ExampleData.FittingLM: Example data for fit_LMCurve() in the package Luminescence

ExampleData.FittingLMR Documentation

Example data for fit_LMCurve() in the package Luminescence


Linearly modulated (LM) measurement data from a quartz sample from Norway including background measurement. Measurements carried out in the luminescence laboratory at the University of Bayreuth.


Two objects (data.frames) with two columns (time and counts).


Lab: Luminescence Laboratory Bayreuth
Lab-Code: BT900
Location: Norway
Material: Beach deposit, coarse grain quartz measured on aluminium discs on a Risø TL/OSL DA-15 reader


Fuchs, M., Kreutzer, S., Fischer, M., Sauer, D., Soerensen, R., 2012. OSL and IRSL dating of raised beach sand deposits along the south-eastern coast of Norway. Quaternary Geochronology, 10, 195-200.


##show LM data
data(ExampleData.FittingLM, envir = environment())

Luminescence documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.