
Defines functions funclust

Documented in funclust

#' @description This function run clustering algorithm for multivariate functional data.
#'@details There is multiple kind of running the function funclust.  
#' The first one is to run the function with fixed dimensions among all iteration of the algorithm. 
#' (parameter fixedDimenstion). fixedDimension must be an integer vector of size K (number of cluster).
#' If the user gives a not integer value in fixedDimension, then this value will be convert automatically to
#' an integer one for examplethe, the algorithm will run with a dimension 2 instead of 2.2 given by user. 
#' The second one is to run it with a dimensions variying according to the results of the scree test
#' (parameter increaseDimension). If increaseDimension = true, then the dimensions will be constraint to 
#' only increase between to consecutuves iterations of the algorithm. else the values of the dimensions 
#' will be the results of the scree test.
#' @title funclust, clustering multivariate functional data
#' @param fd in the univariate case fd is an object from a class fd of fda package. 
#' Otherwise, in the multivariate case, fd is a list of fd objects (fd=list(fd1,fd2,..)). 
#' @param K the number of clusters.
#' @param thd the threshold in the Cattell scree test used to select the numbers of principal components retained for the approximation of the probability density of the functional data.
#' @param increaseDimension A logical parameter. If FALSE, the numbers of principal components are selected at each step of the algorithm according to the Cattell scree test.
#' If TRUE, only an increase of the numbers of principal components are allowed.  
#' @param hard A logical parameter. If TRUE, the algorithm is randomly initialized with
#' "hard" cluster membership (each curves is randomly assigned to one of the clusters). 
#' if FALSE, "soft" cluster membership are used (the cluster membership probabilities are randomly choosen in the K-simplex).
#' @param fixedDimension A vector of size K which contains the numbers of principal components in the case 
#' of fixed numbers of principal components.  
#'  @param epsilon The stoping criterion for the EM-like algorithm: the algorithm is stopped if the difference between 
#' 	two successive loglikelihood is less than epsilon.
#' @param nbInit The number of small-EM used to determine the intialization of the main EM-like algorithm.
#' @param nbIterInit The maximum number of iterations for each small-EM.
#' @param nbIteration The maximum number of iteration in the main EM-like algorithm.
#' @return a list containing:
#' tik: conditional probabilities of cluster membership for each observation
#' cls: the estimated partition,
#' proportions: the mixing proportions,
#' loglikelihood: the final value of the approximated likelihood,
#' loglikTotal: the values of the approximated likelihood along the EM-like algorithm (not necessarily increasing),
#' aic, bic, icl: model selection criteria,
#' dimensions: number of principal components, used in the functional data probability density approximation, selected for each clusters,
#' dimTotal: values of the number of principal components along the EM-like algorithm,
#' V: principal components variances per cluster

#' @export 
#' @examples 
#' data(growth)
#' data=cbind(matrix(growth$hgtm,31,39),matrix(growth$hgtf,31,54));
#' t=growth$age;
#' splines <- create.bspline.basis(rangeval=c(1, max(t)), nbasis = 20,norder=4);
#' fd <- Data2fd(data, argvals=t, basisobj=splines);
#' # with varying dimensions (according to the results of the scree test) 
#' res=funclust(fd,K=2)
#' summary(res)
#' # with fixed dimensions
#' res=funclust(fd,K=2,fixedDimension=c(2,2))
#' # Multivariate (deactivated by default to comply with CRAN policies)
#' # ---------  CanadianWeather (data from the package fda) --------
#' # CWtime<- 1:365
#' # CWrange<-c(1,365)
#' # CWbasis <- create.fourier.basis(CWrange, nbasis=65)
#' # harmaccelLfd <- vec2Lfd(c(0,(2*pi/365)^2,0), rangeval=CWrange)
#' # -- Build the curves ---
#' # temp=CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Temperature.C"]
#' # CWfd1 <- smooth.basisPar(
#' # CWtime, CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Temperature.C"],CWbasis, 
#' # Lfdobj=harmaccelLfd, lambda=1e-2)$fd
#' # precip=CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Precipitation.mm"]
#' # CWfd2 <- smooth.basisPar(
#' # CWtime, CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Precipitation.mm"],CWbasis, 
#' # Lfdobj=harmaccelLfd, lambda=1e-2)$fd
#' # CWfd=list(CWfd1,CWfd2) 
#' # res=funclust(CWfd,K=2)
#' @useDynLib Funclustering

funclust <- function(fd,K,thd=0.05,increaseDimension=FALSE,hard=FALSE,fixedDimension=integer(0),
	#cheking for functional data object
		stop("fd is missing.")
	#cheking if fd is an univariate or multivariate fd obj
		for(i in 1:length(fd)){
				stop("the dimension ", i , " of the multivarite object is not a functional data object")
		# getting the coefs and basisProd
			# getting the coefs and basisProd
			stop("fd is not a functional data object")
	#cheking for K
		stop("the parameter K is required")
	#cheking for fixedDimension
	if (length(fixedDimension) > 0){
		# if the user give a not integer value in fixedDimension, it will be convert in integer
		fixedDimension = as.integer(fixedDimension)
		#fixedDimension must contain only the numeric values
		if (class(fixedDimension) !=  "integer"){
			stop("fixedDimention must contain only the integer values")
		#fixedDimension must be a vector of size K
		if(length(fixedDimension) != K){
			stop("the length of fixedDimension must be equal to K")
	# create an input obj
	# create an output obj
  # warning message:in multivariate it should be better to put increaseDimension to TRUE
	if(class(fd)=="list" && increaseDimension==FALSE){
	  warning("For multivariate functional data, choose preferably increaseDimension=TRUE")
	### call the c++ function for running algo:
  #keep in "V" the smallest number of zeros
  #check if there is an empty class
	if (outpobj@empty==TRUE){
    warning("Convergence of the algorithm to a solution with at least one empty cluster.
            Restart or a choose a smaller value for K = ",K)

  meanList <- list()
	#creating mean output objects : meanj : mean curve class j
	if(class(fd) == "fd"){
    tempList <- list()
    for (currClass in 1:K){
      mean1       = fd
      mean1$coefs = fd$coefs %*% outpobj@tik[, currClass] / sum(outpobj@tik[, currClass])
      mean1$reps  = paste("mean", currClass, sep="")
      tempList[[currClass]] <- mean1
    meanList[[1]] <- tempList
    for (i in 1:length(fd)){
      tempList <- list()
      for (currClass in 1:K){
        mean1       = fd[[i]]
        mean1$coefs = fd[[i]]$coefs %*% outpobj@tik[, currClass] / sum(outpobj@tik[, currClass])
        mean1$reps  = paste("mean", currClass, sep="")
        tempList[[currClass]] <- mean1
      meanList[[i]] <- tempList
  # stores the result in a list
	outputList = list(tik           = outpobj@tik,
                    cls           = outpobj@cls,
	                  proportions   = outpobj@proportions,
	                  loglikelihood = outpobj@loglikelihood,
	                  loglikTotal   = outpobj@loglikTotal,
	                  aic           = outpobj@aic,
	                  bic           = outpobj@bic,
	                  icl           = outpobj@icl,
	                  dimensions    = outpobj@dimensions,
	                  dimTotal      = outpobj@dimTotal,
	                  V             = V,
	                  meanList      = meanList

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Funclustering documentation built on Nov. 25, 2018, 1:04 a.m.