AssignDataBat: Assignment datasets for bat species

AssignDataBatR Documentation

Assignment datasets for bat species


These datasets contain data from Voigt & Lenhert (2019). They contain hydrogen delta values of fur keratin from common noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) killed at wind turbines in northern Germany. These data can be used as an example to perform assignments using the function isofind. The difference between AssignDataBat and AssignDataBatRev is that in the latter the bat fur isotope values were corrected to align with the current delta values for deuterium for keratin reference materials (Soto et al. 2017, ensuring comparability between formerly and more recently normalized datasets of delta values for deuterium.


Two dataframes with 14 observations and 4 variables:

sample_ID (factor) Identification of the animal
lat (numeric) Latitude coordinate (decimal degrees)
long (numeric) Longitude coordinate (decimal degrees)
sample_value (numeric) Hydrogen delta value of the tissue


data provided by Voigt CC & Lehnert L.


Voigt CC & Lehnert L (2019). Tracking of movements of terrestrial mammals using stable isotopes. In Hobson KA & Wassenaar LI (eds.), Tracking Animal Migration with Stable Isotopes, second edition. Academic Press, London.

Soto DX, Koehler G, Wassenaar LI & Hobson KA (2017). Re-evaluation of the hydrogen stable isotopic composition of keratin calibration standards for wildlife and forensic science applications. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 31(14):1193-1203. doi: 10.1002/rcm.7893. PMID: 28475227.

See Also

isofind to perform assignments



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