
RepLOptim <- function(parmean,parsd,fr,nrep,niter,atol=0.,rtol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),gr=NULL,inphess=NULL,method="nlminb",
   npar <- length(parmean)
    values <- array(dim=nrep)
    if (is.null(lower)) lower <- rep(-Inf,npar)
    if (is.null(upper)) upper <- rep(Inf,npar)
    if (is.finite(objbnd))  { if (is.null(allrep)) allrep <- 10*nrep }
    else allrep <- nrep

    bestres <- NULL	
    bestval <- Inf
    bestpar <- parmean
    initpar <- parmean
    cnt <- 0
    for (i in 1:nrep)  {
       if (cnt > allrep) break
       value <- Inf
       while (value >= objbnd && cnt < allrep)
       	 if (method == "nlminb")
	    tmpres <- nlminb(start=initpar,fr,gradient=gr,hessian=inphess,lower=lower,upper=upper,
       	 else if (method == "nlm") 
	    tmpres <- nlm(fr,p=initpar,lbound=lower,ubound=upper,iterlim=niter,...)
       	 else if (method == "L-BFGS-B")
	    tmpres <- optim(initpar,fr,gr=gr,method=method,lower=lower,upper=upper,control=list(maxit=niter,abstol=atol,reltol=rtol),hessian=rethess,...)
       	 else  tmpres <-
       	 if (method == "nlminb") value <- tmpres$objective
       	 else if (method == "nlm") value <- tmpres$minimum
       	 else value<- tmpres$value
         if (is.na(value)) value <- objbnd
         cnt <- cnt+1
	 u <- runif(n=npar)     # generate npar uniform random numbers
       	 initpar <- qnorm(u,mean=bestpar,sd=parsd) #  generate new parameters from a normal distribution
	 lbndind<- initpar < lower   #  identify indices of parameters that fell below their lower bounds
	 ubndind <- initpar > upper   #  identify indices of parameters that fell above their upper bounds
	 initpar[lbndind] <- lower[lbndind] + u[lbndind] * (bestpar[lbndind]-lower[lbndind]) # and correct those parameters
	 initpar[ubndind] <- upper[ubndind] - u[ubndind] * (upper[ubndind]-bestpar[ubndind]) 
      values[i] <- value
       if (!is.na(value)) if (value < bestval)  {
          bestval <- value
          if (method != "nlm") bestpar <- tmpres$par
          else bestpar <- tmpres$estimate
          bestres <- tmpres
    if (method == "nlminb")  {
        iterations <- bestres$iterations
        if (method != "nlm") counts <- bestres$evaluations
        else counts <- NULL
        hess <- NULL
        egval <- NULL
        parstd <- NULL
    else  {
    	iterations <- NULL
    	counts <- bestres$counts
        if (rethess==TRUE) {
           hess <- bestres$hessian
           egval <- eigen(hess,symmetric=TRUE,only.values=TRUE)$values
       	   if (parmstder==TRUE)
              if (egval[npar] < tol) parstd <- "Not computed because the hessian is not positive definite"
              else parstd <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess)))
           else parstd <- NULL
        else {
	    hess <- NULL
            egval <- NULL
            parstd <- NULL
    if (!is.null(bestres))
    	return(list(par=NULL,val=Inf,iterations=NULL,vallist=NULL,counts=NULL,convergence=NULL,message="RepLOptim was unable to find any valid solution",hessian=NULL,hessegval=NULL,stderrors=NULL))

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