Man pages for HierDpart
Partitioning Hierarchical Diversity and Differentiation Across Metrics and Scales, from Genes to Ecosystems

boot.ppDeltaDBootstrapping test of pairwise allelic differentiation (Delta...
CorDdPlotPlot the relation between genetic differentiation (Delta D)...
COR_DeltaDdFunction for calculating pairwise Delta D and correlation...
COR_FstdFunction for calculating pairwise Fst and correlation...
DeltaDcorplotPlot correlation matrix for pairwise Delta D
HierArCalculating hierarchical allelic richness
HierDFunction for calculating and decomposing genetic diversity...
HierDjostHierarchical DJost
HierFstFunction for calculating hierarchical genetic differentiation...
HierHeFunction for calculating hierarchical heterozygosity
HierJdHierarchical Jaccard dissimilarity
HierpertestTest the significance among aggregates (regions,...
IDIPFunction for decomposing diversity (genetic or species...
LdisperTest significance of dispersion among subaggregate within...
permutate.DeltaDPermutation test for allelic differentiation (Delta D)
plot.aggregatesPlot aggregates with dispersions (variances)
plotdiff1Plot genetic differentiation (Delta D) across loci
plot.pcoa.aggregateDraw the aggregation plot for allelic differentiation
print.boot.ppDeltaDPrint the bootstrapping result for pairwise allelic...
pwag.permutestPermutation test for allelic differentiation (Delta D) among...
pwDeltaDPairwise Shannon differentiation (Delta D)
qDFunction for calculating genetic diversity profile (q=0,1,2)
qDplotPlot the genetic diversity profiles (q=0,1,2)
StrFunction for generating the structure for HierDpart format
HierDpart documentation built on March 31, 2021, 5:09 p.m.