
Defines functions plot_splitPlots

#' plot_splitPlots 
#' @description A utils function
#' @return The return value, if any, from executing the utility.
#' @noRd
plot_splitPlots <- function(x = NULL, n_TrtGen = NULL, n_Reps = NULL, 
                            sizeIblocks, iBlocks = NULL, layout = 1,
                            stacked = "vertical", 
                            planter = "serpentine", l = 1) {
  site <- l
  locations <- factor(x$fieldBook$LOCATION, levels = unique(x$fieldBook$LOCATION))
  nlocs <- length(levels(locations))
  newBooksLocs <- vector(mode = "list", length = nlocs)
  countLocs <- 1
  books0 <- list(NULL)
  books1 <- list(NULL)
  books2 <- list(NULL)
  books3 <- list(NULL)
  books4 <- list(NULL)
  books5 <- list(NULL)
  books6 <- list(NULL)
  for (locs in levels(locations)) {
    NewBook <- x$fieldBook %>%
      dplyr::filter(LOCATION == locs)
    plots <- NewBook$PLOT
    w <- 1:(sizeIblocks*n_Reps)
    u <- seq(1, length(w), by = sizeIblocks)
    v <- seq(sizeIblocks, length(w), by = sizeIblocks)
    z <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_Reps)
    for (j in 1:n_Reps) {
      z[[j]] <- c(rep(u[j]:v[j], times = iBlocks))
    z <- unlist(z)
    if (stacked == "vertical") {
      x$bookROWCol <- NewBook %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(ROW = z,
                      COLUMN = rep(rep(1:iBlocks, each = sizeIblocks), n_Reps))
      df0 <- x$bookROWCol
      # df0 <- df0[order(df0$ROW, decreasing = FALSE), ]
      # nCols <- max(df0$COLUMN)
      # newPlots <- planter_transform(plots = plots, planter = planter, reps = n_Reps, 
      #                               cols = nCols, units = NULL)
      # df0$PLOT <- newPlots
      books0[[1]] <- df0
      if ((sizeIblocks %% 2 == 0 || sqrt(sizeIblocks) %% 1 == 0) & iBlocks %% 2 != 0) {
        r <- numbers::primeFactors(iBlocks)
        if (length(r) > 2) r <- c(r[1], prod(r[2:length(r)]))
        if (length(r) == 1) r <- c(1,r)
        y <- numbers::primeFactors(sizeIblocks)
        if (sizeIblocks == 2) y <- c(1, y)
        if (length(y) > 1) {
          if (length(y) == 2) {
            y1 <- y
            y2 <- rev(y)
            Y <- unique(data.frame(rbind(y1, y2)))
            dm <- nrow(Y)
          if (length(y) > 2) {
            y1 <- c(y[1], prod(y[2:length(y)]))
            y2 <- rev(y1)
            y3 <- c(prod(y[1:length(y)-1]), y[length(y)])
            y4 <- rev(y3)
            Y <- unique(data.frame(rbind(y1, y2, y3, y4)))
            dm <- nrow(Y)
        books1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = dm)
        for (k in 1:dm) {
          s1 <- as.numeric(Y[k,][1])
          s2 <- as.numeric(Y[k,][2])
          w_r <- 1:(r[1]*s1*n_Reps)
          u_r <- seq(1, length(w_r), by = s1)
          v_r <- seq(s1, length(w_r), by = s1)
          z_rows <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_Reps*r[1])
          for (j in 1:(n_Reps*r[1])) {
            z_rows[[j]] <- rep(c(rep(u_r[j]:v_r[j], each = s2)), times = r[2])
          z_rows <- unlist(z_rows)
          # COLUMN:
          w_c <- 1:(r[2]*s2)
          u_c <- seq(1, length(w_c), by = s2)
          v_c <- seq(s2, length(w_c), by = s2)
          z_cols <- vector(mode = "list", length = r[2])
          for (i in 1:r[2]) {
            z_cols[[i]] <- c(rep(u_c[i]:v_c[i], times = s1))
          z_cols <- unlist(z_cols)
          z_cols_new <- rep(z_cols, times = r[1]*n_Reps)
          x$bookROWCol <- NewBook %>%
            dplyr::mutate(ROW = z_rows,
                          COLUMN = z_cols_new)
          df <- x$bookROWCol
          # df <- df[order(df$ROW, decreasing = FALSE), ]
          # nCols <- max(df$COLUMN)
          # newPlots <- planter_transform(plots = plots, planter = planter, reps = n_Reps, 
          #                               cols = nCols, units = NULL)
          # df$PLOT <- newPlots
          books1[[k]] <- df
      if ((sizeIblocks %% 2 == 0 || sqrt(sizeIblocks) %% 1 == 0) & iBlocks %% 2 == 0) {
        r <- numbers::primeFactors(iBlocks)
        if (length(r) > 2) r <- c(prod(r[1:length(r)-1]), r[length(r)])
        if (length(r) == 1) r <- c(1,r)
        y <- numbers::primeFactors(sizeIblocks)
        if (sizeIblocks == 2) y <- c(1, y)
        if (length(y) > 1) {
          if (length(y) == 2) {
            y1 <- y
            y2 <- rev(y)
            Y <- unique(data.frame(rbind(y1, y2)))
            dm <- nrow(Y)
          if (length(y) > 2) {
            y1 <- c(y[1], prod(y[2:length(y)]))
            y2 <- rev(y1)
            y3 <- c(prod(y[1:length(y)-1]), y[length(y)])
            y4 <- rev(y3)
            Y <- unique(data.frame(rbind(y1, y2, y3, y4)))
            dm <- nrow(Y)
        books2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = dm)
        for (k in 1:dm) {
          s1 <- as.numeric(Y[k,][1])
          s2 <- as.numeric(Y[k,][2])
          w_r <- 1:(r[1]*s1*n_Reps)
          u_r <- seq(1, length(w_r), by = s1) # y[1]
          v_r <- seq(s1, length(w_r), by = s1) # y[1]
          z_rows <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_Reps*r[1])
          for (j in 1:(n_Reps*r[1])) {
            z_rows[[j]] <- rep(c(rep(u_r[j]:v_r[j], each = s2)), times = r[2]) # y[2]
          z_rows <- unlist(z_rows)
          # COLUMN:
          w_c <- 1:(r[2]*s2) # y[2]
          u_c <- seq(1, length(w_c), by = s2) # y[2]
          v_c <- seq(s2, length(w_c), by = s2) # y[2]
          z_cols <- vector(mode = "list", length = r[2])
          for (i in 1:r[2]) {
            z_cols[[i]] <- c(rep(u_c[i]:v_c[i], times = s1)) # y[1]
          z_cols <- unlist(z_cols)
          z_cols_new <- rep(z_cols, times = r[1]*n_Reps)
          x$bookROWCol <- NewBook %>%
            dplyr::mutate(ROW = z_rows,
                          COLUMN = z_cols_new)
          df <- x$bookROWCol
          # df <- df[order(df$ROW, decreasing = FALSE), ]
          # nCols <- max(df$COLUMN)
          # newPlots <- planter_transform(plots = plots, planter = planter, reps = n_Reps, 
          #                               cols = nCols, units = NULL)
          # df$PLOT <- newPlots
          books2[[k]] <- df
      if (iBlocks %% 2 == 0) {
        r <- numbers::primeFactors(iBlocks)
        if (iBlocks == 2) r <- c(1,r)
        r <- rev(r)
        if (length(r) > 1) {
          if (length(r) == 2) {
            r1 <- r
            r2 <- rev(r)
            R <- unique(data.frame(rbind(r1, r2)))
            dm <- nrow(R)
          if (length(r) > 2) {
            r1 <- c(r[1], prod(r[2:length(r)]))
            r2 <- rev(r1)
            r3 <- c(prod(r[1:length(r)-1]), r[length(r)])
            r4 <- rev(r3)
            R <- unique(data.frame(rbind(r1, r2, r3, r4)))
            dm <- nrow(R)
        books3 <- vector(mode = "list", length = dm)
        y <- numbers::primeFactors(sizeIblocks)
        if (sizeIblocks == 2) y <- c(1, y)
        for (k in 1:dm) {
          w1 <- as.numeric(R[k,][1])
          w2 <- as.numeric(R[k,][2])
          if (length(y) == 1) y <- c(2,y)
          if (length(y) > 2) y <- c(y[1], prod(y[2:length(y)]))
          w_r <- 1:(w1*n_Reps) # r[1]
          u_r <- seq(1, length(w_r), by = w1) # r[1]
          v_r <- seq(w1, length(w_r), by = w1) # r[1]
          z_rows <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_Reps)
          for (j in 1:(n_Reps)) {
            z_rows[[j]] <- c(rep(u_r[j]:v_r[j], each = w2*sizeIblocks)) # r[2]
          z_rows <- unlist(z_rows)
          # COLUMN:
          w_c <- 1:(w2*sizeIblocks) # r[2]
          z_cols <- vector(mode = "list", length = n_Reps)
          for (i in 1:n_Reps) {
            z_cols[[i]] <- rep(w_c, times = w1) # r[1]
          z_cols <- as.vector(unlist(z_cols))
          z_cols_new <- z_cols
          x$bookROWCol <- NewBook %>%
            dplyr::mutate(ROW = z_rows,
                          COLUMN = z_cols_new)
          df <- x$bookROWCol
          # df <- df[order(df$ROW, decreasing = FALSE), ]
          # nCols <- max(df$COLUMN)
          # newPlots <- planter_transform(plots = plots, planter = planter, reps = n_Reps, 
          #                               cols = nCols, units = NULL)
          # df$PLOT <- newPlots
          books3[[k]] <- df
    } else if (stacked == "horizontal") {
      x$bookROWCol <- NewBook %>%
        dplyr::mutate(ROW = rep(rep(1:iBlocks, each = sizeIblocks), n_Reps),
                      COLUMN = z)
      df4 <- x$bookROWCol
      #df4 <- df4[order(df4$ROW, decreasing = FALSE), ]
      # nRows <- max(df4$ROW)
      # nCols <- max(df4$COLUMN)
      # newPlots <- planter_transform(plots = plots, planter = planter, reps = n_Reps, cols = nCols,
      #                               mode = "Horizontal", units = NULL)
      # df4$PLOT <- newPlots
      books4[[1]] <- df4
    }else if (stacked == "grid_panel") {
      if (n_Reps > 2) {
        if (n_Reps %% 2 == 0 || sqrt(n_Reps) %% 1 == 0) {
          t <- numbers::primeFactors(n_Reps)
          nROWs <- t[1] * sizeIblocks
          s <- t[1]
          nCols <- t[length(t)] * iBlocks
          if (length(t) > 2) {
            s <- t[1] * t[2]
            nROWs <- s * sizeIblocks
          n0 <- t[length(t)]
          w0 <- 1:(nROWs)
          u0 <- seq(1, length(w0), by = sizeIblocks)
          v0 <- seq(sizeIblocks, length(w0), by = sizeIblocks)
          z0 <- vector(mode = "list", length = s)
          for (j in 1:(s)) {
            z0[[j]] <- rep(c(rep(u0[j]:v0[j], times = iBlocks)), n0)
          z0 <- unlist(z0)
          x$bookROWCol <- NewBook %>%
            dplyr::mutate(ROW = z0,
                          COLUMN = rep(rep(1:nCols, each = sizeIblocks), s))
          df5 <- x$bookROWCol
          books5[[1]] <- df5
          nROWs <- t[2] * sizeIblocks
          s <- t[2]
          nCols <- t[1] * iBlocks
          if (length(t) > 2) {
            s <- t[2] * t[3]
            nROWs <- s * sizeIblocks
          n0 <- t[1]
          w0 <- 1:(nROWs)
          u0 <- seq(1, length(w0), by = sizeIblocks)
          v0 <- seq(sizeIblocks, length(w0), by = sizeIblocks)
          z0 <- vector(mode = "list", length = s)
          for (j in 1:(s)) {
            z0[[j]] <- rep(c(rep(u0[j]:v0[j], times = iBlocks)), n0)
          z0 <- unlist(z0)
          x$bookROWCol <- NewBook %>%
            dplyr::mutate(ROW = z0,
                          COLUMN = rep(rep(1:nCols, each = sizeIblocks), s))
          df6 <- x$bookROWCol
          if (sqrt(n_Reps) %% 1 == 0) {
            books6[[1]] <- NULL
          } else books6[[1]] <- df6
    books <- c(books0, books1, books2, books3, books4, books5, books6)
    newBooks <- books[!sapply(books,is.null)]
    newBooksLocs[[countLocs]] <- newBooks
    countLocs <- countLocs + 1
  opt <- layout
  newBooksSelected <- newBooksLocs[[site]]
  opt_available <- 1:length(newBooksSelected)
  if (all(opt_available != opt)) {
                " Option for layout is not available!", "\n", "\n",
                "*********************************************", "\n",
                "*********************************************", "\n", "\n",
                "Layout options available for this design are:", "\n", "\n",
                opt_available, "\n", "\n",
                "*********************************************", "\n",
  df1 <- newBooksSelected[opt]
  df <- as.data.frame(df1)
  if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 5) {
    allSites <- vector(mode = "list", length = nlocs)
    for (st in 1:nlocs) {
      newBooksSelected_1 <- newBooksLocs[[st]]
      df_1 <- newBooksSelected_1[opt]
      allSites[[st]] <- as.data.frame(df_1)
    allSitesFieldbook <- dplyr::bind_rows(allSites)
    allSitesFieldbook <- allSitesFieldbook[,c(1:3,8,9,4:7)]
    df <- df[,c(1:3,8,9,4:7)]
    df$WHOLE_PLOT <- as.factor(df$WHOLE_PLOT)
    df$SUB_PLOT <- as.factor(df$SUB_PLOT)
    df$TRT_COMB <- factor(df$TRT_COMB, levels = unique(df$TRT_COMB))
    df$REP <- as.factor(df$REP)
    # Plot field layout
    rows <- max(as.numeric(df$ROW))
    cols <- max(as.numeric(df$COLUMN))
    ds <- "Split Plot Design (RCBD) " 
    main <- paste0(ds, rows, "X", cols)
    p1 <- desplot::desplot(TRT_COMB ~ COLUMN + ROW, flip = FALSE, # TRT_COMB
                           text = TRT_COMB, 
                           cex = 1,
                           shorten = "no",
                           out1 = REP,
                           #out1 = WHOLE_PLOT,
                           #col = WHOLE_PLOT,
                           #out1.gpar = list(col = "black"), 
                           out1.gpar = list(col = "grey"),
                           data = df, 
                           xlab = "COLUMNS", 
                           ylab = "ROWS",
                           main = main, 
                           show.key = FALSE, 
                           gg = TRUE)
    p2 <- desplot::desplot(REP ~ COLUMN + ROW, flip = FALSE,
                           out1 = REP,
                           out2.gpar=list(col = "gray50", lwd = 1, lty = 1),
                           text = PLOT, cex = 1, shorten = "no",
                           data = df, xlab = "COLUMNS", ylab = "ROWS",
                           main = main, 
                           show.key = FALSE,
                           key.cex = 0.7, 
                           gg = TRUE)
  } else if (x$infoDesign$id_design == 6) {
    allSites <- vector(mode = "list", length = nlocs)
    for (st in 1:nlocs) {
      newBooksSelected_1 <- newBooksLocs[[st]]
      df_1 <- newBooksSelected_1[opt]
      allSites[[st]] <- as.data.frame(df_1)
    allSitesFieldbook <- dplyr::bind_rows(allSites)
    allSitesFieldbook <- allSitesFieldbook[,c(1:3,9,10,4:8)]
    df <- df[,c(1:3,9,10,4:8)]
    df$WHOLE_PLOT <- as.factor(df$WHOLE_PLOT)
    df$SUB_PLOT <- as.factor(df$SUB_PLOT)
    df$SUB_SUB_PLOT <- as.factor(df$SUB_SUB_PLOT)
    df$TRT_COMB <- as.factor(df$TRT_COMB)
    df$REP <- as.factor(df$REP)
    # Plot field layout
    rows <- max(as.numeric(df$ROW))
    cols <- max(as.numeric(df$COLUMN))
    ds <- "Split-Split Plot Design (RCBD) " 
    main <- paste0(ds, rows, "X", cols)

    p1 <- desplot::desplot(TRT_COMB ~ COLUMN + ROW, flip = FALSE,
                           out1 = REP,
                           out2 = WHOLE_PLOT,
                           col = WHOLE_PLOT,
                           out1.gpar = list(col = "black",lwd = 1, lty = 3),
                           #out2.gpar=list(col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 1),
                           text = TRT_COMB, 
                           cex = 1, 
                           shorten = "no",
                           data = df, 
                           xlab = "COLUMNS", 
                           ylab = "ROWS",
                           main = main, 
                           show.key = FALSE, 

    p2 <- desplot::desplot(REP ~ COLUMN + ROW, flip = FALSE,
                           out1 = REP,
                           out2.gpar=list(col = "gray50", lwd = 1, lty = 1),
                           text = PLOT, cex = 1, shorten = "no",
                           data = df, xlab = "COLUMNS", ylab = "ROWS",
                           main = main, 
                           show.key = FALSE, key.cex = 0.7, 
                           gg = TRUE)
  return(list(p1 = p1, p2 = p2, df = df, 
              newBooks = newBooksSelected, 
              allSitesFieldbook = allSitesFieldbook))

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FielDHub documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 1:07 a.m.