
Defines functions ConfidenceBands

Documented in ConfidenceBands

ConfidenceBands <- function(object, B = 10000L, probs = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.9, 0.99), ...) {

    iB = B

    vPw = object@Estimates$optimiser$pars
    iT = object@ModelInfo$iT
    iK = object@ModelInfo$iK
    Data = getObs(object)
    Dist = getDist(object)
    DType = DistType(Dist)
    ScalingType = getScalingType(object)

    vCov = ginv(object@Estimates$optimiser$hessian)/iT

    mPw = rmvnorm_mat(iB, vPw, vCov)

    mTheta = getFilteredParameters(object)

    cTheta = array(0, dim = c(iT + 1L, iB + 1L, iK), dimnames = list(1:(iT + 1L), 1:(iB + 1L), colnames(mTheta)))
    cTheta[, 1L, ] = mTheta

    for (b in 2:(iB + 1L)) {
        vPw_foo = mPw[b - 1L, ]
        names(vPw_foo) = names(vPw)

        lParList = vPw2lPn_Uni(vPw_foo, iK)
        lParList = AddFixedPar(lParList)

        if (DType == "univariate")
            cTheta[, b, ] = t(GASFilter_univ(Data, lParList$vKappa, lParList$mA, lParList$mB, iT, iK,
                Dist, ScalingType)$mTheta)
        if (DType == "multivariate")
            cTheta[, b, ] = t(GASFilter_multi(Data, lParList$vKappa, lParList$mA, lParList$mB, iT, nrow(Data),
                iK, Dist, ScalingType)$mTheta)


    cQuantile = array(0, dim = c(iT + 1L, length(probs), iK), dimnames = list(1:(iT + 1L), paste("q",
        probs, sep = ""), colnames(mTheta)))

    for (k in 1:iK) {
        cQuantile[, , k] = t(apply(cTheta[, , k], 1L, quantile, probs = probs))

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GAS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:13 p.m.