
Defines functions jmo

Documented in jmo

#' An integrated function for reconstructing data and do the joint modelling
#' @description Reconstruct data into a regular longitudinal format as a refined dataset and do joint modelling for this refined data with ordinal outcome.
#' @param long_data Data matrix for longitudinal in long format. The time variable should be labeled 'time'.
#' @param surv_data Data matrix for competing risks data. Each subject has one row of observation (as opposed to the long_data).
#' First and second column should be the observed event time and censoring indicator, respectively.
#' The coding for the censoring indicator is as follows: 0 - censored events, 1 - risk 1, 2 - risk 2. Two competing risks are assumed.
#' @param out Column name for outcome variable in long_data.
#' @param FE Vector of column names that correspond to the fixed effects in long_data. If missing, then all columns except for the outcome and ID columns will be considered.
#' @param RE Types/Vector of random effects in long_data. The available type are "intercept", "linear", "quadratic" (time-related random effect specification) or other covariates in the input dataset.
#' @param NP Vector of column names that correspond to the non-proportional odds covariates. It won't run the model if NP is not specified.
#' @param ID Column name for subject ID number in long_data.
#' @param cate Vector of categorical variables in long_data.
#' @param intcpt Specify either 0 or 1. Default is set as 1. 0 means no intercept in random effect.
#' @param quad.points Number of quadrature points used in the EM procedure. Default is 20. Must be an even number. Larger values means higher accuracy but more time-consuming.
#' @param max.iter Max iterations. Default is 10000.
#' @param quiet Logical. Print progress of function. Default is TRUE.
#' @param do.trace Logical. Print the parameter estimates during the iterations. Default is FALSE.
#' @return Object of class \code{JMcmprsk} with elements
##'   \tabular{ll}{
##'       \code{vcmatrix}    \tab  The variance-covariance matrix for all the parameters. The parameters are in the order: \eqn{\beta}, \eqn{\sigma^2}, \eqn{\gamma}, \eqn{\nu}, and \eqn{\Sigma}. The elements in \eqn{\Sigma} are output in the order along the main diagonal line, then the second main diagonal line, and so on. \cr
##'       \code{betas} \tab The point  estimates of \eqn{\beta}. \cr
##'       \code{se_betas} \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\beta}. \cr
##'       \code{gamma_matrix} \tab  The point  estimate of \eqn{\gamma}. \cr
##'       \code{se_gamma_matrix}   \tab  The standard error estimate of \eqn{\gamma}. \cr
##'       \code{v_estimate} \tab The point  estimate of \eqn{\nu}. \cr
##'       \code{se_v_estimate}    \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\nu}. \cr
##'       \code{sigma2_val}     \tab  The point estimate of \eqn{\sigma^2}.\cr
##'       \code{se_sigma2_val}     \tab  The standard error estimate of \eqn{\sigma^2}.\cr
##'       \code{sigma_matrix}     \tab The point estimate of \eqn{\Sigma} (only the upper triangle portion of the matrix is output).\cr
##'       \code{se_sigma}     \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\Sigma}.The standard errors are given in this order: main diagonal, the second main diagonal, and so on. \cr
##'       \code{loglike}     \tab Log Likelihood.\cr
##'   }
##' @examples
##'   require(JMcmprsk)
##'   set.seed(123)
##'   data(ninds)
##'   yread <- ninds[, c(1, 2:14)]
##'   cread <- ninds[, c(1, 15, 16, 6, 10:14)]
##'   cread <- unique(cread)
##'   \donttest{
##'   # Please note only those variables that will appear in the model can be included
##'   res1 <- jmo(yread, cread, out = "Y",
##'               FE = c("group", "time3", "time6", "time12", "mrkprior",
##'                      "smlves", "lvORcs", "smlves.group", "lvORcs.group"),
##'               cate = NULL,RE = "intercept", NP = c("smlves", "lvORcs"),
##'               ID = "ID",intcpt = 1, quad.points = 6,
##'               max.iter = 1000, quiet = FALSE, do.trace = FALSE)
##'    res1
##'   }
##'   \dontrun{
##'   #Create two categorical variables and add them into yread
##'   ID <- cread$ID
##'   set.seed(100)
##'   sex <- sample(c("Female", "Male"), nrow(cread), replace = T)
##'   race <- sample(c("White", "Black", "Asian", "Hispanic"), nrow(cread), replace = T)
##'   cate_var <- data.frame(ID, sex, race)
##'   if (require(dplyr)) {
##'     yread <- dplyr::left_join(yread, cate_var, by = "ID")
##'       }
##'   res2 <- jmo(yread, cread, out = "Y",
##'               FE = c("group", "time3", "time6", "time12", "mrkprior",
##'                      "smlves", "lvORcs", "smlves.group", "lvORcs.group"), cate = c("race", "sex"),
##'               RE = "intercept", NP = c("smlves", "lvORcs", "race", "sex"), ID = "ID",intcpt = 1,
##'               quad.points = 20, max.iter = 10000, quiet = FALSE, do.trace = FALSE)
##'   res2
##'   }

##' @seealso \code{\link{jmo_0}}
##' @export

jmo <- function(long_data, surv_data, out, FE, RE, NP, ID, cate = NULL,
                intcpt = 1, quad.points = 20, max.iter = 10000, quiet = TRUE, do.trace = FALSE) {
  if (!quiet) writeLines(">> Pre-processing data")
  # return the variable names for long_data
  long_names <- names(long_data)
  # return the variable names for long_data
  surv_names <- names(surv_data)

  # Error Checking: if the typed variable couldn't be found in long_names, then the function will stop
  if (!out %in% long_names) {
    stop(paste0(out, " column is not included in long_data. Please correctly specify the outcome variable."))
  if (!is.integer(long_data[, out])) {
    stop(paste0(out, "column should be integer valued (as.interger(out)). Please correctly specify the outcome variable."))

  # create a matrix of fixed effects with a vector of 1's
  if (!is.null(FE)) {
    if (!prod(FE %in% long_names)) {
      stop(paste0(FE[!FE %in% long_names], " doesn't exist in long_data. Be sure fixed effects are correctly named."))
    for (j in FE)
      if (!is.numeric(long_data[, j])) {
        stop(paste0(j), " is not a numeric variable. Be sure to convert this variable to be numeric.")
  if (!is.null(NP)) {
    if (!prod(NP %in% c(FE, cate))) {
      stop(paste0(NP[!NP %in% c(FE, cate)]), " doesn't exist in fixed covariates. Be sure that non-portional odds covariates must be exactly in fixed covariates.")
    } else if (length(unique(long_data[, out])) < 3) {
      warning("Outcome is dichotomous. Non-proportional odds are not necessary and will be omitted.")
      nonpo <- NULL
      NP <- NULL
    } else {
      nonpo <- data.frame(long_data[, NP])
      colnames(nonpo) <- paste0(NP, "_NP")
    s <- ncol(nonpo)
  } else {
    nonpo <- NULL
    s <- 0
    stop("This model doesn't include any non-portional odds covariate. Please re-specify your model!")

  if (!RE %in% c(c("intercept", "linear", "quadratic"), long_names)) {
    stop(paste0(RE, " is an incorrect input for random effect setting. 
                Please choose intercept, linear, quadratic, or an existing variable(s) in long_data."))
  if (!ID %in% long_names) {
    stop(paste0(ID, " column is not included in long_data. Be sure ID variable is correctly named."))
  if (!ID %in% surv_names) {
    stop(paste0(ID, " column is not included in surv_data. Be sure ID variable is correctly named."))
  ## New error checking for cate argument
  if (is.null(cate)) {
    writeLines(">>No categorical variables are considered in modelling...")
  } else if (!prod(cate %in% long_names)) {
    stop(paste0(cate[!cate %in% long_names], " column is not included in long_data. Be sure categorical variable is correctly named."))
  if (!intcpt %in% c(0, 1)) {
    stop("intcpt argument can either be 0 or 1")
  if (max.iter <= 0) {
    stop("max.iter must be a non-negative integer. Recommended is at least 1000.")
  if (quad.points %% 2 != 0) {
    stop("quad.points must be an even number and not too small.")

  ## check if long_data and surv_data are ordered in accordance with subject ID
  IIDlong <- unique(long_data[, ID])
  IIDsurv <- surv_data[, ID]
  if (prod(IIDlong == IIDsurv) == 0) {
    stop("The order of subjects in long_data doesn't match with surv_data.")
  surv_data <- surv_data[, !(names(surv_data) %in% ID)]

  # Creating matrix of fixed effects (no intercept is needed)
  if (is.null(FE)) {
    fixed <- data.frame(long_data[, -which(colnames(long_data) %in% c(ID, out))])
    FE <- colnames(fixed)
  } else {
    fixed <- data.frame(long_data[, FE])
    if (length(FE) == 1) {
      colnames(fixed) <- FE
  p <- ncol(fixed)

  # create a matrix of random effects: generate new covariates based on the random effect specification
  if (RE == "intercept") {
    if (intcpt == 0) {
      stop(paste0("intcpt variable contradicts with RE variable. Please respecifiy!"))
    random <- data.frame(intcpt_RE = rep(1, nrow(long_data)))
  } else if (intcpt == 1 & is.null(RE)) {
    random <- data.frame(intcpt_RE = rep(1, nrow(long_data)))
  } else if (RE == "linear" & intcpt == 0) {
    if (!"time" %in% long_names) {
      stop(paste0("To use RE = ", RE, "time must be named `time` in long_data"))
    random <- data.frame(time_RE = long_data[, "time"])
  } else if (RE == "linear" & intcpt == 1) {
    if (!"time" %in% long_names) {
      stop(paste0("To use RE = ", RE, "time must be named `time` in long_data"))
    random <- data.frame(intcpt_RE = rep(1, nrow(long_data)), time_RE = long_data[, "time"])
  } else if (RE == "quadratic" & intcpt == 0) {
    if (!"time" %in% long_names) {
      stop(paste0("To use RE = ", RE, "time must be named `time` in long_data"))
    random <- data.frame(
      time_RE = long_data[, "time"],
      time2_RE = long_data[, "time"]^2
  } else if (RE == "quadratic" & intcpt == 1) {
    if (!"time" %in% long_names) {
      stop(paste0("To use RE = ", RE, "time must be named `time` in long_data"))
    random <- data.frame(
      intcpt_RE = rep(1, nrow(long_data)),
      time_RE = long_data[, "time"],
      time2_RE = long_data[, "time"]^2
  } else if (intcpt == 0 & is.null(RE)) {
    stop(paste0("No random effect covariate is specified. Please reconsider your model!"))
  } else {
    if (intcpt == 0) {
      random <- data.frame(long_data[, RE])
      colnames(random) <- paste0(RE, "_RE")
    } else {
      random <- data.frame(1, long_data[, RE])
      colnames(random)[-1] <- paste0(RE, "_RE")
      colnames(random)[1] <- "Intercept_RE"

  # the current version only allows for no more than 3 random effects
  if (ncol(random) > 3) {
    stop("Current version can not have the number of effects exceeding 3.")
  # Format data
  ## Create dummy variables for the pre-determined categorical varibales
  ## Construct long_final with ordinal outcome, fixed and random effects for jmo_0 function
  ## Construct m_final for jmo_0 function
  if (!is.null(cate)) {
    for (j in cate) {
      dummy_names <- c()
      dummy <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(long_data), ncol = (length(unique(long_data[, which(names(long_data) %in% j)])) - 1))
      writeLines(paste(">> The reference group for", j, "is", sort(unique(long_data[, which(names(long_data) %in% j)]))[1]), sep = "\n")
      for (i in 1:nrow(long_data))
        if (as.numeric(as.factor(long_data[, which(names(long_data) %in% j)]))[i] > 1) {
          dummy[i, as.numeric(as.factor(long_data[, which(names(long_data) %in% j)]))[i] - 1] <- 1
        else {
          dummy[i, as.numeric(as.factor(long_data[, which(names(long_data) %in% j)]))[i]] <- 0
      dummy <- as.data.frame(dummy)
      colnames(dummy) <- sort(unique(long_data[, which(names(long_data) %in% j)]))[-1]
      dummy_names <- c(dummy_names, colnames(dummy))
      long_data <- cbind(long_data, dummy)
      long_data <- long_data[, -which(names(long_data) %in% j)]
      ## Classify categorical variables into the corresponding fixed covariates (proportional/non-proportional)
      if (j %in% NP) {
        fixed <- cbind(fixed, dummy)
        p <- ncol(fixed)
        colnames(dummy) <- paste0(dummy_names, "_NP")
        nonpo <- cbind(nonpo, dummy)
        nonpo <- nonpo[, -which(names(nonpo) %in% paste0(j, "_NP"))]
        s <- ncol(nonpo)
      } else {
        fixed <- cbind(fixed, dummy)
        p <- ncol(fixed)
    outcome <- data.frame(long_data[, out])
    colnames(outcome) <- out
    if (!is.null(nonpo)) {
      long_final <- cbind(outcome, random, nonpo, fixed)
    } else {
      long_final <- cbind(outcome, random, fixed)
    m_final <- data.frame(n_count = table(long_data[, ID]))[, 2]
    m_final <- as.data.frame(m_final)
  } else {
    outcome <- data.frame(long_data[, out])
    colnames(outcome) <- out
    if (!is.null(nonpo)) {
      long_final <- cbind(outcome, random, nonpo, fixed)
    } else {
      long_final <- cbind(outcome, random, fixed)
    m_final <- data.frame(n_count = table(long_data[, ID]))[, 2]
    m_final <- as.data.frame(m_final)

  # check the survival times if they are all positive
  if (prod(surv_data[, 1] > 0) == 0) {
    stop("Survival time in surv_data (first column) must be positive valued.")

  if (!quiet) writeLines(">> Fitting the model")

  ## run jmo_0 function
  res1 <- jmo_0(
    p = p, s = s, yfile = long_final, cfile = surv_data,
    mfile = m_final, point = quad.points, maxiterations = max.iter,
    do.trace = do.trace, type_file = FALSE

  ## retun the joint modelling result
  mycall <- match.call()
  res1$call <- mycall

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JMcmprsk documentation built on March 22, 2021, 9:07 a.m.