Defines functions simLNIRT

Documented in simLNIRT

#' Simulate data for log-normal response time IRT modelling
#' @param N
#' the number of persons.
#' @param K
#' the number of items.
#' @param rho
#' the correlation between the person ability and person speed parameter.
#' @param td
#' set time-discrimination to one (default: false).
#' @param WL
#' define the time-discrimination parameter as measurement error variance parameter (default: false).
#' @param kpa
#' the number of predictors for the person ability parameters (optional).
#' @param kpt
#' the number of predictors for the person speed parameters (optional).
#' @param kia
#' the number of predictors for the item-difficulty parameters (optional).
#' @param kit
#' the number of predictors for the item time intensity parameters (optional).
#' @return
#' an object of class simLNIRT.
#' @export
simLNIRT <-
           td = FALSE,
           WL = FALSE,
           kit) {
    #WL = TRUE: time discrimination = 1/sqrt(sigma2)
    #td = TRUE: time discrimination <- 1
    if (missing(kpa)) {
      kpa <- 0
      XPA <- NULL
      Ba <- NULL
      #Ba <- 0
    else if (kpa == 0) {
      XPA <- NULL
      Ba <- NULL
    else {
      XPA <-
        matrix(rnorm(kpa * N, sd = .5), ncol = kpa, nrow = N) #predictors ability
      XPA <-
        matrix(XPA, ncol = ncol(XPA), nrow = N) - matrix(
          apply(XPA, 2, mean),
          ncol = ncol(XPA),
          nrow = N,
          byrow = T
      Ba <- matrix(rnorm(kpa), ncol = 1, nrow = kpa)
    if (missing(kpt)) {
      kpt <- 0
      XPT <- NULL
      Bt <- NULL
      #Bt <- 0
    else if (kpt == 0) {
      XPT <- NULL
      Bt <- NULL
    else {
      XPT <- matrix(rnorm(kpt * N, sd = .5), ncol = kpt, nrow = N) #predictors speed
      XPT <-
        matrix(XPT, ncol = ncol(XPT), nrow = N) - matrix(
          apply(XPT, 2, mean),
          ncol = ncol(XPT),
          nrow = N,
          byrow = T
      Bt <- matrix(rnorm(kpt), ncol = 1, nrow = kpt)
    if (kpa != 0) {
      XBa <- XPA %*% Ba
    } else{
      XBa <- rep(0, N)
    if (kpt != 0) {
      XBt <- XPT %*% Bt
    } else{
      XBt <- rep(0, N)
    mutheta <- rep(0, 2)
    covtheta <- diag(2)
    covtheta[1, 2] <- covtheta[2, 1] <- rho
    theta <- MASS::mvrnorm(N, mutheta, covtheta, empirical = TRUE)
    theta[, 1] <- theta[, 1] + XBa	#add predictor effects ability
    theta[, 2] <- theta[, 2] + XBt	#add predictor effects speed
    if (missing(kia)) {
      kia <- 0
      XIA <- NULL
      Bia <- NULL
    else if (kia == 0) {
      XIA <- NULL
      Bia <- NULL
    else {
      XIA <-
        matrix(rnorm(kia * K, sd = .25), ncol = kia, nrow = N) #predictors ability
      XIA <-
        matrix(XIA, ncol = ncol(XIA), nrow = K) - matrix(
          apply(XIA, 2, mean),
          ncol = ncol(XIA),
          nrow = K,
          byrow = T
      Bia <- matrix(rnorm(kia, sd = .75), ncol = 1, nrow = kia)
    if (missing(kit)) {
      kit <- 0
      XIT <- NULL
      Bit <- NULL
    else if (kit == 0) {
      XIT <- NULL
      Bit <- NULL
    else {
      XIT <- matrix(rnorm(kit * K, sd = .25), ncol = kit, nrow = K) #predictors speed
      XIT <-
        matrix(XIT, ncol = ncol(XIT), nrow = K) - matrix(
          apply(XIT, 2, mean),
          ncol = ncol(XIT),
          nrow = K,
          byrow = T
      Bit <- matrix(rnorm(kit, sd = .75), ncol = 1, nrow = kit)
    if (kia != 0) {
      XBIa <- XIA %*% Bia
    } else{
      XBIa <- rep(0, K)
    if (kit != 0) {
      XBIt <- XIT %*% Bit
    } else{
      XBIt <- rep(0, K)
    if (kia != 0 & kit != 0) {
      covitem <- diag(c(.05, .3, .05, .3))
    if (kia != 0 & kit == 0) {
      covitem <- diag(c(.05, .3, .05, 1))
    if (kia == 0 & kit != 0) {
      covitem <- diag(c(.05, 1, .05, .3))
    if (kia == 0 & kit == 0) {
      covitem <- diag(c(.05, 1, .05, 1))
    muitem <- rep(c(1, 0), 2)
    sigma2 <- rlnorm(K, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 0.3)
    if (td && !WL) {
      ab <- MASS::mvrnorm(K, muitem, covitem)
      ab[, 3] <- rep(1, K)
      abn <- MASS::mvrnorm(K, muitem[-3], covitem[-3,-3])
      ab[, c(2, 4)] <-
        abn[, c(2, 3)] - t(matrix(colMeans(abn[, c(2, 3)]), 2, K))
      ab[, 1] <- abs(ab[, 1])
      ab[, 1] <- ab[, 1] / (prod(ab[, 1]) ^ (1 / K))
    if (WL) {
      muitem <- c(1, 0, 1, 0)
      ab <- MASS::mvrnorm(K, muitem, covitem)
      sigma2 <- 1 / ab[, 3] ^ 2
      ab[, 1] <- abs(ab[, 1])
      ab[, 1] <- ab[, 1] / (prod(ab[, 1]) ^ (1 / K))
    if (!td && !WL) {
      ab <- MASS::mvrnorm(K, muitem, covitem)
      ab[, c(2, 4)] <-
        ab[, c(2, 4)] - t(matrix(colMeans(ab[, c(2, 4)]), 2, K))
      ab[, 1] <- abs(ab[, 1])
      ab[, 1] <- ab[, 1] / (prod(ab[, 1]) ^ (1 / K))
      ab[, 3] <- abs(ab[, 3])
      ab[, 3] <- ab[, 3] / (prod(ab[, 3]) ^ (1 / K))
    #add item predictors
    ab[, 2] <- ab[, 2] + XBIa #difficulty
    ab[, 4] <- ab[, 4] + XBIt	#time intensity
    par <-
      theta[, 1] %*% matrix(ab[, 1], nrow = 1, ncol = K) - t(matrix(ab[, 2], nrow = K, ncol = N))
    probs <- matrix(pnorm(par), ncol = K, nrow = N)
    Y <- matrix(runif(N * K), nrow = N, ncol = K)
    Y <- ifelse(Y < probs, 1, 0)
    # quess <- rbeta(K,20,90)
    quess <- rep(0.1, K)
    S <- matrix(0, ncol = K, nrow = N)  #S=1:guess response
    Y1g <- Yg <- matrix(0, ncol = K, nrow = N)
    for (kk in 1:K) {
      S[, kk] <- rbinom(N, 1, quess[kk])
    Yg[S == 1] <- 1
    Yg[S == 0 & Y == 1] <- 1
    # parameterisatie a*(theta-b) # ab[,2] = ab[,2]/ab[,1]
    par <-
      matrix(ab[, 1],
             ncol = K,
             nrow = N,
             byrow = T) * (matrix(theta[, 1], ncol = K, nrow = N) - matrix(
               ab[, 2],
               ncol = K,
               nrow = N,
               byrow = T
    probs <- matrix(pnorm(par), ncol = K, nrow = N)
    Y1 <- matrix(runif(N * K), nrow = N, ncol = K)
    Y1 <- ifelse(Y1 < probs, 1, 0)
    Y1g[S == 1] <- 1
    Y1g[S == 0 & Y1 == 1] <- 1
    # response time
    RT <- RT1 <- matrix(0, ncol = K, nrow = N)
    for (kk in 1:K) {
      time <- matrix(rnorm(N, sd = sqrt(sigma2[kk])), nrow = N, ncol = 1)
      RT1[1:N, kk] <- (ab[kk, 4] - theta[, 2]) + time[1:N]
      RT[1:N, kk] <- ab[kk, 4] - ab[kk, 3] * theta[, 2] + time[1:N]
    out <-
        Y = Y,
        Yg = Yg,
        Y1 = Y1,
        Y1g = Y1g,
        RT = RT,
        RT1 = RT1,
        theta = theta,
        ab = ab,
        sigma2 = sigma2,
        quess = quess,
        XPA = XPA,
        XPT = XPT,
        Ba = Ba,
        Bt = Bt,
        XIA = XIA,
        XIT = XIT,
        Bia = Bia,
        Bit = Bit
    class(out) <- c("simLNIRT", "list")

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LNIRT documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 1:05 a.m.