Man pages for GGally
Extension to 'ggplot2'

add_and_overwrite_aesAdd new aes
add_ref_boxesAdd reference boxes around each cell of the glyphmap.
add_ref_linesAdd reference lines for each cell of the glyphmap.
australia_PISA2012Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012...
baseballYearly batting records for all major league baseball players
brew_colorsRColorBrewer Set1 colors
broomifyBroomify a model
column_is_characterGet vector of variable types from data frame
eval_data_colEvaluate data column
find_plot_typeFind plot types
fleaHistorical data used for classification examples.
fn_switchFunction switch
getPlotSubset a 'ggmatrix' object
get_x_axis_labelsGet x axis labels
gg-addModify a 'ggmatrix' object by adding an 'ggplot2' object to...
ggally_autopointScatterplot for continuous and categorical variables
ggally_barDiagBar plot
ggally_blankBlank plot
ggally_boxBox plot
ggally_colbarColumn and row bar plots
ggally_corCorrelation value plot
ggally_cor_v1_5Correlation value plot
ggally_countDisplay counts of observations
ggally_crossPlots the number of observations
ggally_crosstableDisplay a cross-tabulated table
ggally_densityBivariate density plot
ggally_densityDiagUnivariate density plot
ggally_denstripTile plot with facets
ggally_diagAxisInternal axis labels for ggpairs
ggally_dotGrouped dot plot
ggally_dot_and_boxBox and dot plot
ggally_facetbarFaceted bar plot
ggally_facetdensityFaceted density plot
ggally_facetdensitystripDensity or tiles plot with facets
ggally_facethistFaceted histogram
ggally_naNA plot
ggally_nostic_cooksd'ggnostic' Cook's distance
ggally_nostic_hat'ggnostic' leverage points
ggally_nostic_line'ggnostic' background line with geom
ggally_nostic_resid'ggnostic' residuals
ggally_nostic_se_fit'ggnostic' fitted value's standard error
ggally_nostic_sigma'ggnostic' leave one out model sigma
ggally_nostic_std_resid'ggnostic' standardized residuals
GGally-packageGGally: Extension to 'ggplot2'
ggally_pointsScatter plot
ggally_ratioMosaic plot
ggally_smoothScatter plot with a smoothed line
ggally_statisticGeneralized text display
ggally_summarise_bySummarize a continuous variable by each value of a discrete...
ggally_tableDisplay a table of the number of observations
ggally_textText plot
ggally_trendsTrends line plot
ggbivariateDisplay an outcome using several potential explanatory...
ggcoefModel coefficients with 'broom' and 'ggplot2'
ggcorrCorrelation matrix
ggduo'ggplot2' generalized pairs plot for two columns sets of data
ggfacetSingle 'ggplot2' plot matrix with 'facet_grid'
gglegendPlot only legend of plot function
ggmatrix'ggplot2' plot matrix
ggmatrix_gtable'ggmatrix' 'gtable' object
ggmatrix_location'ggmatrix' plot locations
ggmatrix_progress'ggmatrix' default progress bar
ggnetNetwork plot
ggnet2Network plot
ggnetworkmapNetwork plot map overlay
ggnosticPlot matrix of statistical model diagnostics
ggpairsggplot2 generalized pairs plot
ggparcoordParallel coordinate plot
ggscatmatTraditional scatterplot matrix for purely quantitative...
ggsurvSurvival curves
ggtableCross-tabulated tables of discrete variables
ggtsMultiple time series
glyphplotGlyph plot class
glyphsCreate 'glyphplot' data
grab_legendGrab the legend and print it as a plot
happyData related to happiness from the General Social Survey,...
is_blank_plotIs Blank Plot? Find out if the plot equals a blank plot
is_dateCheck if object is a date
is_horizontalCheck if plot is horizontal
lowertrianglelowertriangle - rearrange dataset as the preparation of...
mapping_color_to_fillAesthetic mapping color fill
mapping_stringAes name
mapping_swap_x_ySwap x and y mapping
model_termsModel term names
nasaData from the Data Expo JSM 2006.
pigsUnited Kingdom Pig Production
pipePipe operator
plotting_data_typeGet plotting data type
plot_typesPlot Types
print.ggmatrixPrint 'ggmatrix' object
print_if_interactivePrint if not CRAN
psychademicUCLA canonical correlation analysis data
putPlotInsert a plot into a 'ggmatrix' object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_color_unless_equalRemove colour mapping unless found in select mapping keys
require_namespacesLoads package namespaces
rescale01Rescaling functions
scag_orderFind order of variables
scatmatPlots the lowertriangle and density plots of the scatter plot...
singleClassOrderOrder axis variables
skewnessSample skewness
str.ggmatrix'ggmatrix' structure
tipsTipping data
twitter_spambotsTwitter spambots
uppertriangleRearrange dataset as the preparation of 'ggscatmat' function
v1_ggmatrix_themeModify a 'ggmatrix' object by adding an 'ggplot2' object to...
vig_ggallyView GGally vignettes
wrapWrap a function with different parameter values
GGally documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:29 a.m.