# DESCRIPTION =========================================================
# Author: Ashesh Rambachan <>
# This script contains functions to implement the methods
# described in Rambachan & Roth (2019) for robust inference
# in difference-in-differences and event study designs.
# This script contains functions that are used to construct
# the confidence sets for Delta^{SDB}(M).
# DELTA^{SDB}(M) FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------
# In this section, we implement helper functions to place testing with
# Delta^{SDB}(M) into the form needed to use the ARP functions.
.create_A_SDB <- function(numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
biasDirection = "positive", postPeriodMomentsOnly = FALSE) {
# This function creates a matrix for the linear constraints that \delta \in Delta^SDB(M).
# It implements this using the general characterization of A.
# Inputs:
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
A_SD = .create_A_SD(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
postPeriodMomentsOnly = postPeriodMomentsOnly)
A_B = .create_A_B(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, biasDirection = biasDirection)
A = base::rbind(A_SD, A_B)
.create_d_SDB <- function(numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, M, postPeriodMomentsOnly = FALSE) {
# This function creates a vector for the linear constraints that \delta \in Delta^SDB(M).
# It implements this using the general characterization of d.
# Inputs:
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
# M = smoothness parameter of Delta^SD(M).
d_SD = .create_d_SD(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, M = M, postPeriodMomentsOnly = postPeriodMomentsOnly)
d_B = base::rep(0, numPostPeriods)
d = base::c(d_SD, d_B)
.compute_IDset_DeltaSDB <- function(M, trueBeta, l_vec,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, biasDirection) {
# This function computes the upper and lower bound of the identified set given the true
# population event study coefficients.
# Inputs:
# M = smoothness param
# trueBeta = vec. of population event study coeff.
# l_vec = vec. l defining param. of interest
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods
# biasDirection = direction of Bias
# Create objective function: Wish to min/max l'delta_post
fDelta = base::c(base::rep(0, numPrePeriods), l_vec)
# Create A, d that define Delta^SDPB(M)
A_SDB = .create_A_SDB(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
biasDirection = biasDirection)
d_SDB = .create_d_SDB(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, M = M)
dir_SDB = base::rep("<=", base::NROW(A_SDB))
# Create equality constraint that delta_pre = beta_pre
prePeriodEqualityMat = base::cbind(base::diag(numPrePeriods),
base::matrix(data = 0, nrow = numPrePeriods, ncol = numPostPeriods))
A_SDB = base::rbind(A_SDB, prePeriodEqualityMat)
d_SDB = base::c(d_SDB, trueBeta[1:numPrePeriods])
dir_SDB = base::c(dir_SDB, base::rep("==", base::NROW(prePeriodEqualityMat)))
bounds = base::list(lower = base::list(ind = 1:(numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods), val = base::rep(-Inf, numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)),
upper = base::list(ind = 1:(numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods), val = base::rep(Inf, numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)))
# Create and solve for max
results.max = Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = fDelta,
max = TRUE,
mat = A_SDB,
dir = dir_SDB,
rhs = d_SDB,
bounds = bounds)
# Create and solve for min
results.min = Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = fDelta,
max = FALSE,
mat = A_SDB,
dir = dir_SDB,
rhs = d_SDB,
bounds = bounds)
if (results.min$status != 0 & results.max$status != 0) {
base::warning("Solver did not find an optimum")
id.ub = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]) = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)])
else {
# Construct upper/lower bound of identified set
id.ub = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]) - results.min$optimum = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]) - results.max$optimum
# Return identified set
base::return(tibble::tibble( =,
id.ub = id.ub))
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDB <- function(betahat, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
M = 0, l_vec = .basisVector(index = 1, size=numPostPeriods),
alpha = 0.05, hybrid_flag = "FLCI", hybrid_kappa = alpha/10,
returnLength = FALSE, biasDirection = "positive",
postPeriodMomentsOnly = TRUE,
gridPoints = 10^3, = NA, grid.ub = NA, seed = 0) {
# This function computes the ARP CI that includes nuisance parameters
# for Delta^{SDPB}(M). This functions uses ARP_computeCI for all
# of its computations.
# Inputs:
# betahat = vector of estimated event study coefficients
# sigma = covariance matrix of estimated event study coefficients
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods
# l_vec = vector that defines parameter theta
# postPeriod = post-period of interest, set to first post-period by default
# M = tuning parameter for Delta^SD(M), default M = 0.
# alpha = desired size of CI, default alpha = 0.05
# hybrid_flag = flag for hybrid default = "ARP".
# hybrid_kappa = desired size of first-stage least favorable test, default = NULL
# returnLength = returns length of CI only. Otherwise, returns matrix with grid in col 1 and test result in col 2.
# gridPoints = number of gridpoints to test over, default = 1000
# biasDirection = "positive" or "negative"; specifies direction of sign restriction.
# postPeriodMomentsOnly = include the delta^RM moments corresponding with the first period only
# Outputs:
# data_frame containing upper and lower bounds of CI.
# Construct A_SDB, d_SDB
A_SDB = .create_A_SDB(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
biasDirection = biasDirection,
postPeriodMomentsOnly = FALSE)
d_SDB = .create_d_SDB(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, M = M, postPeriodMomentsOnly = FALSE)
if (postPeriodMomentsOnly & numPostPeriods > 1) {
postPeriodIndices <- (numPrePeriods +1):base::NCOL(A_SDB)
postPeriodRows <- base::which( base::rowSums( A_SDB[ , postPeriodIndices] != 0 ) > 0 )
rowsForARP <- postPeriodRows
} else{
rowsForARP <- 1:base::NROW(A_SDB)
# Create hybrid_list object
hybrid_list = base::list(hybrid_kappa = hybrid_kappa)
# if there is only one post-period, we use the no-nuisance parameter functions
if (numPostPeriods == 1) {
if (hybrid_flag == "FLCI") {
# Compute FLCI
flci = .findOptimalFLCI_helper(sigma = sigma, M = M,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = hybrid_kappa)
# Add objects to hybrid_list: flci l vector
hybrid_list$flci_l = flci$optimalVec
# Add objects to hybrid_list: flci half-length
hybrid_list$flci_halflength = flci$optimalHalfLength
# compute FLCI ub and FLCI lb
if ({
grid.ub = base::c(base::t(flci$optimalVec) %*% betahat) + flci$optimalHalfLength
if ({ = base::c(base::t(flci$optimalVec) %*% betahat) - flci$optimalHalfLength
} else if (hybrid_flag == "LF") {
# Compute LF CV
lf_cv = .compute_least_favorable_cv(X_T = NULL, sigma = A_SDB %*% sigma %*% base::t(A_SDB), hybrid_kappa = hybrid_kappa, seed = seed)
# Store lf cv
hybrid_list$lf_cv = lf_cv
# construct theta grid
if ( & {
# Compute identified set under parallel trends
IDset = .compute_IDset_DeltaSDB(M = M, trueBeta = base::rep(0, numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods),
biasDirection = biasDirection,
l_vec = l_vec, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods)
sdTheta <- base::c(base::sqrt(base::t(l_vec) %*% sigma[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods), (numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)] %*% l_vec))
grid.ub = IDset$id.ub + 20*sdTheta
if({ = IDset$ - 20*sdTheta
} else if (hybrid_flag == "ARP") {
# construct theta grid
if ( & {
# Compute identified set under parallel trends
IDset = .compute_IDset_DeltaSDB(M = M, trueBeta = base::rep(0, numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods),
biasDirection = biasDirection,
l_vec = l_vec, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods)
sdTheta <- base::c(base::sqrt(base::t(l_vec) %*% sigma[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods), (numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)] %*% l_vec))
grid.ub = IDset$id.ub + 20*sdTheta
if({ = IDset$ - 20*sdTheta
} else {
base::stop("hybrid_flag must equal 'APR' or 'FLCI' or 'LF'")
# Compute confidence set
CI <- .APR_computeCI_NoNuis(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
A = A_SDB, d = d_SDB, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, returnLength = returnLength,
hybrid_flag = hybrid_flag, hybrid_list = hybrid_list,
grid.ub = grid.ub, =,
gridPoints = gridPoints)
} else { # If multiple post-periods, we use the nuisance parameter functions
# HYBRID: If hybrid, compute FLCI
if (hybrid_flag == "FLCI") {
flci = .findOptimalFLCI_helper(sigma = sigma, M = M, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, l_vec = l_vec, alpha = hybrid_kappa)
# Add objects to hybrid_list: flci l vector
hybrid_list$flci_l = flci$optimalVec
# Add vbar to flci l vector
vbar = CVXR::Variable(base::NROW(A_SDB))
obj <- CVXR::Minimize( base::t(flci$optimalVec) %*% flci$optimalVec -
2 * base::t(flci$optimalVec) %*% base::t(A_SDB) %*% vbar + CVXR::quad_form(x = vbar, P = A_SDB %*% base::t(A_SDB)) )
prob = CVXR::Problem(obj)
result = CVXR::psolve(prob)
hybrid_list$vbar = result$getValue(vbar)
# Add objects to hybrid_list: flci half-length
hybrid_list$flci_halflength = flci$optimalHalfLength
# compute FLCI ub and FLCI lb
if ({
grid.ub = base::c(base::t(flci$optimalVec) %*% betahat) + flci$optimalHalfLength
if ({ = base::c(base::t(flci$optimalVec) %*% betahat) - flci$optimalHalfLength
} else {
# Compute ID set under parallel trends
IDset = .compute_IDset_DeltaSDB(M = M, trueBeta = base::rep(0, numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods), biasDirection = biasDirection,
l_vec = l_vec, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods)
# If direction is negative, flip the signs and the upper and lower bounds
if(biasDirection == "negative"){ <- - IDset$id.ub
new.ub <- - IDset$
IDset$ <-
IDset$id.ub <- new.ub
sdTheta <- base::c(base::sqrt(base::t(l_vec) %*% sigma[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods), (numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)] %*% l_vec))
if ( {
grid.ub = IDset$id.ub + 20*sdTheta
if ( { = IDset$ - 20*sdTheta
# Compute ARP CI for l'beta using Delta^SD
CI = .ARP_computeCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, A = A_SDB, d = d_SDB,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha,
hybrid_flag = hybrid_flag, hybrid_list = hybrid_list,
returnLength = returnLength, =, grid.ub = grid.ub,
gridPoints = gridPoints, rowsForARP = rowsForARP)
# Returns CI
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