Man pages for LncPriCNet
Prioritizing Candidate LncRNAs Based on a Composite Multi-Level Network

DiseaseInfListAll Known Disease Information.
getCoExpGeneofLncsGet Co-expressed Genes of LncRNAs
getDiseaseInfGet All Disease Information based on phenotype id (OMIM Id)...
getTopDiseaseLncRNAsGet the Disease Risk LncRNAs
GLNetExampleAn Example of Gene-LncRNA Network.
GNetExampleAn Example of Gene Network.
LncPriCNet-packageDescription of LncPriNet Package
LNetExampleAn Example of LncRNA Network.
PGNetExampleAn Example of Phenotype-gene Network.
PLNetExampleAn Example of Phenotype-lncRNA Network.
PNetExampleAn Example of Phenotype Network.
LncPriCNet documentation built on May 29, 2017, 3:46 p.m.