
Defines functions parse_at_prof gld_download_lattes_files gld_get_SJR gld_get_qualis

#' Reads Qualis table
#' Read Qualis data available within the package, retrieved at 2023-11-27.
#' The original data is downloaded from
#' \url{https://sucupira.capes.gov.br/sucupira/public/index.xhtml}
#' @noRd
gld_get_qualis <- function(field.qualis = 'ALL') {

  # load data from csv
  qualis.file <- system.file('extdata/Qualis_2017-2020.xlsx',
                             package = 'GetLattesData')

  # set readr cols and read it!
  # my.cols <- readr::cols(
  #   issn    = readr::col_character(),
  #   titulo  = readr::col_character(),
  #   area    = readr::col_character(),
  #   ranking = readr::col_character()
  # )

  my.cols <- c("issn", "titulo", "area", "ranking")

  df.qualis <- readxl::read_excel(qualis.file, col_names = my.cols)

  # df.qualis <- readr::read_csv(qualis.file,
  #                              locale = readr::locale(encoding = 'Latin1'),
  #                              col_types = my.cols,
  #                              progress = F)

  # check area
  unique.fields <- c(unique(df.qualis$area), 'ALL')

  if ( !(field.qualis %in% unique.fields) ) {
    cat(paste0('ERROR: Cant find field ', field.qualis, ' in Qualis. \n\n',
                'You should use one of the following:\n\n', paste(unique.fields, collapse = '\t'))  )

    stop('CAnt find field in qualis.. See previous message')

  if (field.qualis != 'ALL') {
    df.qualis <- df.qualis[df.qualis$area == field.qualis, ]



#' Reads SJR table
#' Reads localy available SJR table. Original data provided as an excel file in \url{http://scimagojr.com/journalrank.php}.
#' Latest SJR: 2022 | Latest update: 2023-11-27
#' @noRd
gld_get_SJR <- function(){

  # get file
  sjr.file <- system.file('extdata/fixed_scimagojr_2022_csv.csv', package = 'GetLattesData')

  # set cols and read it!
  my.cols <- readr::cols(
    Title = readr::col_character(),
    Issn = readr::col_character(),
    SJR = readr::col_double(),
    `H index` = readr::col_integer()

  df.sjr <- readr::read_csv(sjr.file, col_types = my.cols, progress = F)

  # fix issn
  df.sjr$Issn <- stringr::str_replace(df.sjr$Issn, 'ISSN ', '')
  #df.sjr$Issn <- paste0(stringr::str_sub(df.sjr$Issn, 1, 4),
  #                      '-',
  #                      stringr::str_sub(df.sjr$Issn, 5, 8))


#' Downloads data from Lattes
#' @param id Id symbol from Lattes (see gld_get_lattes_data)
#' @inheritParams gld_get_lattes_data
#' @return The name of downloaded zip file
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' file.out <- gld_download_lattes_files(id = 'K4723925J2')
#' }
gld_download_lattes_files <- function(id, folder.dl = tempdir()) {

  # set link and find id cnpq

  my.html <- readLines(paste0('http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=', id))

  temp <- my.html[stringr::str_detect(my.html, 'idcnpq=')]

  cnpq.id <- stringr::str_match_all(temp[1], pattern = 'idcnpq=(\\d+)')[[1]][1,2]

  base.link <- 'http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/download.do?metodo=apresentar&idcnpq='
  my.link <- paste0(base.link,cnpq.id)

  # set destination file by indexing by date
  dest.file <- file.path(folder.dl, paste0(id,'_',Sys.Date(), '.zip') )

  # check file
  if (file.exists(dest.file)) {
    cat('\nFound file ', dest.file, '\t', 'skipping it')
  } else {
    cat('\nDownloading file ', dest.file)

    # download file
    utils::download.file(url = my.link,destfile = dest.file,
                         quiet = T, mode = 'wb', method = 'internal')

  if (!file.exists(dest.file)) {
    stop('Error in downloading id ', id, '. Perhaps you should check your ids?')


parse_at_prof <- function(l_in) {

  if (is.null(l_in$VINCULOS)) return(dplyr::tibble())

  my_df <- dplyr::bind_cols(


                    "ANO-INICIO", "ANO-FIM" )

  my_df <- my_df[ , cols_to_keep]



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GetLattesData documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:17 p.m.