
Defines functions testIAD_mpfr

Documented in testIAD_mpfr

#' Model-agnostic interaction difference test for prediction models 
#' Tests if a given set \emph{s} of covariates contributes to interaction
#' effects in the prediction model.
#' @param colInd Index of columns of covariates to specify the null hypothesis 
#' set \emph{s} (integer vector). 
#' @param object Prediction model object (class flexible). 
#' @param predictfun Prediction function to be evaluated (class function). The
#' prediction function needs to be specified with two arguments 
#' \emph{predictfun(object, X)}. The argument \emph{object} is the prediction 
#' model and \emph{X} the data on which the partial dependence functions
#' are evaluated. 
#' @param X Data on that the partial dependence function is evaluated 
#' (class matrix or data.frame). The structure of the data depends on the 
#' specified argument \emph{predictfun}.
#' @param newX Test data set, which is used in the evaluation of the partial
#' dependence functions (class "matrix" or "data.frame"). Default value NULL evaluates
#' the interaction test on training data \emph{X}.
#' @param y Response (numeric vector). Default value NULL means that the 
#' statistic is not based on response information.
#' @param alternative Should the hypothesis be tested two-sided \emph{alternative="twoSided"},
#' greater \emph{alternative="greater"} or less \emph{alternative="less"} (character vector)? 
#' Default is "twoSided".
#' @param centering Should the resulting values be mean centered? 
#' (logical scalar). Default corresponds to output original values.
#' @param nCoresPDP Number of cores used in standard parallel computation
#' setup based on R \emph{parallel} package to compute partial 
#' dependence function. 
#' The default value of one uses serial processing across observations.
#' @param precBits Numerical precision that are used in computation after the 
#' calculation of the predictions from the estimated model. Default is defined 
#' to be double the amount of the 53 Bits usually used in R.
#' @return List with following entries:
#'  \itemize{
#' \item {testStat:} Test statistic based on one-sample Gaussian test.
#' \item {pValue:} P-value based on asymptotic normal distribution.
#' \item {IAD_f_terms:} If \emph{y=NULL} then the terms used to calculate the
#' variance of the predictions with possible interaction effects 
#' in set \emph{s} are returned. If \emph{y!=NULL}, then the terms of the MSE of the prediction model 
#' with interactions is returned.
#' \item {IAD_f:} If \emph{y=NULL} then the variance of the predictions with possible interaction effects 
#' in set \emph{s} is returned. If \emph{y!=NULL}, then the MSE of the prediction model 
#' with possible interactions is returned.
#' \item {IAD_PD_terms:} If \emph{y=NULL} then the terms used to calculate the 
#' variance of predictions under the null hypothesis
#' of no interaction effects in set \emph{s} are returned. If \emph{y!=NULL}, 
#' then the terms used to calculate the MSE of the prediction model are returned.
#' under the null hypothesis of no interaction effects are returned.
#' \item {IAD_PD:} If \emph{y=NULL} then the variance of predictions under the null hypothesis
#' of no interaction effects of set \emph{s} is returned. If \emph{y!=NULL}, 
#' then the MSE of the prediction model is returned.
#' \item {z3} Terms used to calculate the the interaction difference.
#' under the null hypothesis of no interaction effects is returned.
#' \item {IAD:} Interaction difference calculated as mean of the terms \emph{z3}.
#' } 
#' @author Thomas Welchowski \email{welchow@@imbie.meb.uni-bonn.de}
#' @details The data set used to evaluate the interaction test coulbe be training 
#' or test data. The proof of the asymptotic distribution only works in case of
#' test data. Therefore we recommend usage of test data for evaluation. Two types 
#' of hypothesis are recommended:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {Model interactions:} Model does not have interaction effects between 
#' covariates in set \emph{s} and 
#' between other covariates and those of set \emph{s}. Argument \emph{colInd} specifies 
#' the set s and argument \emph{alternative} should be set to "twoSided".
#' \item {MSE improvement:} Do interactions between between covariates in set \emph{s} and 
#' between other covariates and those of set \emph{s} descrease MSE?
#' Argument \emph{alternative} should be set to "less".
#' }
#' @note Numerical precision does have influence on Type I error
#' percentages. Under the null hypothesis values of the test statistic can be
#' very small near zero. To lessen the impact of random rounding errors increased
#' numerical precision is important.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pdpEst_mpfr}}
#' @keywords prediction
#' @examples
#' #####################
#' # Simulation example
#' #####################
#' library(mvnfast)
#' library(mgcv)
#' ############################################################################
#' # H0: Covariate X1 does not contribute to interaction effects in the 
#' # prediction model.
#' # Train data
#' # Simulate covariates from multivariate standard normal distribution
#' set.seed(-72498)
#' nSize <- 100
#' X <- mvnfast::rmvn(n=nSize, mu=rep(0, 2), sigma=diag(2))
#' # Response generation
#' y <- X[, 1]^2 + rnorm(n=nSize, mean=0, sd=0.25)
#' # Complete data frame
#' trainDat <- data.frame(X, y=y)
#' # Test data
#' # Simulate covariates from multivariate standard normal distribution
#' testX <- mvnfast::rmvn(n=nSize, mu=rep(0, 2), sigma=diag(2))
#' # Response generation
#' testY <- testX[, 1]^2 + rnorm(n=nSize, mean=0, sd=0.25)
#' testDat <- data.frame(testX, y=testY)
#' # Estimate generalized additive model with training data
#' library(mgcv)
#' gamFit <- gam(formula=y~s(X1)+s(X2), data=trainDat,
#'               family=gaussian())
#' # Test interaction
#' testIAD_mpfr1 <- testIAD_mpfr(colInd=1, object=gamFit,
#'                               predictfun=function(object, X){
#'                                 predict(object=object, newdata=X, type="response")
#'                               }, X=testDat)
#' testIAD_mpfr1$pValue
#' # -> H0 is not rejected with alpha=0.05
#' ###############################################################
#' # H1: X1 does contribute to at least one interaction effect
#' # in the prediction model.
#' # Train data
#' # Simulate covariates from multivariate standard normal distribution
#' set.seed(-72498)
#' nSize <- 150
#' X <- mvnfast::rmvn(n=nSize, mu=rep(0, 2), sigma=diag(2))
#' # Response generation
#' y <- X[, 1]^2 * X[, 2] + rnorm(n=nSize, mean=0, sd=0.25)
#' # Complete data frame
#' trainDat <- data.frame(X, y=y)
#' # Test data
#' # Simulate covariates from multivariate standard normal distribution
#' testX <- mvnfast::rmvn(n=nSize, mu=rep(0, 2), sigma=diag(2))
#' # Response generation
#' testY <- testX[, 1]^2 * testX[, 2] + rnorm(n=nSize, mean=0, sd=0.25)
#' testDat <- data.frame(testX, y=testY)
#' # Estimate generalized additive model with training data
#' library(mgcv)
#' gamFit <- gam(formula=y~s(X1, X2, k=25), data=trainDat,
#'               family=gaussian())
#' # Test interaction
#' testIAD_mpfr1 <- testIAD_mpfr(colInd=1, object=gamFit,
#'                               predictfun=function(object, X){
#'                                 predict(object=object, newdata=X, type="response")
#'                               }, X=testDat)
#' testIAD_mpfr1$pValue
#' # -> H0 is rejected with alpha=0.05
#' @export testIAD_mpfr
testIAD_mpfr <- function(colInd, object, predictfun, X, newX=NULL, y=NULL, 
                         nCoresPDP=1, precBits=53*2){
  # 1. Calculate predictions
  if( is.null(y) & is.null(newX) ){
    IAD_f_terms <- mpfr(predictfun(object=object, X=X), precBits=precBits)
  if( !is.null(y) & is.null(newX) ){
    IAD_f_terms <- y - mpfr(predictfun(object=object, X=X), precBits=precBits)
  if( is.null(y) & !is.null(newX) ){
    IAD_f_terms <- mpfr(predictfun(object=object, X=newX), precBits=precBits)
  if( !is.null(y) & !is.null(newX) ){
    IAD_f_terms <- y - mpfr(predictfun(object=object, X=newX), precBits=precBits)

  # 2. PD function S \ s
  if( all(colInd==0) ){
    calcSet <- 1:dim(X)[2]
  } else{
    calcSet <- setdiff(1:dim(X)[2], colInd)
  pdpSetDiff <- pdpEst_mpfr(colInd=calcSet, 
                            object=object, X=X, newX=newX,
                            predictfun=predictfun, centering=centering,
                            precBits = precBits)
  # 3. Sum of PDP functions over each variable
  sumPDP <- rep(0, dim(X)[1])
  for( k in 1:length(colInd) ){
    sumPDP <- sumPDP + pdpEst_mpfr(colInd=colInd[k], object=object, 
                                   X=X, newX=newX,
                                   predictfun=predictfun, centering=centering,
                                   nCores=nCoresPDP, precBits = precBits)
  # 4. Sum of 2. and 3.
  if( is.null(y) ){
    IAD_PD_terms <- pdpSetDiff + sumPDP
  } else{
    IAD_PD_terms <- y - (pdpSetDiff + sumPDP)

  # 5. Statistical hypothesis test
  x1 <- IAD_f_terms + IAD_PD_terms
  x2 <- IAD_f_terms - IAD_PD_terms
  z3 <- (x1-mean(x1))*(x2-mean(x2))
  z3_mean <- mean(z3)
  z3_sd <- sd(z3)
  # 6. Check zero variance
  if( !identical(x=z3_sd, y=0) ){
    testStat <- z3_mean / z3_sd * sqrt(length(z3))
    # Type of hypothesis
      pVal <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(testStat)))
      pVal <- 1-pnorm(testStat)
      pVal <- pnorm(testStat)
    outputPrep <- list(testStat=testStat,
  } else{
    outputPrep <- list(testStat=0,
  # Output

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IADT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:47 a.m.