
Defines functions collatz_fun collatz aliquot

Documented in aliquot collatz

# aliquot:  the sum all proper divisors of a number from that number to get the next number.  A[j+1] = sum(divisors(A[j]))
# is closely tied in w/ sociable and amicable numbers.  Remember 1 is a proper divisor

#TODO: put in a test for cyclic behavior and terminate on same, indicating this happened
# n.b. cycle of 2 is "amicable" and cycle of 3 or more is "sociable" . If takes a few terms to fall into  cycle, "aspiring" 
 aliquot<-function(x, maxiter=100) {
  # Need some sort of input validation, but might well want to feed a bigZ input.
  x <-as.bigz(x)
 aliseq[1]<- as.bigz(x)
 for (j in 2: maxiter) {
 #  In case sfsmisc is loaded, get the right one
 #  gmp::factorize() returns x when x is prime. 
	primfacs <- (gmp::factorize(aliseq[j-1]))
# if it's prime, then primfacs is of length one, so can kill the loop off.
	if (length(primfacs) <= 2) {
	# if length is 2, there's only one possible sum; if length==1, it's prime
	# added that "unique" for perfect squares of primes 
		aliseq[j] <- (1*(!(length(primfacs)-1)) + (length(primfacs)-1)*(sum(unique(primfacs))+1))
		} else { 
			allfacs<-unique(primfacs) #just save the primes once
			for (k in 2:(length(primfacs)-1) ) {
# calc all possible factors for all "depths" of combinations
# sadly, combn(..simplify=TRUE) can't handle nonatomic types
# fudgefix (submitted request to CRAN for fix to combn) - 
				combtmp <- combn(primfacs,k,FUN = prod,simplify=FALSE)
				newfacs <- rep(as.bigz(0),length(combtmp))
				for (jcom in 1:length(combtmp)){
					newfacs[jcom] <- prod(combtmp[[jcom]])
#	<use when combn upgraded>	newfacs <- unique(combn(as.numeric(primfacs),k,prod)) 
#	browser()
			aliseq[j] <- sum(c(allfacs,1))
#			aliseq[j] <- aliseq[j-1] - sum(c(allfacs,1))
		if (aliseq[j] <= 1) return(invisible(aliseq[!is.na(aliseq)])) 
#check HERE for repetition 
#TODO: fix this for cyclic rep by comparing [j] term with all previous terms, and if found,
# calculate how long the cycle is.  E.g.,starting with 6 or 220 or 1,264,460
		if (aliseq[j] == aliseq[j-1]){
#TODO: do i want to try to find cyclic pattern reps? 
# if get here, either incomplete or periodicity happened. 
warning("cyclic or not converged")

# Hailstone / Collatz sequence
# If the current number is even, divide it by two; else if it is odd, multiply it by three and add one.   Convergence is < 200 for starts < 10 million or so.
# Fixes Nov 2022:  return truncated 'y' since nobody wants to see zeros; 
# Also, as with the "collatz" library, allow the 3,2,1 parameters to be adjusted if desired.
# Add a check whether we fell into a cycle, i.e. a value y[k] is repeated 
# and finally, 'maxKnown' lets you select an integer for which you know 1:maxKnown all converge, so you can stop there

# also: WhyTF so much slower than hailstone?  Need to analyze - 
collatz<-function(x, div=2, mul=3, add= 1, maxKnown=1, maxiter = 1000) {
x <- as.bigz(x[1])  #silent dumping
# dma <- as.bigz(c(div,mul,add))
maxKnown <- as.bigz(floor(maxKnown))
cyclic = FALSE

# ?? could it possibly be that creating and manipulating a long bigz vector is my mess?
# ?? is  K[[j]] faster than K[j] for bigz ops???
#  y<-rep(as.bigz(0),maxiter)
y <- x
# unlikely but could a while( jj<maxiter && !cyclic)  work better?
for (jj in 2:maxiter) {
#	browser()
# is as.numeric causing the timepig? Can I do the other if(y%%div != 0) to avoid casting?
#	y[[jj]] <- if( as.numeric( y[[jj-1]]%%dma[[1]] ) ) y[[jj-1]] * dma[[2]] + add else y[[jj-1]] %/% dma[[1]]
#  will making this a subfunc help by reducing [[.bigz ops?,
# or just not converting dma to bigz?    		
#	y[[jj]] <- if(  y[[jj-1]] %% div != 0 )  y[[jj-1]] * mul + add else y[[jj-1]] %/% div	
	y[[jj]] <- collatz_fun(y[[jj-1]],div,mul,add)
   # bigz/bigz returns a bigq even if that bigq has denominator 1
    # so we do a divq, "%/%", instead of div, to just get the bigz.
	if (y[[jj]] <= maxKnown   ) break 

# now check for cycles, keeeping in mind bigz doesn't play nice with %in%  . BUT, since
# y[jj] is  a single value, any() will work here

	if(any(y[[jj]] == y[[1:(jj-1)]]))	{
		cyclic = TRUE
	if (jj >= maxiter) 	warning('not converged (yet)')
	return(invisible(list(y = y, div = div, mul=mul, add= add, cyclic = cyclic) ) )

collatz_fun <- function(n, d, m, a){
	if (n%%d ==0 ) ( n %/% d ) else (m*n) +a

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FunWithNumbers documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 1:06 a.m.