
Defines functions plot_layout

#' Generates field layouts plots
#' @description It generates field layout plots for experimental designs.
#' @param x A FielDHub object.
#' @param layout Type of layout field.
#' @param planter option to order of planter
#' @param l a specific location
#' @param stacked order of reps in the field layout
#' @author Didier Murillo [aut],
#'         Salvador Gezan [aut],
#'         Ana Heilman [ctb],
#'         Thomas Walk [ctb], 
#'         Johan Aparicio [ctb], 
#'         Richard Horsley [ctb]
#' @return A list with four elements.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{out_layout} is the layout plot.
#'   \item \code{fieldBookXY} is a data frame with the field book design.
#'   \item \code{newBooks} is a list with the all field books combinations.
#' }
#' @references
#' Kevin Wright (2020). desplot: Plotting Field Plans for Agricultural Experiments. R package version 1.8.
#' https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=desplot
#' @noRd
plot_layout <- function(
    x = NULL, 
    layout = 1,
    planter = "serpentine", 
    l = 1, 
    stacked = "vertical") {
    if (!inherits(x,"FielDHub")) stop("x is not a FielDHub class object") 
    if (missing(layout)) layout <- 1
    if (missing(planter)) planter <- "serpentine"
    if (missing(l)) l <- 1
    if (missing(stacked)) stacked <- "vertical"
    locations <- factor(x$fieldBook$LOCATION, levels = unique(x$fieldBook$LOCATION))
    loc_levels <- levels(locations)
    locs_available <- length(loc_levels)
    if (!missing(l)) {
        if (l < 1 || l %% 1 != 0) {
        stop("l must be a positive integer!")
    } else stop(" l is missing!")
    if (locs_available > 1) {
        message <- "locations!"
    } else {
        message <- "location!"
    if (l > locs_available) {
        message(cat("\n", " Option for location is not available!", "\n", "\n",
                    "***************************************************", "\n",
                    "***************************************************", "\n", "\n",
                    "The randomization was done only with:", locs_available, message, "\n", "\n",
                    "***************************************************", "\n",
    if (x$infoDesign$id_design %in% c(10, 11, 12, 8, 5, 6)) {
        if (x$infoDesign$id_design %in% c(10, 11, 12, 8)) {
            n_TrtGen <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$ENTRY)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
            sizeIblocks <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$UNIT)
            iBlocks <- n_TrtGen / sizeIblocks
            return0 <- plot_iblocks_1(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                    sizeIblocks = sizeIblocks, iBlocks = iBlocks, 
                                    layout = layout, planter = planter,
                                    l = l, stacked = stacked)
        if (is.null(return0)) return(NULL)
        } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 5) {
            if (x$infoDesign$typeDesign == "RCBD") {
                wp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$WHOLE_PLOT)
                sp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$SUB_PLOT)
                n_TrtGen <- wp * sp
                n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
                sizeIblocks <- sp
                iBlocks <- wp
                return0 <- plot_splitPlots(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                            sizeIblocks = sizeIblocks, iBlocks = iBlocks, 
                                            layout = layout, planter = planter,
                                            l = l, stacked = stacked)
                if (is.null(return0)) return(NULL)
            } else {
                wp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$WHOLE_PLOT)
                sp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$SUB_PLOT)
                n_TrtGen <- wp * sp
                n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
                return0 <- plot_CRD(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, 
                                    n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                    layout = layout, 
                                    planter = planter, l = l)
                if (is.null(return0)) return(NULL)
        } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 6) {
            if (x$infoDesign$typeDesign == "RCBD") {
                wp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$WHOLE_PLOT)
                sp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$SUB_PLOT)
                ssp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$SUB_SUB_PLOT)
                n_TrtGen <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$TRT_COMB)
                n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
                sizeIblocks <- ssp
                sizeIblocks <- as.numeric(sizeIblocks)
                iBlocks <- wp * sp
                return0 <- plot_splitPlots(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                            sizeIblocks = sizeIblocks, iBlocks = iBlocks, 
                                            layout = layout, planter = planter, 
                                            l = l)
                if (is.null(return0)) return(NULL)
            } else {
                wp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$WHOLE_PLOT)
                sp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$SUB_PLOT)
                ssp <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$SUB_SUB_PLOT)
                n_TrtGen <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$TRT_COMB)
                n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
                return0 <- plot_CRD(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, 
                                    n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                    layout = layout, 
                                    planter = planter, l = l)
                if (is.null(return0)) return(NULL)
        return(list(out_layout = return0$p1, 
                    out_layoutPlots = return0$p2, 
                    fieldBookXY = return0$df, 
                    newBooks = return0$newBooks, 
                    allSitesFieldbook = return0$allSitesFieldbook))
    } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design %in% c(1, 2, 4)) {
        if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 1) {
            n_TrtGen <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$TREATMENT)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
            return <- plot_CRD(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                            layout = layout, 
                            planter = planter, l = 1)
            if (is.null(return)) return(NULL)
            return(list(out_layout = return$p1, out_layoutPlots = return$p2, fieldBookXY = return$df, 
                        newBooks = return$newBooks, allSitesFieldbook = return$allSitesFieldbook))
        } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 2) {
            n_TrtGen <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$TREATMENT)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
            return <- plot_RCBD(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, 
                                n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                layout = layout, 
                                planter = planter, 
                                stacked = stacked,
                                l = l)
            if (is.null(return)) return(NULL)
            return(list(out_layout = return$p1, out_layoutPlots = return$p2, fieldBookXY = return$df, 
                        newBooks = return$newBooks, allSitesFieldbook = return$allSitesFieldbook))
        } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 4 & x$infoDesign$kind == "RCBD") {
            n_TrtGen <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$TRT_COMB)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
            return <- plot_RCBD(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, n_Reps = n_Reps, layout = layout, 
                            planter = planter, stacked = stacked, l = l)
            if (is.null(return)) return(NULL)
            return(list(out_layout = return$p1, out_layoutPlots = return$p2, fieldBookXY = return$df, 
                        newBooks = return$newBooks, allSitesFieldbook = return$allSitesFieldbook))
        } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 4 & x$infoDesign$kind == "CRD") {
            n_TrtGen <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$TRT_COMB)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
            return <- plot_CRD(x = x, n_TrtGen = n_TrtGen, n_Reps = n_Reps, layout = layout, 
                            planter = planter, l = l)
            if (is.null(return)) return(NULL)
            return(list(out_layout = return$p1, out_layoutPlots = return$p2, fieldBookXY = return$df, 
                        newBooks = return$newBooks, allSitesFieldbook = return$allSitesFieldbook))

    } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design %in% c(3, 7, 9)) {
        if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 3) {
            rsRep <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$COLUMN)
            csRep <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$ROW)
            dims <- c(rsRep, csRep)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$SQUARE)
            return2 <- plot_latinSQ(
                x = x, 
                dims = dims, 
                n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                layout = layout, 
                planter = planter, 
                l = l, 
                stacked = stacked
        if (is.null(return2)) return(NULL)
        } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 7) {
            rsRep <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$HSTRIP)
            csRep <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$VSTRIP)
            dims <- c(rsRep, csRep)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
            return2 <- plot_latinSQ(x = x, dims = dims, 
                                    n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                    layout = layout,
                                    planter = planter, 
                                    l = l, 
                                    stacked = stacked)
            if (is.null(return2)) return(NULL)
        } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 9) {
            rsRep <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$ROW)
            csRep <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$COLUMN)
            dims <- c(rsRep, csRep)
            n_Reps <- dplyr::n_distinct(x$fieldBook$REP)
            return2 <- plot_latinSQ(x = x, dims = dims, 
                                    n_Reps = n_Reps, 
                                    layout = layout,
                                    planter = planter, 
                                    l = l, 
                                    stacked = stacked)
            if (is.null(return2)) return(NULL)
        return(list(out_layout = return2$p1, out_layoutPlots = return2$p2, fieldBookXY = return2$df, 
                    newBooks = return2$newBooks, allSitesFieldbook = return2$allSitesFieldbook))
    } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 13 || x$infoDesign$id_design == "MultiPrep") {
        return_prep <- plot_prep(x = x, l = l)
        return(list(out_layout = return_prep$p1, 
                    allSitesFieldbook = return_prep$allSitesFieldbook))
    } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 14) {
        return_arcbd <- plot_augmented_RCBD(x = x, l = l)
        return(list(out_layout = return_arcbd$p1, 
                    allSitesFieldbook = return_arcbd$allSitesFieldbook))
    } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 15 || x$infoDesign$id_design == "Sparse") {
        return_diagonal <- plot_diagonal_arrangement(x = x, l = l)
                out_layout = return_diagonal$p1, 
                allSitesFieldbook = return_diagonal$allSitesFieldbook
    } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 16) {
        return_optim <- plot_optim(x = x, l = l)
        return(list(out_layout = return_optim$p1, 
                    allSitesFieldbook = return_optim$allSitesFieldbook))

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FielDHub documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 1:07 a.m.