    res[[2]] <- best.value
  attr(LasVegasSearch,'shortName') <- "lv"
  attr(LasVegasSearch,'name') <- "Las Vegas"

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FSinR documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 5:10 p.m.