
Defines functions LoopsToRanges

Documented in LoopsToRanges

#' Create a list of ranges objects from looping data
#' Uses tab delimited looping data in the form of BEDPE files to create custom GRanges loop objects
#' @param ... Any number of tab delimited loop data files in BEDPE format 
#' @param loop_names A character vector of names for the loop datasets (optional)
#' @param custom_cols An integer indicating the number of extra columns in the BEDPE file (default = 0)
#' @param custom_mcols An integer or vector of integers indicating which columns are used for metadata (optional)
#' @return A \emph{LoopRanges} class object: list of GRanges looping data objects 
#' @examples 
#' # Load loops into LoopRanges object 
#' ovary_loops <- system.file("extdata/loops", "ovary_hg19.bedpe", 
#' package = "LoopRig", mustWork = TRUE) 
#' spleen_loops <- system.file("extdata/loops", "spleen_hg19.bedpe", 
#' package = "LoopRig", mustWork = TRUE)
#' LoopsToRanges(ovary_loops, spleen_loops, custom_cols = 0)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import IRanges
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export 

LoopsToRanges <- function(..., loop_names = NULL, custom_cols = 0, custom_mcols = NULL) {
  pre_list <- tryCatch(
      pre_list <- list(...)
    warning = function(warning_text) {
  if (length(pre_list) == 0) {
    stop("Please enter at least one BEDPE looping data file")
  if(length(unique(pre_list)) != length(pre_list)) {
    stop("Duplicate BEDPE data-files entered, only unique entries allowed")
  test_table <- tryCatch(
    read.table(pre_list[[1]], header = FALSE)
    error=function(error_text) {
  if (class(test_table) != "data.frame") {
    stop("Error in reading BEDPE files, please ensure file specification, format, and location accuracy")
  if (length(colnames(test_table)) != (6 + custom_cols)) {
    stop("Incorrect number of custom columns, please check your files again")
  if (length(which(sapply((test_table[1, c(2, 3, 5, 6)]), is.numeric))) < 4) {
    stop("Chromosome coordinates are not numeric. Please ensure file format accuracy and remove any header columns")

  loop_classes <- c("character", "numeric", "numeric", "character", "numeric", "numeric")
  l_list <- structure(lapply(pre_list, read.table, colClasses = c(loop_classes, rep("character", custom_cols)), header = FALSE), class = "LoopList")

  loop_to_range <- function(loop_df) {
    if (is.null(custom_mcols) == TRUE) {
      anchor_1_ranges <- GRanges(seqnames = loop_df[, 1], ranges = IRanges(start = loop_df[, 2], end = loop_df[, 3]))
      anchor_2_ranges <- GRanges(seqnames = loop_df[, 4], ranges = IRanges(start = loop_df[, 5], end = loop_df[, 6]))
      anchor_list <-  GRangesList("Anchor 1" = anchor_1_ranges, "Anchor 2" = anchor_2_ranges)
    else {
      if (!(custom_mcols %in% c(6:(6+custom_cols))) == TRUE) {
        stop("Incorrect custom mcols location, please check your files again")
      anchor_1_ranges <- GRanges(seqnames = loop_df[, 1], ranges = IRanges(start = loop_df[, 2], end = loop_df[, 3]), mcols = loop_df[, custom_mcols])
      anchor_2_ranges <- GRanges(seqnames = loop_df[, 4], ranges = IRanges(start = loop_df[, 5], end = loop_df[, 6]), mcols = loop_df[, custom_mcols])
      anchor_list <-  GRangesList("Anchor 1" = anchor_1_ranges, "Anchor 2" = anchor_2_ranges)
    ranges_list <- structure(lapply(l_list, loop_to_range), class = "LoopRanges")
    if (is.null(loop_names) == FALSE) {
      names(ranges_list) <- loop_names
    else { 

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LoopRig documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:27 a.m.