NBAPlayers2011: NBA Players Data for 2010-11 Season

Description Format Details Source


Data from the 2010-2011 regular season for 176 NBA basketball players.


A dataset with 176 observations on the following 25 variables.

Player Name of player
Age Age (in years)
Team Team name
Games Games played (out of 82)
Starts Games started
Mins Minutes played
MinPerGame Minutes per game
FGMade Field goals made
FGAttempt Field goals attempted
FGPct Field goal percentage
FG3Made Three-point field goals made
FG3Attempt Three-point field goals attempted
FG3Pct Three-point field goal percentage
FTMade Free throws made
FTAttempt Free throws attempted
FTPct Free throw percentage
OffRebound Offensive rebounds
DefRebound Defensive rebounds
Rebounds Total rebounds
Assists Number of assists
Steals Number of steals
Blocks Number of blocked shots
Turnovers Number of turnovers
Fouls Number of personal fouls
Points Number of points scored


Data for 176 NBA basketball players from the 2010-2011 regular season. Includes all players who averaged more than 24 minutes per game.
** From 1e - dataset has been updated (in (NBAPlayers2015) for 2e **


Data downloaded from

Lock5Data documentation built on July 23, 2021, 1:07 a.m.