
Defines functions struc.aliased recalc.alias.block

Documented in recalc.alias.block struc.aliased

## utility functions in support of valid and readable 
## alias info in the summary for block and splitplot designs
## old versions (before FrF2 2.0) at the top
## new versions at the bottom of the file

recalc.alias.block <- function(dia,leg){
## dia is the aliased element of a blocked or split plot design without the legend element
## leg is the separate legend element
    hilf <- lapply(dia, function(obj) strsplit(obj, ":", fixed=TRUE))
    leg <- lapply(leg, function(obj) unlist(strsplit(obj, "=", fixed=TRUE)))
    leg.c <- sapply(leg, function(obj) obj[1])
    leg.n <- sapply(leg, function(obj) obj[2])
    hilf <- lapply(hilf, function(obj) lapply(obj, function(obj2) sort(leg.c[which(leg.n %in% obj2)])))
    hilf <- lapply(hilf, function(obj) obj[ord(data.frame(sapply(obj, length)))])
    unlist(sort(unlist(sapply(hilf, function(obj) {
        ## vector of elements to be equated
        hilf <- paste(sapply(obj, function(obj2) paste(obj2, collapse="")), collapse="=")
        hilf[ord(data.frame(nchar(hilf), hilf))]

struc.aliased <- function(struc, nk, order){
        ## nk distinguishes Letters (nk<=50) or F1, F2, ...
        struc <- sapply(struc, function(obj) {
            if (length(grep("^-", obj)) == 1) {
                obj <- gsub("-", "~", obj)
                obj <- gsub("=", "=-", obj)
                obj <- gsub("=-~", "=", obj)
                obj <- gsub("~", "", obj)
        names(struc) <- NULL
        if (nk <= 50) {
            wme <- grep("^[[:alpha:]]=[[:alpha:][:punct:]]*", 
            wme2 <- grep("^[[:alpha:]]{2}=[[:alpha:][:punct:]]*", 
            if (order == 3) 
                wme3 <- grep("^[[:alpha:]]{3}=[[:alpha:][:punct:]]*", 
        else {
            wme <- grep("^F[[:digit:]]+=F[[:digit:][:punct:]]*", 
            wme2 <- grep("^F[[:digit:]]+:F[[:digit:]]+=F[[:digit:][:punct:]]*", 
            if (order == 3) 
                wme3 <- grep("^F[[:digit:]]+:F[[:digit:]]+:F[[:digit:]]+=F[[:digit:][:punct:]]*", 
        if (order == 2) 
            aus <- list(main = sort(struc[wme]), fi2 = sort(struc[wme2]))
        else aus <- list(main = sort(struc[wme]), fi2 = sort(struc[wme2]), 
            fi3 = sort(struc[wme3]))

recalc.alias.block.new <- function (dia, leg=NULL) 
  ## dia was in factor names before aliases was replaced by blockfull
  ## leg is not needed here any more
  ## blockfull so far only treats up to 50 factors
  ## 30 July 2019
  ## April 2020: restriction to 50 factors removed;
  ##             return with colons, remove colons later
  ##             otherwise, struc.aliased.new does not work
  if (is.list(dia)){ 
    return(unname(sapply(dia, function(obj){
      #obj <- gsub(":","", obj)
      paste(obj, collapse="=")
  else return(dia) #return(gsub(":", "", dia))

struc.aliased.new <- function (struc, nk, order) 
  ## struc is the outcome of recalc.alias.block.new
  if (nk <= 50) {
    struc <- unname(sapply(struc, function(obj) gsub(":", "", obj)))
    wme <- grep("^[[:alpha:]]=[[:alpha:][:punct:]]*", 
    wme2 <- grep("^[[:alpha:]]{2}=[[:alpha:][:punct:]]*", 
    if (order == 3) 
      wme3 <- grep("^[[:alpha:]]{3}=[[:alpha:][:punct:]]*", 
  else {
    wme <- grep("^F[[:digit:]]+=F[[:digit:][:punct:]]*", 
    wme2 <- grep("^F[[:digit:]]+:F[[:digit:]]+=F[[:digit:][:punct:]]*", 
    if (order == 3) 
      wme3 <- grep("^F[[:digit:]]+:F[[:digit:]]+:F[[:digit:]]+=F[[:digit:][:punct:]]*", 
  if (order == 2) 
    aus <- list(main = sort(struc[wme]), fi2 = sort(struc[wme2]))
  else aus <- list(main = sort(struc[wme]), fi2 = sort(struc[wme2]), 
                   fi3 = sort(struc[wme3]))
  ## remove ':'
  #if (nk <= 50) aus <- lapply(aus, function(obj) gsub(":","",obj))

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FrF2 documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 9:08 a.m.