
#' Create WOE/NWOE tables and rank variables by IV/NIV
#' \code{create_infotables} returns WOE or NWOE tables (as data.frames), and a data.frame with IV or NIV values for all
#' predictive variables. 
#' @param data input data.frame for analysis (this is typically your training dataset).
#' @param valid validation data.frame (default is NULL). Must have the same variables as the training dataset.
#' @param y dependent variable.
#' @param bins number of bins (default is 10).
#' @param trt binary treatment variable for uplift analysis (Default is NUL).
#' @param ncore number of cores used. Default is to use available cores - 1.
#' @param parallel set to TRUE for parallel processing. Number of cores is determined by the ncore parameter.

#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores 
#' @import iterators
#' @import utils
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export create_infotables
#' @examples  
#' ##------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## WOE analysis, no cross validation
#' ##------------------------------------------------------------
#' library(Information)
#' data(train, package="Information")
#' train <- subset(train, TREATMENT==1)
#' IV <- Information::create_infotables(data=train, y="PURCHASE", parallel=FALSE)
#' print(head(IV$Summary), row.names=FALSE)
#' print(IV$Tables$N_OPEN_REV_ACTS, row.names=FALSE)
#' closeAllConnections()

create_infotables <- function(data=NULL, valid=NULL, y=NULL, bins=10, trt=NULL, ncore=NULL, parallel=TRUE){
  ### Helper function
  combine <- function(x, ...) {
           function(i) c(x[[i]], lapply(list(...), function(y) y[[i]])))
  ### Dataset provided?
  if (is.null(data)){
    stop("Error: No dataset provided")
  ### If no validation dataset, no cross validation
  crossval <- TRUE
  if (is.null(valid)){
    crossval <- FALSE

  ### Check inputs
  c <- CheckInputs(data, valid, trt, y)
  data <- c[[1]]
  if (crossval==TRUE){
    valid <- c[[2]]
  ### Set up output containers  
  variables <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% c(trt, y))]
  d_netlift <- 0 # net lift indicator. This triggers different metrics
  if (is.null(trt)==FALSE){
    d_netlift <- 1
  i <- NULL
  if (length(variables)==0){
    stop("ERROR: no variables left after screening")
  if (parallel==TRUE){
     if (is.null(ncore)){
        ncore <- detectCores()-1
     if (ncore<1) ncore <- 1
     ### Loop through variables
     loopResult <- foreach(i=1:length(variables), .combine='combine', .multicombine=TRUE,
                       .init=list(list(), list())) %dopar% {

        data$var <- data[[variables[i]]]
        cuts <- NULL
        if (crossval==TRUE){
           valid$var <- valid[[variables[i]]]
           if (is.character(data[[variables[i]]]) != is.character(valid[[variables[i]]])){
             stop(paste0("ERROR: variable type mismatch for ", variables[i], " across validation and training (not a character in both dataframes)"))
           if (is.factor(data[[variables[i]]]) != is.factor(valid[[variables[i]]])){
             stop(paste0("ERROR: variable type mismatchfor ", variables[i], " across validation and training dataframes (not a factor in both dataframes)"))
        if (is.character(data[[variables[i]]])==FALSE & is.factor(data[[variables[i]]])==FALSE){
           q <- quantile(data[[variables[i]]], probs=c(1:(bins-1)/bins), na.rm=TRUE, type=3)
           cuts <- unique(q)  
        summary_train <- Aggregate(data, variables[i], y, cuts, trt)
        if (crossval==TRUE){
           summary_valid <- Aggregate(valid, variables[i], y, cuts, trt)
        if (d_netlift==0){
           woe_train <- WOE(summary_train, variables[i])
           if (crossval==TRUE){
              woe_valid <- WOE(summary_valid, variables[i])
           if (crossval==TRUE){
              woe_train <- penalty(woe_train, woe_valid, 0)
           woe_train[,c("IV_weight")] <- NULL
           strength <- data.frame(variables[i], woe_train[nrow(woe_train),"IV"])
           names(strength) <- c("Variable", "IV")
           if (crossval==TRUE){
              strength$PENALTY <- woe_train[nrow(woe_train),"PENALTY"]
              strength$AdjIV <- strength$IV - strength$PENALTY
        } else{
           nwoe_train <- NWOE(summary_train, variables[i])      
           if (crossval==TRUE){
              nwoe_valid <- NWOE(summary_valid, variables[i])   
           if (crossval==TRUE){
              nwoe_train <- penalty(nwoe_train, nwoe_valid, 1)
           nwoe_train[,c("NIV_weight")] <- NULL
           strength <- data.frame(variables[i], nwoe_train[nrow(nwoe_train),"NIV"])
           names(strength) <- c("Variable", "NIV")
           if (crossval==TRUE){
              strength$PENALTY <- nwoe_train[nrow(nwoe_train),"PENALTY"]
              strength$AdjNIV <- strength$NIV - strength$PENALTY
        if (d_netlift==1){
           nwoe_train$key <- NULL
           list(nwoe_train, strength)
        } else{
           woe_train$key <- NULL
           list(woe_train, strength)
     } ## end of foreach
     tables <- loopResult[[1]]
     stats <- data.frame(rbindlist(loopResult[[2]]))
     ### close the connection
     ## end of parallel option
  } else {
    ## non-parallel option
    statslist <- list(length=length(variables))
    tables <- list(length=length(variables))
    for (i in 1:length(variables)){
       data$var <- data[[variables[i]]]
       cuts <- NULL
       if (crossval==TRUE){
         valid$var <- valid[[variables[i]]]
         if (is.character(data[[variables[i]]]) != is.character(valid[[variables[i]]])){
           stop(paste0("ERROR: variable type mismatch for ", variables[i], " across validation and training (not a character in both dataframes)"))
         if (is.factor(data[[variables[i]]]) != is.factor(valid[[variables[i]]])){
           stop(paste0("ERROR: variable type mismatchfor ", variables[i], " across validation and training dataframes (not a factor in both dataframes)"))
       if (is.character(data[[variables[i]]])==FALSE & is.factor(data[[variables[i]]])==FALSE){
         q <- quantile(data[[variables[i]]], probs=c(1:(bins-1)/bins), na.rm=TRUE, type=3)
         cuts <- unique(q)  
       summary_train <- Aggregate(data, variables[i], y, cuts, trt)
       if (crossval==TRUE){
         summary_valid <- Aggregate(valid, variables[i], y, cuts, trt)
       if (d_netlift==0){
         woe_train <- WOE(summary_train, variables[i])
         if (crossval==TRUE){
           woe_valid <- WOE(summary_valid, variables[i])
         if (crossval==TRUE){
           woe_train <- penalty(woe_train, woe_valid, 0)
         woe_train[,c("IV_weight")] <- NULL
         strength <- data.frame(variables[i], woe_train[nrow(woe_train),"IV"])
         names(strength) <- c("Variable", "IV")
         if (crossval==TRUE){
           strength$PENALTY <- woe_train[nrow(woe_train),"PENALTY"]
           strength$AdjIV <- strength$IV - strength$PENALTY
       }  else{
         nwoe_train <- NWOE(summary_train, variables[i])      
         if (crossval==TRUE){
           nwoe_valid <- NWOE(summary_valid, variables[i])   
         if (crossval==TRUE){
           nwoe_train <- penalty(nwoe_train, nwoe_valid, 1)
         nwoe_train[,c("NIV_weight")] <- NULL
         strength <- data.frame(variables[i], nwoe_train[nrow(nwoe_train),"NIV"])
         names(strength) <- c("Variable", "NIV")
         if (crossval==TRUE){
           strength$PENALTY <- nwoe_train[nrow(nwoe_train),"PENALTY"]
           strength$AdjNIV <- strength$NIV - strength$PENALTY
      ## insert results into the lists
      statslist[[i]] <- strength
      if (d_netlift==1){
        nwoe_train$key <- NULL
        tables[[i]] <- nwoe_train
      } else{
        woe_train$key <- NULL
        tables[[i]] <- woe_train
    # append results
    stats <- data.frame(rbindlist(statslist))
  ### Sort by adjusted IV/NIV, or raw IV/NIV
  if (crossval==TRUE){
     if (d_netlift==0){
       stats <- stats[order(-stats$AdjIV),]
     } else{
       stats <- stats[order(-stats$AdjNIV),]    
  } else{
    if (d_netlift==0){
      stats <- stats[order(-stats$IV),]
    } else{
      stats <- stats[order(-stats$NIV),]    
  ### Return the results
  stats$Variable <- as.character(stats$Variable)
  names(tables) <- variables
  object <- list(Tables=tables, Summary=stats)
  class(object) <- "Information"
  return (object)


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Information documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:15 a.m.