
Defines functions inla.INDIMCAR.model

Documented in inla.INDIMCAR.model

#' @name inla.rgeneric.indep.IMCAR.model
#' @rdname indepimcar
#' @title \eqn{MCAR(1, \Lambda)}: Intrinsic multivariate CAR latent effect
#' without correlation parameters.
#' @description Multivariate generalization of the intrinsic conditional
#' autorregresive model. No correlation parameters are considered between
#' the different diseases, so the matrix which models the variability between
#' diseases will be a diagonal matrix.
#' @param cmd Arguments used by latent effects defined using the 'rgeneric'
#' latent effect.
#' @param theta Vector of hyperparameters.
#' @return This is used internally by the 'INLA::inla()'.
#' @details This function is used to define a latent effect that is a
#' multivariate spatial effect with a intrinsic conditional autorregresive
#' distribution and a diagonal matrix in order to model the whitin-disease and
#' the between-diseases variability, respectively. Due to this effect is a
#' multivariate spatial latent effect this function requires the following
#' arguments when defining the latent effect:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \emph{W} Adjacency SPARSE matrix for spatial effect in the basic
#'   binary code.
#'   \item \emph{k} Number of diseases of the multivariate study.
#' This model is defined using the 'f()' function and an index in order to
#' identify the spatial areas. See the example.
#' @references Palmí-Perales F, Gómez-Rubio V, Martinez-Beneito MA (2021). “Bayesian
#' Multivariate Spatial Models for Lattice Data with INLA.” _Journal of
#' Statistical Software_, *98*(2), 1-29. doi: 10.18637/jss.v098.i02 (URL:
#' https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v098.i02).
#' @section Prior distributions of the hyperparameters:
#' The hyperparamenters of this lattent effect are the marginal precisions of
#' each disease. So the total number of hyperpameters is equal to the number
#' of diseases.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (require("INLA", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' require(spdep)
#' require(spData)
#' require(rgdal)
#'## Independent IMCAR model with 2 diseases
#'#Load SIDS data
#'nc.sids <- readOGR(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="spData")[1])
#'proj4string(nc.sids) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66")
#'#Compute adjacency matrix, as nb object 'adj' and sparse matrix 'W'
#'adj <- poly2nb(nc.sids)
#'W <- as(nb2mat(adj, style = "B"), "Matrix")
#'#Compute expected cases
#'r74 <- sum(nc.sids$SID74) / sum(nc.sids$BIR74)
#'nc.sids$EXP74 <- r74 * nc.sids$BIR74
#'nc.sids$SMR74 <- nc.sids$SID74 / nc.sids$EXP74
#'nc.sids$NWPROP74 <- nc.sids$NWBIR74 / nc.sids$BIR74
#'r79 <- sum(nc.sids$SID79) / sum(nc.sids$BIR79)
#'nc.sids$EXP79 <- r79 * nc.sids$BIR79
#'nc.sids$SMR79 <- nc.sids$SID79 / nc.sids$EXP79
#'nc.sids$NWPROP79 <- nc.sids$NWBIR79 / nc.sids$BIR79
#'# Data (replicated to assess scalability)
#'#Real data
#'n.rep <- 1
#'d <- list(OBS = c(nc.sids$SID74, nc.sids$SID79),
#'          NWPROP = c(nc.sids$NWPROP74, nc.sids$NWPROP79),
#'          EXP = c(nc.sids$EXP74, nc.sids$EXP79))
#'d <- lapply(d, function(X) { rep(X, n.rep)})
#'d$idx <- 1:length(d$OBS)
#'# Model parameters: k and W
#'k <- 2 * n.rep #Number of diseases
#'#Define independent IMCAR model
#'model <- inla.rgeneric.define(inla.rgeneric.indep.IMCAR.model, debug = FALSE,
#'                              k = k,
#'                              W = W)
#' # Matrices for sum-to-zero constraints
#' A <- kronecker(Diagonal(k, 1), Matrix(1, ncol = nrow(W), nrow = 1))
#' e  = rep(0, k)
#'#Fit multivariate model
#'r <- inla(OBS ~ 1 + f(idx, model = model,
#'       extraconstr = list(A = as.matrix(A), e = e)), # + NWPROP,
#'  data = d, E = EXP, family = "poisson",
#'  control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE))
#' # Transformed parameters
#' r.hyperpar <- inla.MCAR.transform(r, k = 2, model = "INDIMCAR")
#' r.hyperpar$summary.hyperpar
#'#Get fitted data, i.e., relative risk
#'nc.sids$FITTED74 <- r$summary.fitted.values[1:100, "mean"]
#'nc.sids$FITTED79 <- r$summary.fitted.values[100 + 1:100, "mean"]
#'#Display fitted relative risks
#'spplot(nc.sids, c("SMR74", "FITTED74", "SMR79", "FITTED79"))
#'#Show marginals of tau_1, tau_2, alpha
#'marg.tau1 <- inla.tmarginal(
#'  function(x) exp(x),
#'  r$marginals.hyperpar[[1]])
#'marg.tau2 <- inla.tmarginal(
#'  function(x) exp(x),
#'  r$marginals.hyperpar[[2]])
#'oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#'plot(marg.tau1, main = "tau1", type = "l")
#'plot(marg.tau2, main = "tau2", type = "l")
#'#Real data
#'d.uni <- list(OBS = nc.sids$SID74,
#'              NWPROP = nc.sids$NWPROP74,
#'              EXP = nc.sids$EXP74)
#'d.uni$idx <- 1:length(d.uni$OBS)
#'#Fit model
#'r.uni <- inla(OBS ~ 1 + f(idx, model = "besag", graph = W),
#'              data = d.uni, E = EXP, family = "poisson",
#'              control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE))
#'nc.sids$FITTED74.uni <- r.uni$summary.fitted.values[ , "mean"]
#'#Display univariate VS multivariate fitted relative risks.
#'spplot(nc.sids, c("FITTED74", "FITTED74.uni"),
#'       main=list(label="Relative risk estimation",cex=2))
#'plot(nc.sids$FITTED74.uni, nc.sids$FITTED74, main="Relative Risk estimations",
#'     xlab="Univariate RR estimations"
#'     , ylab="Multivariate RR estimations", xlim=c(0.5, 2.5), ylim=c(0.5, 2.5))
#'abline(h=0, col="grey")
#'abline(v=0, col="grey")
#'abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
#'#Plot posterior mean of the spatial effects univ VS multi
#'nc.sids$m.uni <- r.uni$summary.random$idx[, "mean"]
#'nc.sids$m.mult <- r$summary.random$idx[1:100, "mean"]
#'plot(nc.sids$m.uni, nc.sids$m.mult,
#'     main="Posterior mean of the spatial effect", xlab="Uni. post. means"
#'     , ylab="Mult. post. means", xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-1,1))
#'abline(h=0, col="grey")
#'abline(v=0, col="grey")
#'abline(a=0, b=1, col="red")
#'spplot(nc.sids, c("m.mult", "m.uni"),
#'       main=list(label="Post. mean spatial effect",cex=2))
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @usage inla.rgeneric.indep.IMCAR.model(cmd, theta)

# Define previous variables as global to avoid warnings()
utils::globalVariables(c("k", "W"))

'inla.rgeneric.indep.IMCAR.model' <-
  function(cmd = c("graph", "Q", "mu", "initial", "log.norm.const",
                   "log.prior", "quit"), theta = NULL)
    ## IMCAR implementation MCAR(1, Lambda) = MCAR(Lambda)
    ## = Improper CAR + Diagonal Lambda
    ## k: number of diseases/blocks
    ## W: adjacency matrix

    #theta: tau1, tau2, ...., tauk = k parameters.
    interpret.theta <- function()
      #Function for changing from internal scale to external scale. Also,
      #build the diagonal matrix used to model the between-disease variability.

      # The k hyperparameters are the k precisions
      param <- sapply(theta[as.integer(1:k)], function(x) { exp(x) })

      # Diagonal matrix for model the between-disease variability.
      PREC <- diag(param, k)

      return (list(param = param, PREC = PREC))

    #Graph of precision function; i.e., a 0/1 representation of precision matrix
    graph <- function()
      # Diagonal precision matrix
      PREC <- diag(1, k)
      G <- kronecker(PREC, Matrix::Diagonal(nrow(W), 1) + W)
      return (G)

    #Precision matrix
    Q <- function()
      #Parameters in model scale
      param <- interpret.theta()

      Q <- kronecker(param$PREC, Matrix::Diagonal(nrow(W), apply(W, 1, sum)) -  W)

      return (Q)

    #Mean of model
    mu <- function() {

    log.norm.const <- function() {
      ## return the log(normalising constant) for the model
      #param = interpret.theta()
      #val = n * (- 0.5 * log(2*pi) + 0.5 * log(prec.innovation))
      #+ 0.5 * log(1.0 - param$alpha^2)

      val <- numeric(0)
      return (val)

    log.prior <- function() {
      ## return the log-prior for the hyperparameters.
      ## Uniform prior in (alpha.min, alpha.max) on model scale
      param <- interpret.theta()

     #Uniform priors on the standard deviations
     # log(constant_uniform) is ignored
      val <- - sum(theta) / 2 - k * log(2)

      return (val)

    initial <- function() {
      ## return initial values

      # Initial values
      return( c(rep(log(1), k)) )

    quit <- function() {
      return (invisible())

    # FIX for rgeneric to work on R >= 4
    # Provided by E. T. Krainski
    if (as.integer(R.version$major) > 3) {
      if (!length(theta))
        theta = initial()
    } else {
      if (is.null(theta)) {
        theta <- initial()

    val <- do.call(match.arg(cmd), args = list())
    return (val)

##' @rdname indepimcar
##' @param ...  Arguments to be passed to 'inla.rgeneric.define'.
##' @export
##' @usage inla.INDIMCAR.model(...)

inla.INDIMCAR.model <- function(...) {
  INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(inla.rgeneric.indep.IMCAR.model, ...)

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