# DESCRIPTION =========================================================
# Author: Ashesh Rambachan <>
# This script contains functions to implement the methods
# described in Rambachan & Roth (2019) for robust inference
# in difference-in-differences and event study designs.
# This script contains functions that are used to construct
# the ARP test without nuisance parameters.
.testInIdentifiedSet <- function(y, sigma, A, d,
Abar_additional = NULL, dbar_additional = NULL, alpha) {
# Runs APR test of the moments E[AY] - d <= 0, where Y ~ N(mu, sigma) and mu <= 0 under the null.
# The APR test conditions on the location of the binding moment, which we write as Abar Y <= dbar.
# This can be used, e.g. for hybrid values with the FLCI
sigmaTilde <- base::as.vector( base::sqrt( base::diag(A %*% sigma %*% base::t(A)) ) )
Atilde <- base::solve( base::diag(sigmaTilde) ) %*% A
dtilde <- base::solve( base::diag(sigmaTilde) ) %*% d
normalizedMoments <- Atilde %*% y - dtilde
maxLocation <- base::which.max(normalizedMoments)
maxMoment <- normalizedMoments[maxLocation]
T_B <- .selectionMat(maxLocation, size = base::NROW(Atilde), select = "rows")
iota <- base::matrix(1, nrow = base::NROW(Atilde), ncol = 1)
gamma <- base::t(T_B %*% Atilde)
Abar <- Atilde - iota %*% T_B %*% Atilde
dbar <- ( base::diag(base::NROW(dtilde)) - iota %*% T_B ) %*% dtilde
# If statement, modifies Abar for the FLCI hybrid
if (!base::is.null(Abar_additional)) {
Abar <- base::rbind(Abar, Abar_additional)
dbar <- base::c(dbar, dbar_additional)
sigmabar <- base::sqrt( base::t(gamma) %*% sigma %*% gamma )
c <- sigma %*% gamma / base::as.numeric( base::t(gamma) %*% sigma %*% gamma )
z <- (base::diag(base::NROW(y)) - c %*% base::t(gamma)) %*% y
VLoVUpVec <- .VLoVUpFN(eta = gamma, Sigma = sigma, A = Abar, b = dbar, z = z)
# Per ARP (2021), CV = max(0, c_{1-alpha}), where c_{1-alpha} is the 1-alpha
# quantile of truncated normal.
criticalVal <- base::max(0, .norminvp_generalized(p = 1-alpha, l = VLoVUpVec[1], u = VLoVUpVec[2],
mu = T_B %*% dtilde, sd = sigmabar))
reject <- (maxMoment + T_B %*% dtilde > criticalVal)
.testInIdentifiedSet_FLCI_Hybrid <- function(y, sigma, A, d, alpha, hybrid_list) {
# This function does a hybrid test where we first test if |l'y| > halflength
# where l and halflength are for the FLCI of size beta
# If so, we reject in the first stage
# If not, we add the event that |l'y| <= halflength to the conditioning event,
# and we adjust second stage size accordingly
# Note that if y = (betahat - tau), then can derive that $tau \in l'\betahat \pm \chi$ iff |l'y| \leq \chi.
# Note that this assume l places weight of 1 on \tau
# Create A_firststage and d_firststage to capture the absolutevalue constraints
# We reject if A_firstsage %*%y - d_firstage has any positive elements
# otherwise we add these to the constraints
A_firststage <- base::rbind(hybrid_list$flci_l,
d_firststage <- base::c(hybrid_list$flci_halflength,
# Run the first-stage test
if (base::max(A_firststage %*% y - d_firststage) > 0) {
reject <- TRUE
} else {
# Per ARP (2021), CV = max(0, c_{1-alpha-tilde}), where alpha-tilde = (alpha - kappa)/(1-kappa)
# quantile of truncated normal that accounts for failing to reject in the first stage.
alphatilde <- (alpha - hybrid_list$hybrid_kappa) / (1 - hybrid_list$hybrid_kappa)
reject <- .testInIdentifiedSet(y = y, sigma = sigma,
A = A, d = d,
Abar_additional = A_firststage,
dbar_additional = d_firststage,
alpha = alphatilde)
.testInIdentifiedSet_LF_Hybrid <- function(y, sigma, A, d, alpha, hybrid_list) {
sigmaTilde <- base::as.vector( base::sqrt( base::diag(A %*% sigma %*% base::t(A)) ) )
Atilde <- base::solve( base::diag(sigmaTilde) ) %*% A
dtilde <- base::solve( base::diag(sigmaTilde) ) %*% d
normalizedMoments <- Atilde %*% y - dtilde
maxLocation <- base::which.max(normalizedMoments)
maxMoment <- normalizedMoments[maxLocation]
if (maxMoment > hybrid_list$lf_cv) {
reject = 1
} else {
T_B <- .selectionMat(maxLocation, size = base::NROW(Atilde), select = "rows")
iota <- base::matrix(1, nrow = base::NROW(Atilde), ncol = 1)
gamma <- base::t(T_B %*% Atilde)
Abar <- Atilde - iota %*% T_B %*% Atilde
dbar <- ( base::diag(base::NROW(dtilde)) - iota %*% T_B ) %*% dtilde
sigmabar <- base::sqrt( base::t(gamma) %*% sigma %*% gamma )
c <- sigma %*% gamma / base::as.numeric( base::t(gamma) %*% sigma %*% gamma )
z <- (base::diag(base::NROW(y)) - c %*% base::t(gamma)) %*% y
VLoVUpVec <- .VLoVUpFN(eta = gamma, Sigma = sigma, A = Abar, b = dbar, z = z)
# Per ARP (2021), CV = max(0, c_{1-alpha-tilde}), where alpha-tilde = (alpha - kappa)/(1-kappa)
# quantile of truncated normal that accounts for failing to reject in the first stage.
alphatilde <- (alpha - hybrid_list$hybrid_kappa) / (1 - hybrid_list$hybrid_kappa)
criticalVal <- base::max(0, .norminvp_generalized(p = 1-alphatilde, l = VLoVUpVec[1], u = VLoVUpVec[2],
mu = T_B %*% dtilde, sd = sigmabar))
reject <- (maxMoment + T_B %*% dtilde > criticalVal)
.testOverThetaGrid <- function(betahat, sigma, A, d, thetaGrid,
numPrePeriods, alpha, testFn = .testInIdentifiedSet, ...) {
# Tests whether values in a grid lie in the identified set.
testTauInSetFn <- function(theta) {
reject <- testFn(y = betahat - basisVector(index = numPrePeriods + 1, size = base::length(betahat))*theta,
sigma = sigma, A = A, d = d, alpha = alpha, ...)
inSet <- !reject
testResultsGrid <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = thetaGrid, .f = testTauInSetFn)
testValsGrid <- thetaGrid
resultsGrid <- base::cbind(testValsGrid, testResultsGrid)
.APR_computeCI_NoNuis <- function(betahat, sigma, A, d,
numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec,
alpha, returnLength,
hybrid_flag, hybrid_list, grid.ub,,
gridPoints, postPeriodMomentsOnly) {
# This function computes the APR confidence interval for Delta^SD(M) for a given event study.
# It takes the following inputs:
# betahat = vector of estimated event study coefficients
# sigma = covariance matrix of estimated event study coefficients
# A = matrix defining the set Delta
# d = vector defining the set Delta
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods
# M = tuning parameter of Delta^SD(M), default M = 0
# postPeriod = post-period of interest
# alpha = size of CI, default 0.05.
# Construct grid of tau values to test and test which values of tau lie in ID set.
thetaGrid <- base::seq(, grid.ub, length.out = gridPoints)
if (hybrid_flag == "ARP") {
resultsGrid <- .testOverThetaGrid(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
A = A, d = d, thetaGrid = thetaGrid, alpha = alpha)
} else if (hybrid_flag == "FLCI") {
resultsGrid <- .testOverThetaGrid(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma, thetaGrid = thetaGrid,
A = A, d = d, alpha = alpha,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
testFn = .testInIdentifiedSet_FLCI_Hybrid,
hybrid_list = hybrid_list)
} else if (hybrid_flag == "LF") {
resultsGrid <- .testOverThetaGrid(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma, thetaGrid = thetaGrid,
A = A, d = d, alpha = alpha,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
testFn = .testInIdentifiedSet_LF_Hybrid,
hybrid_list = hybrid_list)
} else {
base::stop("hybrid_flag must equal 'APR' or 'FLCI' or 'LF'")
if( resultsGrid[1] == 1 | resultsGrid[base::length(resultsGrid)] == 1 ){
base::warning("CI is open at one of the endpoints; CI length may not be accurate")
# Compute length, else return grid
if (returnLength == TRUE) {
gridLength <- 0.5 * ( base::c(0, base::diff(thetaGrid)) + base::c(base::diff(thetaGrid), 0 ) )
base::return(base::sum(resultsGrid[, 2]*gridLength))
} else {
base::return(tibble::tibble(grid = resultsGrid[, 1],
accept = resultsGrid[,2]))
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