
#' R function for univariate outliers detection
#' The function allows to perform univariate outliers detection using three different methods. These
#' methods are those described in:\cr Wilcox R R, "Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods:
#' Substantially Improving Power and Accuracy", Springer 2010 (2nd edition), pages 31-35.\cr
#' Two of
#' the three methods are robust, and are therefore less prone to the masking effect.\cr
#' (1) With the
#' mean-based method, an observation is considered outlier if the absolute difference between that
#' observation and the sample mean is more than 2 Standard Deviations away (in either direction)
#' from the mean. In the plot returned by the function, the central reference line is indicating the
#' mean value, while the other two are set at  \eqn{mean-2*SD and mean+2*SD}.\cr
#' (2) The median-based
#' method considers an observation as being outlier if the absolute difference between the
#' observation and the sample median is larger than the Median Absolute Deviation divided by 0.6745.
#' In this case, the central reference line is set at the median, while the other two are set at
#' \eqn{median-2*MAD/0.6745} and \eqn{median+2*MAD/0.6745}.\cr
#' (3) The boxplot-based method considers an
#' observation as being an outlier if it is either smaller than the 1st Quartile minus 1.5 times the
#' InterQuartile Range, or larger than the 3rd Quartile minus 1.5 times the InterQuartile Range. In
#' the plot, the central reference line is set at the median, while the other two are set at
#' \eqn{1Q-1.5*IQR} and \eqn{3Q+1.5*IQR}.\cr
#' @param x Vector storing the data.
#' @param method Outliers identification method, either "mean" (default), "median", or "boxplot".
#' @param addthres Takes FALSE or TRUE (default) if user does not want or does want some threshold
#'   lines be added to the returned chart.
#' @return The function also returns a list containing information about the
#' chosen method, the mid-point, lower and upper boundaries where non-outlying observations are
#' expected to fall, total number of outlying observations, and a dataframe listing the observations
#' and indicating which is considered outlier.\cr
#' In the charts, the outlying observations are flagged with their ID number.
#' @keywords outlier
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create a toy dataset
#' mydata <- c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,50,50)
#' # locate outlier(s) using the median-based method
#' outlier(mydata, method="median", addthres=TRUE)
outlier <- function (x,method="mean",addthres=TRUE){


  if (method=="mean") {
    avrg <- mean(x)
    stdev <-sd(x)
    dtf <- data.frame(ID=seq.int(length(x)), obs=x, outlier=abs(x-avrg)>2*stdev)
    midp <- avrg
    lower <- avrg-2*stdev
    upper <- avrg+2*stdev
    outliern <- length(which(dtf=="TRUE"))
  } else {}
  if (method=="median") {
    med <- median(x)
    MAD <-median(abs(med-x))
    dtf <- data.frame(ID=seq.int(length(x)), obs=x, outlier=abs(x-med)>2*(MAD/0.6745))
    midp <- med
    lower <- med-2*(MAD/0.6745)
    upper <- med+2*(MAD/0.6745)
    outliern <- length(which(dtf=="TRUE"))
    } else {}
  if (method=="boxplot") {
    Q1 <- quantile(x, 0.25)
    Q3 <- quantile(x, 0.75)
    IntQ <-Q3-Q1
    dtf <- data.frame(ID=seq.int(length(x)), obs=x, outlier=x<Q1-1.5*IntQ | x>Q3+1.5*IntQ)
    midp <- median(x)
    lower <- Q1-1.5*IntQ
    upper <- Q3+1.5*IntQ
    outliern <- length(which(dtf=="TRUE"))
    } else {}
  if (addthres==TRUE) {
    p <- ggplot(dtf, aes(x=ID, y=obs, label=ID)) + geom_point(aes(colour=outlier)) + geom_text_repel(data = subset(dtf, outlier=="TRUE"), aes(label = ID), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x=paste0("observation ID number\n number of outliers detected=", outliern, "\n(outlier detection method=", method, ")"), y="observation value") + geom_hline(yintercept = midp, colour="black", linetype = "longdash") + geom_hline(yintercept = lower, colour="black", linetype = "longdash") + geom_hline(yintercept = upper, colour="black", linetype = "longdash")
    } else {
  p <- ggplot(dtf, aes(x=ID, y=obs, label=ID)) + geom_point(aes(colour=outlier)) + geom_text_repel(data = subset(dtf, outlier=="TRUE"), aes(label = ID), size = 2.7, colour="black", box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"), point.padding = unit(0.3, "lines")) + labs(x=paste0("observation ID number\n number of outliers detected=", outliern, "\n(outlier detection method=", method, ")"), y="observation value")
  results <- (list(method=method, midpoint=midp, lowerbound=lower, upperbound=upper, outlN=outliern, flaggedData=dtf))

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