
Defines functions plot_frontier

Documented in plot_frontier

#' Plot the Bayesian efficient frontier \insertCite{bauder21}{HDShOP} and the
#' provided portfolios.
#' The plotted  Bayesian efficient frontier is provided by
#' \insertCite{@Eq. (8) in @bauder21;textual}{HDShOP}.
#' It is the set of optimal portfolios obtained
#' by employing the posterior predictive distribution on the asset returns.
#' This efficient frontier can be used to assess the mean-variance efficiency
#' of various estimators of the portfolio weights. The standard deviation of
#' the portfolio return is plotted in the \eqn{x}-axis and the mean portfolio
#' return in the \eqn{y}-axis. The portfolios with the weights \eqn{\rm{w}}
#' are added to the plot by computing  \eqn{\sqrt{\rm{w}^\prime  S  w} }
#' and  \eqn{\rm w^\prime \bar x}.
#' @inheritParams MVShrinkPortfolio
#' @param weights.eff matrix of portfolio weights. Each column contains
#' p values of the weights for a given portfolio. Default: equally
#' weighted portfolio.
#' @returns a ggplot object
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' p <- 150
#' n <- 300
#' gamma <- 10
#' mu <- seq(0.2,-0.2, length.out=p)
#' Sigma <- RandCovMtrx(p=p)
#' x <- t(MASS::mvrnorm(n=n , mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma))
#' EW_port <- rep(1/p, length=p)
#' MV_shr_port <- new_MV_portfolio_weights_BDOPS21(x=x, gamma=gamma,
#'                                                 b=EW_port, beta=0.05)$weights
#' GMV_shr_port <- new_MV_portfolio_weights_BDOPS21(x=x, gamma=Inf, b=EW_port,
#'                                                  beta=0.05)$weights
#' MV_trad_port <- new_MV_portfolio_traditional(x=x, gamma=gamma)$weights
#' GMV_trad_port <- new_MV_portfolio_traditional(x=x, gamma=Inf)$weights
#' weights.eff <- cbind(EW_port, MV_shr_port, GMV_shr_port,
#'                      MV_trad_port, GMV_trad_port)
#' colnames(weights.eff) <- c("EW", "MV_shr", "GMV_shr", "MV_trad", "GMV_trad")
#' Fplot <- plot_frontier(x, weights.eff)
#' Fplot
#' @export
plot_frontier <- function(x, weights.eff = rep(1/nrow(x), length=nrow(x)))
  portfolio.sd <- NULL
  portfolio.return <- NULL

  p.eff <- nrow(x)
  n.eff <- ncol(x)

  ones <- rep.int(1, p.eff); tones <- t(ones)

  Sigma.eff <- Sigma_sample_estimator(x)
  mu.eff  <- .rowMeans(x, m=p.eff, n=n.eff, na.rm = TRUE)

  points.weights <- apply(weights.eff, 2, function(x)
        c(as.double(sqrt(t(x)%*%Sigma.eff%*%x)), as.double(t(x)%*%mu.eff)))
  points.weights <- t(points.weights)

  points.weights <- data.frame(portfolio.return = points.weights[,2],
                               portfolio.sd = points.weights[,1],
                               names = colnames(weights.eff))


  Sigma.bayes <- Sigma.eff*(n.eff-1)
  c.bayes <- 1/(n.eff-p.eff-1) + (2*n.eff-p.eff-1) /

  iSigma.bayes <- solve(Sigma.bayes)
  #estimated variance (cons.)
  V.est.bayes <- c.bayes/sum(tones%*%iSigma.bayes%*%ones)
  Q.est.bayes <- iSigma.bayes - (iSigma.bayes%*%ones%*%tones%*%iSigma.bayes)/
  R.est.bayes <- (tones%*% iSigma.bayes %*% mu.eff)/
                 sum(tones%*%iSigma.bayes%*%ones) #returns of EU portfolio

  V.front.bayes <- seq(sqrt(V.est.bayes),
                       max(1.5*points.weights$portfolio.sd), length=100)
  R.front.bayes <- c(R.est.bayes) +
    sqrt( as.double(t(mu.eff)%*% Q.est.bayes %*% mu.eff)*

  points.eff <-  data.frame(portfolio.return = R.front.bayes,
                            portfolio.sd = V.front.bayes)

  pic <- ggplot2::ggplot(points.eff,
                         ggplot2::aes(x=portfolio.sd, y=portfolio.return)) +
         ggplot2::geom_line(col = "royalblue4", linetype = 1, size=1) +
         ggplot2::theme_bw() +
         ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
                             ggplot2::aes(x=portfolio.sd, y=portfolio.return),
                             shape=2, size=3) +
                            col = "royalblue4", hjust=0, vjust=0)


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HDShOP documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.