plot-distributionH: plot for a distributionH object

plot-distributionHR Documentation

plot for a distributionH object


A plot function for a distributionH object. The function returns a representation of the histogram.


## S4 method for signature 'distributionH'
plot(x, type = "HISTO", col = "green", border = "black")



a distributionH object


(optional) a string describing the type of plot, default="HISTO".
Other allowed types are
"CDF"=Cumulative distribution function,
"QF"= quantile function,
"DENS"=a density approximation,
"HBOXPLOT"=horizontal boxplot,
"VBOXPLOT"= vertical boxplot,


(optional) a string the color of the plot, default="green".


(optional) a string the color of the border of the plot, default="black".


## ---- initialize a distributionH
mydist <- distributionH(x = c(7, 8, 10, 15), p = c(0, 0.2, 0.7, 1))
# show the histogram
plot(mydist) # plots mydist
plot(mydist, type = "HISTO", col = "red", border = "blue") # plots mydist
plot(mydist, type = "DENS", col = "red", border = "blue") # plots a density approximation for mydist
plot(mydist, type = "HBOXPLOT") # plots a horizontal boxplot for mydist
plot(mydist, type = "VBOXPLOT") # plots a vertical boxplot for mydist
plot(mydist, type = "CDF") # plots the cumulative distribution function of mydist
plot(mydist, type = "QF") # plots the quantile function of mydist

HistDAWass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:27 a.m.