
Defines functions prCaRmsGetCoefAndCI prCaDefaultGetCoefAndCI

Documented in prCaDefaultGetCoefAndCI prCaRmsGetCoefAndCI

#' Get the confidence intervals
#' These are functions that get the estimates and the confidence intervals.
#' Due to package differences there are some local modifications.
#' @section The default:
#' Gets the estimate and confidence interval using the \code{\link[stats]{confint}}
#' and  \code{\link[stats]{coef}}.
#' @inheritParams getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData
#' @param skip_intercept If the model should remove the intercept from
#'  the returned values.
#' @return \code{matrix} Returns a n x 3 matrix where the n equals the number
#'  of variables.
#' @importFrom nlme intervals
#' @importFrom stats confint
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname GetCoefAndCI
prCaDefaultGetCoefAndCI <- function(model, level, skip_intercept = FALSE) {
  # Get the coefficients
  if (inherits(model, "lme")) {
    tmp <- intervals(model, level = level)$fixed
    my_coefficients <- tmp[, "est."]
    coef_names <- rownames(tmp)

    ci <- tmp[, c("lower", "upper")]
  } else {
    my_coefficients <- coef(model)
    coef_names <- names(my_coefficients)

    ci <- suppressMessages(confint(model, level = level))

  if (skip_intercept) {
    intercept <- grep("intercept", coef_names,
      ignore.case = TRUE
    if (length(intercept) > 0) {
      my_coefficients <- my_coefficients[-intercept]
      ci <- ci[-intercept, ]
      coef_names <- coef_names[-intercept]

  # Use the exp() if logit or cox regression
  if (inherits(model, "coxph") ||
    (!is.null(model$family$link) &&
      model$family$link %in% c("logit", "log"))) {
    my_coefficients <- exp(my_coefficients)
    ci <- exp(ci)

  if (length(my_coefficients) > 1) {
    ret_val <- cbind(my_coefficients, ci)
  } else {
    ret_val <- matrix(c(my_coefficients, ci), nrow = 1)

  colnames(ret_val) <- c(
    sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (1 - level) / 2),
    sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (level + (1 - level) / 2))
  rownames(ret_val) <- coef_names

#' @section The rms:
#' The rms-package does not have confint implemented and it is therefore a
#' better option to go through the summary function (\code{rms:::summary.rms}).
#' Infortunately skip intercept is not an option as the summary doesn't
#' include the intercept for the rms regression outputs
#' @param vn The variable names
#' @param data The data set
#' @importFrom Gmisc fastDoCall
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @rdname GetCoefAndCI
prCaRmsGetCoefAndCI <- function(model, level, vn, data) {
  # We need to standardize the summary call so that it
  # uses the first level as reference since this is not
  # always the case for the summary function
  # Furthermore, we need to set continuous variables to
  # 0 and 1 as this is not certain to be the case
  scall <- list(
    object = model,
    vnames = "names",
    conf.int = level,
    est.all = FALSE
  # Select reference for each summary call
  for (name in vn) {
    if (is.factor(data[[name]])) {
      scall[[name]] <- levels(data[[name]])[1]
    } else if (is.logical(data[[name]])) {
      # Logical should always have false as the
      # reference category
      scall[[name]] <- FALSE
    } else if (length(unique(data[[name]])) == 2) {
      freq <- table(data[[name]])
      scall[[name]] <- sort(names(freq))[1]
      # The sort returns a string and this causes and
      # error if the data is actually a numeric variable
      # therefore we need to change it back
      if (is.numeric(data[[name]])) {
        scall[[name]] <- as.numeric(scall[[name]])
    } else {
      # Perhaps a little overkill but it seems better to
      # set it to one step inside the range than just 0 vs 1
      scall[[name]] <- c(
        median(data[[name]], na.rm = TRUE),
        median(data[[name]], na.rm = TRUE) + 1
  # Call the antilog if this is a binomial logit
  if (!is.null(model$family$link) &&
    model$family$link == "logit") {
    scall["antilog"] <- TRUE

  s <- suppressMessages(fastDoCall(summary, scall))

  # Use the hazard ratios, the odds ratios or the antilog if
  # the function needs to be exponentiated
  r_no <- grepl("^ ((Hazard|Odds) Ratio|Antilog)", rownames(s))
  if (any(r_no)) {
    rn <- rownames(s)[which(r_no) - 1]
    s <- s[r_no, , drop = FALSE]
    rownames(s) <- rn

  # Clean out the variable name for factors
  # rownames(s) <- gsub("^[^-]+- ([^:]+).+", "\\1", rownames(s))

  # Select the columns of interest
  ret_val <- s[, grep("(Effect|Lower|Upper)", colnames(s)), drop = FALSE]

  colnames(ret_val) <- c(
    sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (1 - level) / 2),
    sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * (level + (1 - level) / 2))

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