plots: Plotting functions for IsoriX

plotsR Documentation

Plotting functions for IsoriX


These functions plot objects created by IsoriX (with the exception of plot method for SpatRaster created using terra::terra. All plotting functions are based on the powerful package lattice. If instead you want to use ggplot2, please follow the instructions on the online tutorial.


## S3 method for class 'ISOSCAPE'
  which = "mean",
  y_title = list(which = TRUE, title = getOption_IsoriX("title_delta_notation")),
  sources = list(draw = TRUE, cex = 0.5, pch = 2, lwd = 1, col = "red"),
  borders = list(borders = NA, lwd = 0.5, col = "black"),
  mask = list(mask = NA, lwd = 0, col = "black", fill = "black"),
  palette = list(step = NA, range = c(NA, NA), n_labels = 11, digits = 2, fn = NA),
  plot = TRUE,
  sphere = list(build = FALSE, keep_image = TRUE),

## S3 method for class 'ISOFIND'
  who = "group",
  cutoff = list(draw = TRUE, level = 0.05, col = "#909090"),
  sources = list(draw = TRUE, cex = 0.5, pch = 2, lwd = 1, col = "red"),
  calibs = list(draw = TRUE, cex = 0.5, pch = 4, lwd = 1, col = "blue"),
  assigns = list(draw = TRUE, cex = 0.5, pch = 5, lwd = 1, col = "white"),
  borders = list(borders = NA, lwd = 0.5, col = "black"),
  mask = list(mask = NA, lwd = 0, col = "black", fill = "black"),
  mask2 = list(mask = NA, lwd = 0, col = "purple", fill = "purple"),
  palette = list(step = NA, range = c(0, 1), n_labels = 11, digits = 2, fn = NA),
  plot = TRUE,
  sphere = list(build = FALSE, keep_image = TRUE),

## S3 method for class 'ISOFIT'
plot(x, cex_scale = 0.2, ...)

## S3 method for class 'CALIBFIT'
  pch = 1,
  col = "black",
  xlab = "Isotopic value in the environment",
  ylab = "Isotopic value in the calibration sample",
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  line = list(show = TRUE, col = "blue"),
  CI = list(show = TRUE, col = "blue"),
  plot = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'CALIBFIT'
  pch = 2,
  col = "red",
  line = list(show = TRUE, col = "red"),
  CI = list(show = TRUE, col = "red"),
  plot = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'SpatRaster'
plot(x, ...)



The return object of a call to isofit, isoscape, calibfit, isofind, or terra::rast


A string indicating the name of the raster to be plotted (see details)


A list containing information for the display of the title (see details)


A list containing information for the display of the location of the sources (see details)


A list containing information for the display of borders (e.g. country borders) (see details)


A list containing information for the display of a mask (e.g. an ocean mask) (see details)


A list containing information for the display of the colours for the isoscape (see details)


A logical indicating whether the plot shall be plotted or just returned


A list containing information whether the raster should be returned as a rotating sphere and if the image created during the process should be saved in your current working directory. The default settings are FALSE and TRUE, respectively.


Additional arguments (only in use in plot.CALIBFIT and plot.SpatRaster)


Either "group", or a vector of indices (e.g. 1:3) or names of the individuals (e.g. c("Mbe_1", "Mbe_3")) to be considered in assignment plots


A list containing information for the display of the region outside the prediction interval (see details)


A list containing information for the display of the location of the calibration sampling location (see details)


A list containing information for the display of the location of the assignment sampling location (see details)


A list containing information for the display of a mask (e.g. a distribution mask) (see details)


A numeric giving a scaling factor for the points in the plots


The argument pch as in par for plot.CALIBFIT and points.CALIBFIT


The argument col as in par for plot.CALIBFIT and points.CALIBFIT


A string the x-axis label in plot.CALIBFIT


A string the y-axis label in plot.CALIBFIT


A range defining the extreme coordinates for the the x-axis in plot.CALIBFIT


A range defining the extreme coordinates for the the y-axis in plot.CALIBFIT


A list containing two elements: show, a logical indicating whether to show the regression line or not; and col, a string or integer indicating the colour for plotting the regression line


A list containing two elements: show, a logical indicating whether to show the confidence interval or not; and col, a string or integer indicating the colour for plotting the confidence interval



When called upon an object of class ISOFIT, the plot function draws diagnostic information for the fits of the isoscape geostatistical model.

When called upon an object of class CALIBFIT, the plot function draws the fitted calibration function.

When called upon an object of class ISOSCAPE, the plot function draws a fine-tuned plot of the isoscape.

When called upon an object of class SpatRaster, the plot function displays the raster (just for checking things fast and dirty). In this case, the function is a simple shortcut to rasterVis::levelplot.

Plotting isoscapes

When used on a fitted isoscape, the user can choose between plotting the predictions (which = "mean"; default), the prediction variance (which = "mean_predVar"), the residual variance (which = "mean_residVar"), or the response variance (which = "mean_respVar") for the mean model; or the corresponding information for the residual dispersion variance model ("disp", "disp_predVar", "disp_residVar", or "disp_respVar").

When used on a simulated isoscape produced with the function isosim (currently dropped due to the package RandomFields being temporarily retired from CRAN), the user can choose between plotting the mean isotopic value (which = "mean") or the residual dispersion (which = "disp").

Plotting assignments

When called upon an object of class ISOFIND, the plot function draws a fine-tuned plot of the assignment. You can use the argument who to choose between plotting the assignment for the group or for some individuals (check the online tutorial for examples).

Info on parameters influencing the rendering of maps

The argument y_title is a list that can be tweaked to customise the title of isoscapes. Within this list, the element which is a logical indicating if the name of the layer should be displayed or not. The element title is a string or a call used to define the rest of the title. By default it draws the delta value for hydrogen. Check the syntax of this default before trying to modify it. If you want to modify it for all plots, see getOption_IsoriX.

The arguments cutoff, sources, calibs, assigns, borders, mask, and mask2 are used to fine-tune additional layers that can be added to the main plot to embellish it. These arguments must be lists that provide details on how to draw, respectively, the area outside the prediction interval (for assignment plots), the locations of sources (for both isoscape and assignment plots), the locations of the calibration samples (for assignment plots), the locations of the assignment samples (for assignment plots), the borders (for both types of plots), and the mask (again, for both). For assignment maps, an extra mask can be used (mask2), as one may want to add a mask covering the area outside the biological range of the species. Within these lists, the elements lwd, col, cex, pch and fill influences their respective objects as in traditional R plotting functions (see par for details). The element draw should be a logical that indicates whether the layer must be created or not. The argument borders (within the list borders) expects an object of the class SpatVector, such as the object CountryBorders provided with this package. The argument mask (within the list mask) also expects an object of the class SpatVector, such as the object OceanMask provided with this package (see examples).

The argument palette is used to define how to colour the isoscape and assignment plot. Within this list, step defines the number of units on the z-scale that shares a given colour; range can be used to constrain the minimum and/or maximum values to be drawn (e.g. range = c(0, 1)) (this latter argument is useful if one wants to create several plots with the same z-scale); n_labels allows for the user to approximately define the maximum number of numbers plotted on the z-scale; digits defines the number of digits displayed for the numbers used as labels; and fn is used to specify the function that is used to sample the colours. If fn is NULL (default) the palette functions derived from isopalette1 and isopalette2 are used when plotting isoscape and assignments, respectively. If fn is NA the function used is the palette viridisLite::viridis.

Default symbols used on maps

Under the default settings, we chose to represent:

  • the source data by little red triangles.

  • the calibration data by little blue crosses.

  • the locations where the samples to assign were collected by white diamonds.

These symbols can be changed as explained above.

See Also

isofit for the function fitting the isoscape

isoscape for the function building the isoscape

calibfit for the function fitting the calibration function

isofind for the function performing the assignment


## See ?isoscape or ?isofind for examples

IsoriX documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:22 p.m.