
.CAFs <-
function(x, sap, loops = NULL) {  #common ancestral founders
    zeros = sap[['0']]; ones = c(sap[['1']], sap[['atleast1']]); twos = sap[['2']]
	caf <- fou <- setdiff(x$founders, zeros) 
	fou_one = intersect(fou, ones)
	if (length(fou_one) > 1 || any(twos %in% fou)) return(numeric()) #since founders always have different alleles (by definition)
	fou_desc = lapply(fou, descendants, x=x, original.id=FALSE)
	if(length(twos)>0) {
		.ancestral.founders = function(id)	if (id %in% fou) return(id) else fou[sapply(fou_desc, function(ds) id %in% ds)]
		if(is.null(loops)) loops = pedigreeLoops(x)
		if(length(loops) == 0) return(numeric())  #NB: 1)pedigreeLoops uses original ids 2) very inefficient, but fast enough
		bottoms = sapply(loops, '[[', 'bottom') 
		tops = sapply(loops, '[[', 'top')
		for (bot in twos) caf = intersect(caf, unlist(lapply(tops[bottoms==bot], .ancestral.founders)))
	if(length(fou_one)==1) {
		test_ones = all(ones[ones != fou_one] %in% fou_desc[[match(fou_one, fou)]])
		if(test_ones && fou_one %in% caf) 	return(fou_one) 
		else return(numeric())
		caf[ sapply(caf, function(f) all(ones %in% fou_desc[[match(f, fou)]])) ]  #keep only cafs that have all the 'ones' among their descendants.

.pedPaths = function(x, from, to)  {
	paths = list()
	leaves = seq_len(x$nInd)[ - x$pedigree[, c('FID','MID')] ]
	descend = function(x, from, to, path) {
	  if(from==to) {paths <<- c(paths, list(path)); return()}
	  if(from %in% leaves) return()
	  offs = offspring(x, from, original.id=FALSE)
	  for (kid in offs) descend(x, from=kid, to=to, path=c(path, kid))
	descend(x, from, to, path=from)

.comb2 = function(n) {
        if (n<2) return(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2))
        v1 = rep.int(seq_len(n-1), (n-1):1)
        v2 = NULL
        for (i in 2:n) v2 = c(v2, i:n)
        cbind(v1,v2, deparse.level=0)

obligate.carriers = function(x, sap) {
	cafs = .CAFs(x, sap)
	cafPaths = lapply(cafs, function(caf) {
		onePaths = lapply(c(sap[['1']], sap[['atleast1']]), function(id) .pedPaths(x, from=caf, to=id))
		twoPaths = lapply(sap[['2']], function(id) {
			paths = .pedPaths(x, from=caf, to=id)
			temp = list()
			for(i in 1:nrow(loop_pairs <- .comb2(length(paths)))) {
				p1 = paths[[loop_pairs[i,1]]]; p2 = paths[[loop_pairs[i,2]]]
				if(p1[length(p1) - 1] != p2[length(p2) - 1])  #true loop only if both parents of 'two' are included
					temp = c(temp, list(c(p1, p2)))
		}) #twoLoops for this CAF is a list of |two| elements: For each two-ID the list of possible loops from CAF to ID 
		allcomb = expand.grid(c(twoPaths, onePaths)) #each row here consists of one of each
		lapply(1:nrow(allcomb), function(i) sort.default(unique(unlist(allcomb[i,]))))
	obligs = unique(unlist(cafPaths, recursive=F))
	obligs = lapply(obligs, setdiff, c(sap[['atleast1']], sap[['2']]))
	obligs = obligs[sapply(obligs, function(vec) !any(sap[['0']] %in% vec))] #and paths containing 0-indivs
	if(length(obligs)==0) stop("Hmm, I can't find any possible sets of obligate carriers.")
	keep = lapply(seq_len(length(obligs)), function(i) {
		for(other in obligs[-i]) if (all(other %in% obligs[[i]])) return(FALSE)

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IBDsim documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m.