
Defines functions calc.H2x2Factorial

Documented in calc.H2x2Factorial

#' @title H2x2Factorial Sample Size and Power Calculation
#' @description The function \code{calc.H2x2Factorial} estimates the required number of clusters or the achieved power level under different types of
#' hypothesis tests of either the controlled (main) effect (by default) or the natural (marginal) effect of the two treatments in a hierarchical 2x2 factorial trial
#' with unequal cluster sizes and a continuous outcome. Two types of treatment effect estimands, five types of hypothesis tests as well as their corresponding
#' finite-sample considerations could be chosen for the predictions. Users may input an optional cluster number through the \code{n.input} argument. When this
#' number is provided, the function will calculate the power under a chosen hypothesis test as well as a finite-sample correction if specified, and the function
#' will ignore the potential input for the power parameter; When the number of clusters is not provided, the function will calculate the required number of
#' clusters based on a given power threshold, which is set to 0.8 by default.
#' @usage
#' calc.H2x2Factorial(power=0.8, n_input=NULL, alpha=0.05,
#'                    pi_x=0.5, pi_z=0.5,
#'                    delta_x=0.25, delta_z=0.33, delta_xz=0.3, sigma2_y=1,
#'                    m_bar=50, CV=0, rho=0,
#'                    estimand="controlled", test="cluster", correction=FALSE,
#'                    max_n=1e8, seed_mix=NULL, size_mix=1e4,
#'                    verbose=TRUE)
#' @param power a numeric value between 0 and 1 as the desired power level for sample size estimation. Default is \code{0.8}.
#' @param n_input a number of cluster provided by the user to estimate the power that can be achieved. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param alpha a numeric value between 0 and 1 as the type I error rate. Default is \code{0.05}.
#' @param pi_x a numeric value between 0 and 1 as the proportion of clusters randomized to the cluster-level treatment. Default is \code{0.5}, representing a balanced allocation.
#' @param pi_z a numeric value between 0 and 1 as the proportion of individuals randomized to the individual-level treatment within each cluster. Default is \code{0.5}, representing a balanced allocation.
#' @param delta_x a nonzero numeric value for the (unstandardized) effect size of the marginal cluster-level treatment effect. Default is \code{0.25}, which is the hypothetical value for the example in the referenced paper.
#' @param delta_z a nonzero numeric value for the (unstandardized) effect size of the marginal individual-level treatment effect. Default is \code{0.33}, which is the hypothetical value for the example in the referenced paper.
#' @param delta_xz a nonzero numeric value for the (unstandardized) effect size of the interaction effect of the two treatments. Default is \code{0.3}, which is the hypothetical value for the example in the referenced paper.
#' @param sigma2_y a positive numeric value for the total variance of the continuous outcome. Default is \code{1}.
#' @param m_bar a numeric value larger than 2 for the mean cluster size. Default is \code{50}.
#' @param CV a positive numeric value as the coefficient of variation of the cluster sizes. Default is \code{0}, representing equal cluster sizes.
#' @param rho a numeric value between 0 and 1 as the intraclass correlation coefficient characterizing the between-cluster variability. Default is \code{0}.
#' @param estimand a character argument indicating the type of treatment effect estimand. Supported values include \code{"controlled"}
#' (controlled or main effect estimand) and \code{"natural"} (natural or marginal effect estimand). Default is \code{"controlled"}.
#' @param test a character argument indicating the type of hypothesis test of interest. Supported values include
#' \code{"cluster"} (test for marginal cluster-level treatment effect), \code{"individual"} (test for marginal individual-level treatment effect),
#' \code{"interaction"} (interaction test for the two treatments), \code{"joint"} (joint test for the two marginal treatment effects),
#' \code{"I-U"} (intersection-union test for the two marginal effects). Default is \code{"cluster"}.
#' @param correction a logical argument indicating whether a finite sample correction should be used. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param max_n an optional setting of a maximum number of clusters, which is only functional under \code{test="cluster"}, \code{"joint"}, or \code{"I-U"}. Default is \code{1e8}.
#' @param seed_mix an optional setting of a seed for conducting the simulation-based testing under a mixed distribution, which is only functional under \code{test="joint"}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param size_mix a pre-specified size for the mixed distribution in the simulation-based procedure, which is only needed under \code{test="joint"}. Default is \code{1e4}.
#' @param verbose a logical argument indicating whether the parameter reiterations and supplementary messages should be presented or suppressed. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details
#' Given the input parameters, our method will firstly compute the variances of the effects of interest based on Generalized Least Square estimators and large-sample approximations.
#' Then, the variances are used to build up either the classic sample size formulas (for the separate tests for controlled or natural treatment effects and the interaction test) or
#' the power formulas (for the simultaneous tests and the corrected tests), which help to deliver both the sample size and power calculations.
#' Without finite-sample considerations, the separate tests of the two controlled effects and the two natural effects as well as the interaction test use the two-sided Wald z-test,
#' the joint test use the Chi-square test, and the intersection-union (I-U) test use also a two-sided z-based test.
#' With \code{correction=T}, finite-sample corrections are customized for the three types of tests involving either the controlled effect or the natural effect of the cluster-level
#' treatment: For the tests for the controlled effect and the natural effect of the cluster-level treatment, a two-sided t-test is used;
#' For the joint test of the two controlled effects, a F-test is used as a naive correction, which might lead to slight overpower;
#' For the joint test of the two natural effects, a simulation-based mixed F-chi-square test is used;
#' For the I-U test of the two controlled effects, a two-sided t-based test is used as a naive correction, which might lead to slight overpower.
#' For the I-U test of the two natural effects, a two-sided mixed t- and z-based test is used.
#' For the finite-sample corrected joint test of the two natural effects, since there does not exist the required parametric distribution, we offer a simulation-based method to
#' generate the null and alternative distributions, and we use the simulated distributions to compute the power and required sample size.
#' A seed should be set via \code{seed_mix} for this random process to promote reproducibility, and this is only needed under the natural effect joint test with finite-sample correction.
#' The two types of \code{estimand}, the five types of \code{test}, and the developments of \code{correction} are defined in Tian et al. (under review).
#' @return \code{calc.H2x2Factorial} returns an integer representing the required number of clusters or a decimal representing the power that can be achieved by the provided
#' sample size, with some useful and suppressible messages elaborating vital parameter choices and results (the power will be displayed in 4 decimal places; the messages can be suppressed via \code{verbose=FALSE}).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Predict the actual power of a natural effect joint test when the number of clusters is 10
#' joint.power <- calc.H2x2Factorial(n_input=10,
#'                                   delta_x=0.2, delta_z=0.1,
#'                                   rho=0.1, CV=0.38,
#'                                   estimand="natural",
#'                                   test="joint",
#'                                   correction=TRUE, seed_mix=123456, verbose=FALSE)
#' print(joint.power)
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @importFrom stats qnorm pnorm qt pt qchisq pchisq rchisq qf pf rf quantile
calc.H2x2Factorial <- function(power=0.8, n_input=NULL,
                               alpha=0.05, pi_x=0.5, pi_z=0.5,
                               delta_x=0.25, delta_z=0.33, delta_xz=0.3,
                               m_bar=50, CV=0, rho=0,
                               verbose=TRUE) {

  #Error messages
  if (!is.null(n_input)){
    if (!is.numeric(n_input) || n_input <= 0 || length(n_input)!=1){
      stop('Inputted number of clusters must be a single positive number')

  if (!is.numeric(power) || power <= 0 || power >= 1 || length(power)!=1)
    stop('Target power must be a single number in (0,1)')

  if (!is.numeric(alpha) || alpha <= 0 || alpha >= 1 || length(alpha)!=1)
    stop('Type I error rate must be a single number in (0,1)')

  if (!is.numeric(sigma2_y) || sigma2_y <= 0 || length(alpha)!=1)
    stop('Total variance of the outcome must be a single positive number')

  if (!is.numeric(m_bar) || m_bar <= 2 || length(m_bar)!=1)
    stop('Mean cluster size must be a single number larger than 2')

  if (!is.numeric(CV) || CV < 0 || length(CV)!=1)
    stop('Coefficient of variation of the cluster sizes must be a single positive number')

  if (!is.numeric(rho) || rho < 0 || rho >= 1 || length(rho)!=1)
    stop('Intraclass correlation coefficient must be a single number in [0,1)')

  if ( !(estimand %in% c("controlled", "natural")) || length(estimand)!=1)
    stop('Type of treatment effect estimand should be a single choice from "controlled" and "natural"')

  if ( !(test %in% c("cluster", "individual", "interaction", "joint", "I-U")) || length(test)!=1)
    stop('Type of hypothesis tests should be a single choice from "cluster", "individual", "interaction", "joint", and "I-U"')

  if (test=="cluster"){
    if (!is.numeric(delta_x) || delta_x == 0 || length(delta_x)!=1)
      stop('Effect size of the cluster-level treatment effect must be a nonzero number')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_x) || pi_x <= 0 || pi_x >= 1 || length(pi_x)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of clusters that are randomized to the cluster-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')

  } else if (test=="individual"){
    if (!is.numeric(delta_z) || delta_z == 0 || length(delta_z)!=1)
      stop('Effect size of the individual-level treatment effect must be a nonzero number')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_z) || pi_z <= 0 || pi_z >= 1 || length(pi_z)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of individuals that are randomized to the individual-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')
    if (correction==TRUE)
      message('No finite-sample correction will be done for the test for individual-level treatment effect due to adequate degrees of freedom')

  } else if (test=="interaction"){
    if (!is.numeric(delta_xz) || delta_xz == 0 || length(delta_xz)!=1)
      stop('Effect size of the interaction effect must be a nonzero number')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_x) || pi_x <= 0 || pi_x >= 1 || length(pi_x)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of clusters that are randomized to the cluster-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_z) || pi_z <= 0 || pi_z >= 1 || length(pi_z)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of individuals that are randomized to the individual-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')
    if (correction==TRUE)
      message('No finite-sample correction will be done for the interaction test due to adequate degrees of freedom')

  } else if (test=="joint"){
    if (!is.numeric(delta_x) || delta_x == 0 || length(delta_x)!=1)
      stop('Effect size of the cluster-level treatment effect must be a nonzero number')
    if (!is.numeric(delta_z) || delta_z == 0 || length(delta_z)!=1)
      stop('Effect size of the individual-level treatment effect must be a nonzero number')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_x) || pi_x <= 0 || pi_x >= 1 || length(pi_x)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of clusters that are randomized to the cluster-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_z) || pi_z <= 0 || pi_z >= 1 || length(pi_z)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of individuals that are randomized to the individual-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')

  } else if (test=="I-U"){
    if (!is.numeric(delta_x) || delta_x == 0 || length(delta_x)!=1)
      stop('Effect size of the cluster-level treatment effect must be a nonzero number')
    if (!is.numeric(delta_z) || delta_z == 0 || length(delta_z)!=1)
      stop('Effect size of the individual-level treatment effect must be a nonzero number')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_x) || pi_x <= 0 || pi_x >= 1 || length(pi_x)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of clusters that are randomized to the cluster-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')
    if (!is.numeric(pi_z) || pi_z <= 0 || pi_z >= 1 || length(pi_z)!=1)
      stop('Proportion of individuals that are randomized to the individual-level treatment arm must be a single number in (0,1)')

  if (!is.logical(correction))
    stop('Finite sample correction indicator should be a logical argument')

  if (!is.numeric(max_n) || max_n <= 0 || length(max_n)!=1)
    stop('Maximum number of clusters must be a positive number')

  if (!is.null(seed_mix)){
    if (!is.numeric(seed_mix) || length(seed_mix)!=1)
      stop('User-defined seed under the finite-sample corrected joint test of the two natural effects must be numeric')

  if (!is.numeric(size_mix) || size_mix <= 0 || length(size_mix)!=1)
    stop('Sample size for simulating the mix distribution under the finite-sample corrected joint test of the two natural effects must be a positive number')

  if (!is.logical(verbose))
    stop('Message presentation indicator should be a logical argument')

  #Effect sizes might be negative
  delta_x <- abs(delta_x)
  delta_z <- abs(delta_z)
  delta_xz <- abs(delta_xz)

  a <- alpha
  b <- 1-power
  z_a <- qnorm(1-a/2)
  z_b <- qnorm(1-b)

  eta1 <- -m_bar*rho/(1+(m_bar-1)*rho)*(1-CV^2*m_bar*rho*(1-rho)/((1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^2))
  eta2 <- m_bar*(1-rho)/(1+(m_bar-1)*rho)*(1-CV^2*m_bar*rho*(1-rho)/((1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^2))-m_bar
  omega_x <- sigma2_y*(1-rho)/((m_bar+eta2)*pi_x*(1-pi_x))
  omega_z <- sigma2_y*(1-rho)/((m_bar+eta1)*pi_z*(1-pi_z))
  omega_xz <- sigma2_y*(1-rho)/((m_bar+eta1)*pi_x*(1-pi_x)*pi_z*(1-pi_z))

  omega_2 <- sigma2_y*(1+(m_bar-1)*rho)/(pi_x*(1-pi_x)*m_bar) *
    ( (1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^2/((1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^2-CV^2*m_bar*rho*(1-rho)) + pi_z*(1-rho)*(1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^2/((1-pi_z)*((1+(m_bar-2)*rho)*(1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^2 + CV^2*m_bar*rho^2*(1-rho))) )
  omega_3 <- sigma2_y*(1-rho)*(1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^3/((1-pi_z)*pi_x*(1-pi_x)*m_bar*((1+(m_bar-2)*rho)*(1+(m_bar-1)*rho)^2 + CV^2*m_bar*rho^2*(1-rho)))
  omega_23 <- pi_z*omega_3

  #Check the omega to be positive
  if (omega_x<=0 || omega_z<=0 || omega_xz<=0 || omega_2<=0 || omega_3<=0)
    stop("Variance inflation factor is in an abnormal value. Please check whether the provided CV parameter is unrealistically large")

  #Re-iterate the given effect sizes and the chosen test
  if (verbose==TRUE){
    if (estimand=="controlled"){
      cat('Type of treatment effect estimand:\nContolled (main) effect')

      if (test=="cluster"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nSeparate test for the cluster-level treatment effect')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect size:\n', delta_x, " for the controlled effect of the cluster-level treatment"))

      } else if (test=="individual"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nSeparate test for the individual-level treatment effect')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect size:\n', delta_z, " for the controlled effect of the individual-level treatment"))

      } else if (test=="interaction"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nInteraction test')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect size:\n', delta_xz, " for the interaction effect"))

      } else if (test=="joint"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nJoint test')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect sizes:\n', delta_x, " for the controlled effect of the cluster-level treatmen\n", delta_z, " for the controlled effect of the individual-level treatment"))

      } else if (test=="I-U"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nIntersection-union test')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect sizes:\n', delta_x, " for the controlled effect of the cluster-level treatment\n", delta_z, " for the controlled effect of the individual-level treatment"))


    } else if (estimand=="natural"){
      cat('Type of treatment effect estimand:\nNatural (marginal) effect')

      if (test=="cluster"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nSeparate test for the cluster-level treatment effect')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect size:\n', delta_x, " for the natural effect of the cluster-level treatment"))

      } else if (test=="individual"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nSeparate test for the individual-level treatment effect')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect size:\n', delta_z, " for the natural effect of the individual-level treatment"))

      } else if (test=="interaction"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nInteraction test')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect size:\n', delta_xz, " for the interaction effect"))

      } else if (test=="joint"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nJoint test')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect sizes:\n', delta_x, " for the natural effect of the cluster-level treatmen\n", delta_z, " for the natural effect of the individual-level treatment"))

      } else if (test=="I-U"){
        cat('\nType of hypothesis test:\nIntersection-union test')
        cat(paste0('\nEffect sizes:\n', delta_x, " for the natural effect of the cluster-level treatment\n", delta_z, " for the natural effect of the individual-level treatment"))




  pred.power <- function(n_input) {

    if (estimand=="controlled"){

      if (test=="cluster"){
        if (correction==FALSE){

          pred.power <- pnorm(sqrt(n_input*delta_x^2/omega_2)-z_a)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Wald z-test is used without finite-sample correction")
        } else if (correction==TRUE){

          pred.power <- pt(qt(1-a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, ncp=delta_x/sqrt(omega_2/n_input), lower.tail = F)
          + pt(qt(a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, ncp=delta_x/sqrt(omega_2/n_input))
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA t-test is used for finite-sample correction")

      if (test=="individual"){

        pred.power <- pnorm(sqrt(n_input*delta_z^2/omega_3)-z_a)
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")

      if (test=="interaction"){

        pred.power <- pnorm(sqrt(n_input*delta_xz^2/omega_xz)-z_a)
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")

      if (test=="joint"){
        if (correction==FALSE){

          beta23 <- c(delta_x, delta_z)
          omega <- matrix(c(omega_2, omega_23, omega_23, omega_3), nrow=2, byrow=T)
          theta <- n_input*t(beta23) %*% solve(omega) %*% beta23
          pred.power <- pchisq(qchisq(1-a, 2), 2, ncp = theta, lower.tail = F)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Chi-square test is used without finite-sample correction")

        } else if (correction==TRUE){

          beta23 <- c(delta_x, delta_z)
          omega <- matrix(c(omega_2, omega_23, omega_23, omega_3), nrow=2, byrow=T)
          theta <- n_input*t(beta23) %*% solve(omega) %*% beta23
          pred.power <- pf(qf(1-a, 2, n_input-2), 2, n_input-2, ncp = theta, lower.tail = F)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA F-test is used for finite-sample correction")


      if (test=="I-U"){
        if (correction==FALSE){

          mean_W <- c(delta_x/sqrt(omega_2/n_input), delta_z/sqrt(omega_3/n_input))
          cov_W <- (omega_23/n_input) / (sqrt(omega_2/n_input)*sqrt(omega_3/n_input))
          sigma_W <- matrix(c(1, cov_W, cov_W, 1), nrow=2, byrow=T)
          pred.power <- pmvnorm(lower=rep(qnorm(1-a/2),2), upper=rep(Inf,2), mean=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W) +
            pmvnorm(lower=c(qnorm(1-a/2),-Inf), upper=c(Inf,qnorm(a/2)), mean=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W) +
            pmvnorm(lower=rep(-Inf,2), upper=rep(qnorm(a/2),2), mean=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W) +
            pmvnorm(lower=c(-Inf,qnorm(a/2)), upper=c(qnorm(a/2),Inf), mean=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA z-based intersection-union test is used without finite-sample correction")

        } else if (correction==TRUE){

          mean_W <- c(delta_x/sqrt(omega_2/n_input), delta_z/sqrt(omega_3/n_input))
          cov_W <- (omega_23/n_input) / (sqrt(omega_2/n_input)*sqrt(omega_3/n_input))
          sigma_W <- matrix(c(1, cov_W, cov_W, 1), nrow=2, byrow=T)
          pred.power <- pmvt(df=n_input-2, lower=c(qt(1-a/2, n_input-2), qt(1-a/2, n_input-2)), upper=rep(Inf,2), delta=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W) +
            pmvt(df=n_input-2, lower=c(qt(1-a/2, n_input-2),-Inf), upper=c(Inf,qt(a/2, n_input-2)), delta=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W) +
            pmvt(df=n_input-2, lower=rep(-Inf,2), upper=c(qt(a/2, n_input-2), qt(a/2, n_input-2)), delta=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W) +
            pmvt(df=n_input-2, lower=c(-Inf,qt(a/2, n_input-2)), upper=c(qt(a/2, n_input-2),Inf), delta=mean_W, sigma=sigma_W)

          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA t-based intersection-union test is used for finite-sample correction")


    } else if (estimand=="natural"){

      if (test=="cluster"){
        if (correction==FALSE){

          pred.power <- pnorm(sqrt(n_input*delta_x^2/omega_x)-z_a)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Wald z-test is used without finite-sample correction")
        } else if (correction==TRUE){

          pred.power <- pt(qt(1-a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, ncp=delta_x/sqrt(omega_x/n_input), lower.tail = F)
          + pt(qt(a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, ncp=delta_x/sqrt(omega_x/n_input))
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA t-test is used for finite-sample correction")

      if (test=="individual"){

        pred.power <- pnorm(sqrt(n_input*delta_z^2/omega_z)-z_a)
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")


      if (test=="interaction"){

        pred.power <- pnorm(sqrt(n_input*delta_xz^2/omega_xz)-z_a)
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")


      if (test=="joint"){
        if (correction==FALSE){

          theta <- n_input*(delta_x^2/omega_x + delta_z^2/omega_z)
          pred.power <- pchisq(qchisq(1-a, 2), 2, ncp = theta, lower.tail = F)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Chi-square test is used without finite-sample correction")

        } else if (correction==TRUE){

          #Simulate the mixed distribution (CENTRAL) to identify rejection region bound
          f.distn <- rf(size_mix, 1, n_input-2)
          chisq.distn <- rchisq(size_mix, 1)
          mix.distn <- f.distn + chisq.distn
          crt.value <- quantile(mix.distn, 1-a)

          #Simulate the mixed distribution (NONCENTRAL VERSION) for power calculation
          nc.f.distn <- rf(size_mix, 1, n_input-2, ncp = n_input*delta_x^2/omega_x)
          nc.chisq.distn <- rchisq(size_mix, 1, ncp = n_input*delta_z^2/omega_z)
          nc.mix.distn <- nc.f.distn + nc.chisq.distn

          pred.power <- mean(nc.mix.distn>crt.value)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA simulation-based mixed F-Chi-square test is used for finite-sample correction")


      if (test=="I-U"){
        if (correction==FALSE){

          wmean.c <- sqrt(n_input)*delta_x/sqrt(omega_x)
          wmean.i <- sqrt(n_input)*delta_z/sqrt(omega_z)
          pred.power <- pnorm(qnorm(1-a/2), mean = wmean.c, lower.tail = F)*pnorm(qnorm(1-a/2), mean = wmean.i, lower.tail = F)
          + pnorm(qnorm(1-a/2), mean = wmean.c, lower.tail = F)*pnorm(qnorm(a/2), mean = wmean.i)
          + pnorm(qnorm(a/2), mean = wmean.c)*pnorm(qnorm(1-a/2), mean = wmean.i, lower.tail = F)
          + pnorm(qnorm(a/2), mean = wmean.c)*pnorm(qnorm(a/2), mean = wmean.i)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA z-based intersection-union test is used without finite-sample correction")

        } else if (correction==TRUE){

          c.ncp <- sqrt(n_input)*delta_x/sqrt(omega_x)
          i.mean <- sqrt(n_input)*delta_z/sqrt(omega_z)
          pred.power <- pt(qt(1-a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, c.ncp, lower.tail = F)*pnorm(qnorm(1-a/2), mean = i.mean, lower.tail = F)
          + pt(qt(1-a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, c.ncp, lower.tail = F)*pnorm(qnorm(a/2), mean = i.mean)
          + pt(qt(a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, c.ncp)*pnorm(qnorm(1-a/2), mean = i.mean, lower.tail = F)
          + pt(qt(a/2, n_input-2), n_input-2, c.ncp)*pnorm(qnorm(a/2), mean = i.mean)
          if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA mixed t- and z-based intersection-union test is used for finite-sample correction")



  #Function to estimate number of clusters based on a required power level
  cluster.number <- function(power) {

    if (estimand=="controlled"){
      if (test=="cluster"){

        if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Wald z-test is used without finite-sample-correction")
          } else if (correction==TRUE){
            cat("\nA t-test is used for finite-sample correction")
        n.out <- main.cluster(m_bar, CV, power, delta_x, rho, pi_x, pi_z, correction, sigma2_y, a, max_n, z_a, z_b)


      if (test=="individual"){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")
        n.out <- main.ind(m_bar, CV, power, delta_z, rho, pi_x, pi_z, sigma2_y, z_a, z_b)

      if (test=="interaction"){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")
        n.out <- interaction(m_bar, CV, power, delta_xz, rho, pi_x, pi_z, sigma2_y, z_a, z_b)

      if (test=="joint"){

        if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Chi-square test is used without finite-sample correction.")
          } else if (correction==TRUE){
            cat("\nA F-test is used for finite-sample correction")
        n.out <- main.joint(m_bar, CV, power, delta_x, delta_z, rho, pi_x, pi_z, correction, sigma2_y, a, max_n)


      if (test=="I-U"){

        if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA z-based intersection-union test is used without finite-sample correction")
          } else if (correction==TRUE){
            cat("\nA t-based intersection-union test is used for finite sample correction")
        n.out <- main.IU(m_bar, CV, power, delta_x, delta_z, rho, pi_x, pi_z, correction, sigma2_y, a, max_n)


    } else if (estimand=="natural"){
      if (test=="cluster"){

        if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Wald z-test is used without finite-sample-correction")
          } else if (correction==TRUE){
            cat("\nA t-test is used for finite-sample correction")
        n.out <- marginal.cluster(m_bar, CV, power, delta_x, rho, pi_x, correction, sigma2_y, a, max_n, z_a, z_b)


      if (test=="individual"){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")
        n.out <- marginal.ind(m_bar, CV, power, delta_z, rho, pi_z, sigma2_y, z_a, z_b)

      if (test=="interaction"){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat("\nA Wald z-test is automatically used")
        n.out <- interaction(m_bar, CV, power, delta_xz, rho, pi_x, pi_z, sigma2_y, z_a, z_b)

      if (test=="joint"){

        if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA Chi-square test is used without finite-sample correction.")
          } else if (correction==TRUE){
            cat("\nA simulation-based mixed F-Chi-square test is used for finite-sample correction")
        n.out <- marginal.joint(m_bar, CV, power, delta_x, delta_z, rho, pi_x, pi_z, correction, sigma2_y, a, max_n, seed_mix, size_mix)


      if (test=="I-U"){

        if (verbose==TRUE){
            cat("\nA z-based intersection-union test is used without finite-sample correction")
          } else if (correction==TRUE){
            cat("\nA mixed t- and z-based intersection-union test is used for finite sample correction")
        n.out <- marginal.IU(m_bar, CV, power, delta_x, delta_z, rho, pi_x, pi_z, correction, sigma2_y, a, max_n)



  #When the user input n, the potentially inputted power will be ignored, and the formula will always give the predicted power;
  if (!is.null(n_input)){
    ans <- as.numeric(pred.power(n_input))
    if (verbose==TRUE){
      cat(paste0("\n\nPredicted power for the provided ", n_input, " clusters:\n"))
      cat(paste0(round(ans, 4), "\n"))
  } else {#When the user does not input n, the formula will give the required number of clusters to hit the power
    ans <- as.numeric(cluster.number(power))
    if (verbose==TRUE){
      cat(paste0("\n\nRequired number of clusters to achieve ", power, " power:\n"))
      cat(paste0(ans, "\n"))


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H2x2Factorial documentation built on July 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.