
Defines functions chkHPD

Documented in chkHPD

#' Verify the Integrity of a Hive Plot Data Object
#' This function inspects the classes of each part of a \code{\link{HPD}} as a
#' means of verifying its integrity.  A few other characteristics are checked
#' as well.
#' @param HPD An object of S3 class \code{HivePlotData}.
#' @param confirm Logical; if \code{TRUE} then a favorable result is affirmed
#' in the console (problems are always reported).
#' @return A logical value; \code{TRUE} is there is a problem, otherwise
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. \email{hanson@@depauw.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sumHPD}} which allows inspection (checking) of many
#' properties of your \code{\link{HPD}}.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export chkHPD
#' @examples
#' test4 <- ranHiveData(nx = 4)
#' good <- chkHPD(test4, confirm = TRUE)
#' # mess it up and do again
#' # next test is not run as it halts execution
#' \dontrun{
#' test4$nodes$color <- as.factor(test4$nodes$color)
#' bad <- chkHPD(test4)
#' }
chkHPD <- function(HPD, confirm = FALSE) {

  # Function to Check the Integrity of HPD Objects
  # Bryan Hanson, DePauw University, Oct 2011
  # Part of HiveR package

  if (missing(HPD)) stop("Nothing to check")
  w <- FALSE

  if (!inherits(HPD, "HivePlotData")) {
    warning("The object provided was not of class HivePlotData")
    w <- TRUE

  if (!inherits(HPD$nodes, "data.frame")) {
    warning("The nodes data appear to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$nodes$id, "integer")) {
    warning("nodes$id appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$nodes$radius, "numeric")) {
    warning("nodes$radius appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$nodes$lab, "character")) {
    warning("nodes$lab appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$nodes$axis, "integer")) {
    warning("nodes$axis appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$nodes$color, "character")) {
    warning("nodes$color appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$nodes$size, "numeric")) {
    warning("nodes$size appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE

  if (!inherits(HPD$edges, "data.frame")) {
    warning("The edges data appear to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$edges$id1, "integer")) {
    warning("edges$id1 appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$edges$id2, "integer")) {
    warning("edges$id2 appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$edges$weight, "numeric")) {
    warning("edges$weight appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$edges$color, "character")) {
    warning("edges$color appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE

  if (!inherits(HPD$desc, "character")) {
    warning("The description appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE
  if (!inherits(HPD$axis.cols, "character")) {
    warning("axis.cols appears to be corrupt")
    w <- TRUE

  if (!((HPD$type == "2D") | (HPD$type == "3D"))) {
    warning("Type must be 2D or 3D")
    w <- TRUE

  if (any(HPD$nodes$radius < 0)) warning("Some node radii < 0; the behavior of these is unknown")
  if (any(HPD$nodes$size < 0)) warning("Some node sizes < 0; the behavior of these is unknown")
  if (any(HPD$edges$weight < 0)) warning("Some edge widths (weights) < 0; the behavior of these is unknown")

  if ((!w) && (confirm)) cat("You must be awesome: This hive plot data looks dandy!")
  if (w) {
    cat("*** There seem to be one or more problems with this hive plot data!\n")
    stop("Sorry, we can't continue this way: It's not me, it's you!\n")


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HiveR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:25 a.m.