
Defines functions make.T

Documented in make.T

# make.T returns an absolute feedback matrix. It takes:
# CM: a valid community effect matrix

make.T <- function(CM, status=FALSE) {

# enumerate.paths returns a list of paths (LOP) takes as it's arguments:
#   CM: a Community Matrix
#   i:  a starting parameter
#   j:  an ending parameter
	enumerate.paths <- function(CM,i,j) {

# make.ENVY() returns a list of Elements Not Visted Yet (ENVY) from:
# CM: a valid Community Matrix
# Term: a valid Termination matrix
# LOVE: a list of visited elements within CM 
		make.ENVY <- function() {

			for (x in 1:N) {
				if (!(identical((CM[LOVE[length(LOVE)],x]),0))) {
					if (identical(Term[LOVE[length(LOVE)],x],0)) {
						ENVY <- c(ENVY,x)
			for (x in LOVE) {
				ENVY <- ENVY[ENVY != x]


			# end make.ENVY()	
	# update.Term() clears rows in the termination matrix Term of any
	# parameters not in the List Of Visited Elements (LOVE). It
	# modifies global Term:
		update.Term <- function() {
			for (x in 1:N) {
				if (!(x %in% LOVE)) {
					Term[x,c(1:N)] <<- 0
			# end update.Term()
	# add.LOVE.to.LOP adds the List Of Visited Elements (LOVE) to the
	# List Of Paths (LOP) and returns LOP. It takes:
	# LOVE: a list of visited elements
	# LOP: a list of paths
		add.LOVE.to.LOP <- function() {
			if (is.null(LOP)) {
				LOP <<- list(LOVE)
				} else {
			 			LOP <<- c(LOP,list(LOVE))
			 # end add.LOVE.to.LOP()

	# search.step is the main logic of the breadth-wide path search. It
	# returns a list of paths (LOP), and takes:
	# CM: a valid Community Matrix
	# Term: a valid Termination matrix
	# LOVE: a list of visited elements within CM
	# LOP: a list of paths within CM 
	# j: a parameter within CM that terminates a path from i to j
		search.step <- function() {
			ENVY <- make.ENVY()
			# when there are no unvisited elements & LOVE has more than 1 element, 
			# terminate the last element of LOVE for the second to last element of 
			# LOVE.
			if (length(ENVY) == 0) {
				Term[LOVE[length(LOVE)-1],LOVE[length(LOVE)]] <<- 1
				LOVE <<- LOVE[-length(LOVE)]
				# exit SearchStep if the last element of LOVE is i & i is terminated
				# or if LOVE is empty and return List Of Paths (LOP)
				if (length(LOVE) == 0 ) {
					incomplete <<- FALSE
				if (length(LOVE) == 1) {
					test <- FALSE
					for (val in c(1:N)[-i]) {
						if (Term[i,val]==TRUE) {
							test <- TRUE
					if (test) {
					Term[LOVE[length(LOVE)],1:N] <<- 1
					LOVE <<- LOVE[-length(LOVE)]
					incomplete <<- FALSE
				} else {
						# append the first element (breadthwise search) of ENVY to LOVE
			 			LOVE <<- c(LOVE,ENVY[1])						# test whether new LOVE is a path from i to j and respond accordingly

						# test whether LOVE is a path ending at j
						if (LOVE[length(LOVE)] == j) {
							Term[LOVE[length(LOVE)-1],LOVE[length(LOVE)]] <<- 1
							LOVE <<- LOVE[-length(LOVE)]
			# end search.step()
		# Set N = rowsize of CM
		N <- nrow(CM)

		 # take care of the simple case of i = j
		 if (identical(i,j)) {
		 		LOP <- list(c(i,j))

		# initialize search termination matrix
		Term <- matrix(c(0),N,N)

		 # initialize list of paths (LOP), list of visited elements (LOVE)
		 LOP <- NULL
		 LOVE <- c(i)

		incomplete <- TRUE
		while (incomplete) {

	 	# end enumerate.paths()

# path.compliment takes as its input a path vector (Path) from i to j and returns the 
# complimentary subsystem within the Path (C.ij) assuming there exists an N of the CM
# in its calling environment.

	path.compliment <- function(Path,N) {
		C.ij <- setdiff(seq(1:N),Path)
		# end path.compliment()

# looplist.elements returns a list of all variables appearing in
# loops in LISTSET. It takes:
# LOOPLIST: a list of loops, for example PLOS.

	looplist.elements <- function(LOOPLIST) {
		if (length(LOOPLIST) == 0) {
		elements <- NULL
		for (q in 1:length(LOOPLIST)) {
			elements <- c(elements,LOOPLIST[[q]])
		# end looplist.elements

# sum.path.x.C returns a sign sum of paths times the feedback of their 
# complimentary subsystems. It takes:
# CM: a community matrix
# i: the starting parameter
# j: the ending parameter
# N: the size of CM 

	sum.path.x.C <- function(CM,i,j,N) {

# make.MOSL returns a matrix of searchable loops (MOSL) a ragged 3-D data
# structure that can be understood as an upper reverse diagonal N by N matrix, 
# where the first dimension is the starting parameter of a loop, the second is
# the length of the loop, and the third is the set of all the passed list of 
# loops. For example:
#   make.MOSL(LOL,3)[[2]][[3]][[1]]
# would produce the first loop of length 3 beginning with parameter 2.
# moreover:
#   length(make.MOSL(LOL,3)[[2]][[3]])
# would count the number of loops of length 3 beginning with parameter 2. 
# make.MOSL() takes:
# LOL: a list of loops
# N: a scalar number of parameters in the system

make.MOSL <- function(LOL,N) {

	MOSL <- rep(list(NA),N)

	for (j in 1:N) {

	for (a in 1:length(LOL)) {
		if (identical((MOSL[[ LOL[[a]][1] ]] [[ length(unique(LOL[[a]])) ]]),NA)) {
			MOSL[[ LOL[[a]][1] ]] [[ length(unique(LOL[[a]])) ]] <- list(as.double(unique(LOL[[a]])))
			} else {
			MOSL[[ LOL[[a]][1] ]] [[ length(unique(LOL[[a]])) ]] <- c(MOSL[[ LOL[[a]][1] ]] [[ length(as.double(unique(LOL[[a]]))) ]], list(unique(LOL[[a]])))


	# end make.MOSL()

# set.size returns the number of parameters in PLOS. It takes:
# PLOS: potential list of sets

	set.size <- function(PLOS) {
  	size <- 0
  	if (length(PLOS)==0) {

	for (q in 1:length(PLOS)) {
		size <- size+length(PLOS[[q]])

	# end set.size()

# make.loopENVY returns a acceptable starting paramenters (search.row) of the 
# next acceptable loop in MOSL based on which parameters remain to be searched. 
# It takes:
# PLOS: a list of loops in N
# N: a scalar indicating the number of parameters in the system.

	make.loopENVY <- function(PLOS, MOSL) {

		if (length(PLOS) == 0) {
		max.search.space <- seq(1:length(MOSL))

		search.row <- max.search.space
  		for (x in 1:length(PLOS)) {
			search.row <- setdiff(search.row,PLOS[[x]])


		# end make.loopENVY

# enumerate.SOSL returns all sets of spanning loops (SOSL). It takes:
# MOSL: a 3-D ragged matrix of searchable of loops
# N: the number of parameters (some potential rows in MOSL may be empty)

enumerate.SOSL <- function(MOSL,N) {

# initialize.term returns a termination data structure for MOSL.
		initialize.term <- function(MOSL) {
			N1 <- length(MOSL)
			Term <- MOSL
			for (i in 1:length(MOSL)) {
				for (j in 1:length(MOSL[[i]])) {
					Term[[i]][[j]] <- c(rep(0,length(MOSL[[i]][[j]])))
			# end initialize.term()

	   N.mosl <- length(MOSL)
		Term <- initialize.term(MOSL)
		k.last <- NULL

		search.row <- function(PLOS) {
			if (length(PLOS) == 0) {    				return(1)
			row <- seq(1:N.mosl)
			for (x in 1:length(PLOS)) {
				row <- setdiff(row,PLOS[[x]])

			# end search.row
		search.over <- function(row) {
			if (row == 1) {
				for (j in 1:length(MOSL[[1]])) {
					for (k in 1:length(MOSL[[1]][[j]])) {
						if (Term[[1]][[j]][[k]] == 0) {
			# end search.over()
		# next.loop searches each list k of each column of a row in MOSL. If the list is:
		# 1. not terminated, 
		# 2. not NA, 
		# 3. less than or equal to the length of N - PLOS, and
		# 4. candidate loop does not contain elements in PLOS, then
		# next.loop returns that list.
		next.loop <- function(row) {

			for (j in 1:length(MOSL[[row]])) {
				for (k in 1:length(MOSL[[row]][[j]])) {
					if ((Term[[row]][[j]][[k]] == 0) & (!is.na(MOSL[[row]][[j]][[k]][[1]])) & (length(MOSL[[row]][[j]][[k]])<=N.mosl-set.size(PLOS)) & !is.element(TRUE,is.element(unique(MOSL[[row]][[j]][[k]]),looplist.elements(PLOS)))) {
			# end next.loop()
		while (TRUE) {

			row <- search.row(PLOS)
			# is the search over?
			if (search.over(row)) {
			# if there's no valid search row...
			if (length(row) == 0) {
			loop <- next.loop(row)

			# if there's no valid loop in the row and it is the first...
			if (is.null(loop[[1]]) & row == 1) {
			# if there's no valid loop in the row and it's not the first...
			if (is.null(loop[[1]]) & row != 1) {
				# clear remaining loops
				for (i in make.loopENVY(PLOS, MOSL)) {
					for (j in 1:length(MOSL[[i]])) {
						for (k in 1:length(MOSL[[i]][[j]])) {
							Term[[i]][[j]][[k]] <- 0
				# clear the row in Term
				i <- row
				j <- length(MOSL[[row]])
				for (k in 1:length(MOSL[[i]][[j]])) {
					Term[[i]][[j]][[k]] <- 0
				# terminate the last loop in PLOS
				i <- PLOS[[length(PLOS)]][[1]]
				j <- length(PLOS[[length(PLOS)]])
				k <- loop[[2]]
				for (jj in 1:j) {
					for (kk in 1:length(Term[[i]][[jj]])) {
						if (jj == j & kk <= k.last[[length(k.last)]]) {
							Term[[i]][[jj]][[kk]] <- 1
				# remove the last loop from PLOS
				PLOS <- PLOS[1:length(PLOS)-1]
				k.last <- k.last[1:length(k.last)-1]
			# add next.loop to PLOS
			if (is.null(PLOS)) {
				PLOS <- list(loop[[1]])
				k.last <- c(k.last, list(loop[[2]]))
				} else {
						PLOS <- c(PLOS,list(loop[[1]]))
						k.last <- c(k.last, list(loop[[2]]))
			# test if PLOS spans N and add to SOSL if it does
			if (set.size(PLOS) == N) {
				# add PLOS to SOSL
				if (is.null(SOSL)) {
					SOSL <- list(PLOS)
					} else {
							SOSL <- c(SOSL, list(PLOS))

				# terminate the last loop in PLOS
				i <- PLOS[[length(PLOS)]][[1]]
				j <- length(PLOS[[length(PLOS)]])
				k <- loop[[2]]
				Term[[i]][[j]][[k.last[[length(k.last)]]]] <- 1
				# remove the last loop from PLOS
				PLOS <- PLOS[1:length(PLOS)-1]
				k.last <- k.last[1:length(k.last)-1]
			# end while TRUE    

		# end enumerate.SOSL()

# sosl.prod returns the sign product of a set of spanning loops
# It takes:
# SOSL: a single set of spanning loop(s)

	sosl.prod <- function(C,SOSL) {

		loop.prod <- function(C,loop) {
			lprod <- 1
			if (length(loop) >1 ) {
				for (edge in 1:(length(loop))) {
					if (edge < length(loop)) {
						lprod <- lprod * C[loop[edge],loop[edge+1]]
						} else {
							lprod <- lprod * C[loop[edge],loop[1]]
			if (length(loop) == 1) {
				lprod <- lprod*C[loop[1],loop[1]]
			# end loop.prod()
		sprod <- 1
		for (loop in SOSL) {
			sprod <- sprod*loop.prod(C,loop)
		# end sosl.prod()

# feedback returns the adjusted sum of products of SOSLs. It takes:
# C: the complimentary subsystem of a path through a CM

	feedback.C <- function(C) {
		N <- nrow(C)

		# if the complimentary subsystem has a single element return its absolute value
		if (is.null(nrow(C))) {
			return( abs(C) )

		# if there are no loops in the complimentary subsystem (and the complimentary 
		# subsystem is greater than a single element), return zero
	   LOL <- (enumerate.loops(C))
		if (is.null(LOL)) {
   			return( 0 )
		loopsets <- enumerate.SOSL(make.MOSL(LOL,N),N)
		T.ij <- length(loopsets)
		return( T.ij)

		# end feedback.C()

		T.ij <- 0
		for (path in enumerate.paths(CM,i,j)) {

			### here what I want is to produce the T for a specific P.ij I name this T.ij

			# if the complimentary subsystem C has zero elements, increment T.ij by 1
			if (length(CM[path.compliment(path,N)]) == 0) {
				T.ij <- T.ij + 1

			 # otherwise, increment T.ij by the absolute number of feedback levels
			 } else {
					T.ij <- T.ij + feedback.C(CM[path.compliment(path,N),path.compliment(path,N)])

		# end sum.path.x.C()

	N <- nrow(CM)
	namerows <- rownames(CM)
	T <- matrix(c(NA),N,N,dimnames=list(namerows,namerows))

	if (!status) {
		for (i in 1:N) {
			for (j in 1:N) {
					T[i,j] <- sum.path.x.C(CM,i,j,N)

	if (status) {
		cat(" ",namerows,"\n")
		for (i in 1:N) {
			for (j in 1:N) {
					T[i,j] <- sum.path.x.C(CM,i,j,N)
					cat(" .")
	# end make.T()

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