Identification of Cancer Dysfunctional Subpathway with Omics Data

Global functions
CombineSubPath Source code
Conversion01 Source code
FindCombineSubPath Source code
FindSubPath Man page Source code
GetExampleData Man page Source code
GetNextGene_Z Source code
Getenvir Source code
ICDS Man page
ICDS-package Man page
MakeJaccardMatrix Source code
Permutation Man page Source code
PlotSubpathway Man page Source code
SplitPath Source code
amp_gene Man page
calT Source code
cnv.p Man page
cnv_data Man page
combinep_three Man page Source code
combinep_two Man page Source code
coverp2zscore Man page Source code
del_gene Man page
envData Man page
exp.p Man page
exp_data Man page
getCnvp Man page Source code
getExpp Man page Source code
getMethp Man page Source code
initializetest Source code
jaccardCoef Source code
label1 Man page
label2 Man page
meth.p Man page
meth_data Man page
opt_subpath Man page Source code
opt_subpathways Man page
overlapSPMatrix Source code
rmnan Source code
subpathdata Man page
zzz Man page
ICDS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:32 p.m.