Man pages for LMMstar
Repeated Measurement Models for Discrete Times

addAdd Columns to Output
anova.lmmMultivariate Tests For Linear Mixed Model
autoplot.lmmGraphical Display For Linear Mixed Models
autoplot.partialCorGraphical Display For Partial Correlation
autoplot.profile_lmmGraphical Display of Profile Likelihood
autoplot.residuals_lmmGraphical Display of the Residuals
autoplot.summarizeGraphical Display of the Descriptive Statistics
autoplot.summarizeNAGraphical Display of Missing Data Pattern
autoplot.Wald_lmmGraphical Display For Linear Hypothesis Test
baselineAdjustmentPerform Baseline Adjustment
coef.lmmExtract Coefficients From a Linear Mixed Model
coef.mlmmExtract Coefficients From a Linear Mixed Model
confint.lmmStatistical Inference for Linear Mixed Model
confint.mlmmConfidence Intervals for Multiple Linear Mixed Model.
confint.Wald_lmmConfidence Intervals for Multivariate Wald Tests
CSCompound Symmetry Structure
CUSTOMCustom Structure
data-abetaLData From The Bland Altman Study (Long Format)
data-abetaWData From The abeta Study (Wide Format)
data-blandAltmanLData From The Bland Altman Study (Long Format)
data-blandAltmanWData From The Bland Altman Study (Wide Format)
data-bloodpressureLData From The Blood Pressure Study (Long Format)
data-calciumLData From The Calcium Supplements Study (Long Format)
data-calciumWData From The Calcium Supplements Study (Wide Format)
data-ckdLCKD long
data-ckdWCKD wide
data-gastricbypassLData From The Gastric Bypass Study (Long Format)
data-gastricbypassWData From The Gastric Bypass Study (Wide Format)
data-ncgsLData From National Cooperative Gallstone Study (Long Format)
data-ncgsWData From National Cooperative Gallstone Study (Wide Format)
data-potassiumRepeatedLData From The Potassium Intake Study (Long Format with...
data-potassiumSingleLData From The Potassium Intake Study (Long Format)
data-potassiumSingleWData From The Potassium Intake Study (Wide Format)
data-schoolLSimulated Data with 3-level struture (Long Format)
data-swabsLData From The SWABS Study (Long Format)
data-swabsWData From The SWABS Study (Wide Format)
data-vasscoresLData From The VAS Study (Long Format)
data-vasscoresWData From The VAS Study (Wide Format)
data-vitaminLData From The Vitamin Study (Long Format)
data-vitaminWData From The Vitamin Study (Wide Format)
df.residual.lmmResiduals Degrees of Freedom
dummy.coef.lmmMarginal Mean Values For Linear Mixed Model
estfun.lmmExtract the Score Function for Multcomp
estimate.lmmDelta Method for Mixed Models
fitted.lmmPredicted Mean Value For Linear Mixed Model
IDidentity Structure
iid.lmmExtract the Influence Function From a Linear Mixed Model
INDIndependence Structure
information.lmmExtract The Information From a Linear Mixed Model
levels.lmmContrasts and Reference Level
lmmFit Linear Mixed Model
lmmCCFit Linear Mixed Model on Complete Case data
LMMstar2emmeansLink to emmeans package
LMMstar.optionsGlobal options for LMMstar package
LMMstar-packageLMMstar package: repeated measurement models for discrete...
logLik.lmmExtract The Log-Likelihood From a Linear Mixed Model
manifest.lmmVariables Involved in a Linear Mixed Model
mlmmFit Multiple Linear Mixed Model
model.tables.lmmStatistical Inference for Linear Mixed Model
mt.testMultiple Student's t-Test
partialCorPartial Correlation
predict.lmmPredicted Mean Value With Uncertainty For Linear Mixed Model
profile.lmmEvaluate Contour of the Log-Likelihood
proportionProportion of Significant Findings
ranef.lmmEstimate Random Effect From a Linear Mixed Model
rbind.Wald_lmmLinear Hypothesis Testing Across Linear Mixed Models
RERandom Effect Structure
removeRemove Columns from Output
resampleInference via Resampling for Linear Mixed Model
residualsExtract The Residuals From a Linear Mixed Model
sampleRemSample Longuitudinal Data
scatterplotScatterplot for Continuous Variables
score.lmmExtract The Score From a Linear Mixed Model
sigma.lmmExtract The Residuals Variance-Covariance Matrix From a...
summarizeCompute summary statistics
summarizeNASummarize missing data patterns
summary.lmmSummary Output for a Linear Mixed Model
summary.mlmmSummary of Multiple Linear Mixed Models
summary.partialCorSummary for partial correlation
summary.Wald_lmmSummary of Testing for a Linear Mixed Models
terms.lmmModel Terms For Linear Mixed Models
TOEPLITZToeplitz Structure
UNUnstructured Structure
vcov.lmmExtract The Variance-Covariance Matrix From a Linear Mixed...
weights.Wald_lmmExtract Weights Used to Pool Estimates
LMMstar documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:06 a.m.