
#' @title Comprehensive Luminescence Dating Data Analysis\cr
#' \if{html}{
#' \figure{Luminescence_logo.png}{options: width="75" alt="r-luminescence.org"}
#' }
#' @description A collection of various R functions for the purpose of luminescence dating
#' data analysis. This includes, amongst others, data import, export,
#' application of age models, curve deconvolution, sequence analysis and
#' plotting of equivalent dose distributions.
#' @name Luminescence-package
#' @aliases Luminescence-package Luminescence
#' @details
#' **Supervisor of the initial version in 2012**
#' Markus Fuchs, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
#' **Support contact**
#' * \email{developers@@r-luminescence.org}
#' * [https://github.com/R-Lum/Luminescence/discussions]()
#' **Bug reporting**
#' * \email{developers@@r-luminescence.org} or
#' * [https://github.com/R-Lum/Luminescence/issues]()
#' **Project website**
#' * [https://r-luminescence.org]()
#' **Project source code repository**
#' * [https://github.com/R-Lum/Luminescence]()
#' **Related package projects**
#' * [https://cran.r-project.org/package=RLumShiny]()
#' * [https://cran.r-project.org/package=RLumModel]()
#' * [https://cran.r-project.org/package=RLumCarlo]()
#' * [https://cran.r-project.org/package=RCarb]()
#' **Funding**
#' * 2011-2013:  The initial version of the package was developed, while Sebastian Kreutzer
#' was funded through the DFG programme "Rekonstruktion der Umweltbedingungen
#' des Spätpleistozäns in Mittelsachsen anhand von Löss-Paläobodensequenzen"
#' (DFG id: 46526743)
#' * 2014-2018: Cooperation and personal exchange between the developers is gratefully
#' funded by the DFG (SCHM 3051/3-1) in the framework of the program
#' "Scientific Networks". Project title: "RLum.Network: Ein
#' Wissenschaftsnetzwerk zur Analyse von Lumineszenzdaten mit R" (2014-2018)
#' * 05/2014-12/2019: The work of Sebastian Kreutzer as maintainer of the package was supported
#' by LabEx LaScArBx (ANR - n. ANR-10-LABX-52).
#' * 01/2020-04/2022: Sebastian Kreutzer as maintainer of the package has received funding
#' from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
#' the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 844457 (CREDit), and could continue
#' maintaining the package.
#' * since 03/2023: Sebastian Kreutzer as maintainer of the package receives funding from the
#' DFG Heisenberg programme No 505822867.
#' * All other authors gratefully received additional funding from various public funding bodies.
#' @references
#' Dietze, M., Kreutzer, S., Fuchs, M.C., Burow, C., Fischer, M.,
#' Schmidt, C., 2013. A practical guide to the R package Luminescence.
#' Ancient TL, 31 (1), 11-18.
#' Dietze, M., Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Fuchs, M.C., Fischer, M., Schmidt, C., 2016. The abanico plot:
#' visualising chronometric data with individual standard errors. Quaternary Geochronology 31, 1-7.
#' https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2015.09.003
#' Fuchs, M.C., Kreutzer, S., Burow, C., Dietze, M., Fischer, M., Schmidt, C.,
#' Fuchs, M., 2015. Data processing in luminescence dating analysis: An
#' exemplary workflow using the R package 'Luminescence'. Quaternary
#' International, 362,8-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.06.034
#' Kreutzer, S., Schmidt, C., Fuchs, M.C., Dietze, M., Fischer, M., Fuchs, M.,
#' 2012. Introducing an R package for luminescence dating analysis. Ancient TL,
#' 30 (1), 1-8.
#' Mercier, N., Kreutzer, S., Christophe, C., Guérin, G., Guibert, P., Lahaye, C., Lanos, P., Philippe, A.,
#' Tribolo, C., 2016. Bayesian statistics in luminescence dating: The 'baSAR'-model and its
#' implementation in the R package ’Luminescence’. Ancient TL 34 (2), 14-21.
#' Mercier, N., Galharret, J.-M., Tribolo, C., Kreutzer, S., Philippe, A., 2022.
#' Luminescence age calculation through Bayesian convolution of equivalent dose
#' and dose-rate distributions: the De_Dr model.
#' Geochronology 4, 297–310. https://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-4-297-2022
#' Smedley, R.K., 2015. A new R function for the Internal External Uncertainty (IEU) model.
#' Ancient TL, 33 (1), 16-21.
#' King, E.G., Burow, C., Roberts, H., Pearce, N.J.G., 2018. Age determination
#' using feldspar: evaluating fading-correction model performance. Radiation Measurements 119, 58-73.
#' https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.07.013
#' @keywords package
#' @import utils methods data.table
#' @importFrom  Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom graphics plot plot.default frame abline mtext text lines par layout lines arrows axTicks axis barplot box boxplot contour curve grconvertX grconvertY hist legend persp points polygon rug segments title grid close.screen screen split.screen
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor axisTicks colorRampPalette gray.colors rgb topo.colors xy.coords dev.off
#' @importFrom stats formula approx as.formula complete.cases density dnorm glm lm median na.exclude na.omit nls nls.control pchisq pnorm quantile rnorm runif sd smooth smooth.spline spline t.test uniroot var weighted.mean setNames coef confint predict update residuals fitted qf
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom httr GET accept_json status_code content
#' @useDynLib Luminescence, .registration = TRUE
#' @md

#' Base data set of dose-rate conversion factors
#' Collection of published dose-rate conversion factors to convert concentrations
#' of radioactive isotopes to dose rate values.
#' @format
#' A [`list`] with three elements with dose-rate conversion factors
#' sorted by article and radiation type (alpha, beta, gamma):
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' `AdamiecAitken1998`: \tab
#' Conversion factors from Tables 5 and 6 \cr
#' `Cresswelletal2018`: \tab
#' Conversion factors from Tables 5 and 6 \cr
#' `Guerinetal2011`: \tab
#' Conversion factors from Tables 1, 2 and 3 \cr
#' `Liritzisetal2013`: \tab
#' Conversion factors from Tables 1, 2 and 3 \cr
#' }
#' @section Version: 0.2.0
#' @references
#' Adamiec, G., Aitken, M.J., 1998. Dose-rate conversion factors: update.
#' Ancient TL 16, 37-46.
#' Cresswell., A.J., Carter, J., Sanderson, D.C.W., 2018.
#' Dose rate conversion parameters: Assessment of nuclear data.
#' Radiation Measurements 120, 195-201.
#' Guerin, G., Mercier, N., Adamiec, G., 2011. Dose-rate conversion
#' factors: update. Ancient TL, 29, 5-8.
#' Liritzis, I., Stamoulis, K., Papachristodoulou, C., Ioannides, K., 2013.
#' A re-evaluation of radiation dose-rate conversion factors. Mediterranean
#' Archaeology and Archaeometry 13, 1-15.
#' @source
#' All gamma conversion factors were carefully read from the tables given in the
#' references above.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ## Load data
#' data("BaseDataSet.ConversionFactors", envir = environment())
#' @name BaseDataSet.ConversionFactors
#' @md

#' @title Base dataset for grain size attenuation data by Guérin et al. (2012)
#' @description Grain size correction data for beta-dose rates
#' published by Guérin et al. (2012).
#'#' @format
#' A [`data.frame`] seven columns and sixteen rows. Column headers
#' are `GrainSize`, `Q_K`, `FS_K`, `Q_Th`, `FS_Th`, `Q_U`, `FS_U`.
#' Grain sizes are quoted in µm (e.g., 20, 40, 60 etc.)
#' @section Version: 0.1.0
#' @source Guérin, G., Mercier, N., Nathan, R., Adamiec, G., Lefrais, Y., 2012.
#' On the use of the infinite matrix assumption and associated concepts:
#' A critical review. Radiation Measurements, 47, 778-785.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ## load data
#' data("BaseDataSet.GrainSizeAttenuation", envir = environment())
#' @name BaseDataSet.GrainSizeAttenuation
#' @md

#' Base data set of fractional gamma-dose values
#' Collection of (un-)published fractional gamma dose-rate values to scale the
#' gamma-dose rate considering layer-to-layer variations in soil radioactivity.
#' @format
#' A [`list`] with fractional gamma dose-rate values
#' sorted by article:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' `Aitken1985`: \tab
#' Fractional gamma-dose values from table H.1
#' }
#' @section Version: 0.1
#' @references
#' Aitken, M.J., 1985. Thermoluminescence Dating. Academic Press, London.
#' @source
#' Fractional gamma dose values were carefully read from the tables given in the
#' references above.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ## Load data
#' data("BaseDataSet.FractionalGammaDose", envir = environment())
#' @name BaseDataSet.FractionalGammaDose
#' @md

#' Example data for scale_GammaDose()
#' An example data set for the function `scale_GammaDose()` containing layer
#' specific information to scale the gamma dose rate considering variations in
#' soil radioactivity.
#' @format
#' A [`data.frame`]. Please see `?scale_GammaDose()` for a detailed description
#' of its structure.
#' @section Version: 0.1
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ## Load data
#' data("ExampleData.ScaleGammaDose", envir = environment())
#' @name ExampleData.ScaleGammaDose
#' @md

#' Example data for calc_CobbleDoseRate()
#' An example data set for the function [calc_CobbleDoseRate] containing layer
#' specific information for the cobble to be used in the function.
#' @format
#' A [`data.frame`]. Please see [calc_CobbleDoseRate] for detailed information
#' on the structure of the [data.frame].
#' @section Version: 0.1.0
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ## Load data
#' data("ExampleData.CobbleData", envir = environment())
#' @name ExampleData.CobbleData
#' @md

#' Base data set for cosmic dose rate calculation
#' Collection of data from various sources needed for cosmic dose rate
#' calculation
#' @format
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' `values.cosmic.Softcomp`: \tab
#' data frame containing cosmic dose rates
#' for shallow depths (< 167 g cm^-2) obtained using the "AGE" program by
#' Rainer Gruen (cf. Gruen 2009). These data essentially reproduce the graph
#' shown in Fig. 1 of Prescott & Hutton (1988). \cr
#' `values.factor.Altitude`: \tab
#' data frame containing altitude factors
#' for adjusting geomagnetic field-change factors. Values were read from Fig. 1
#' in Prescott & Hutton (1994). \cr
#' `values.par.FJH`: \tab
#' data frame containing values for parameters F, J
#' and H (read from Fig. 2 in Prescott & Hutton 1994) used in the expression \cr
#' }
#' \deqn{Dc = D0*(F+J*exp((altitude/1000)/H))}
#' @section Version: 0.1
#' @references
#' Gruen, R., 2009. The "AGE" program for the calculation of luminescence age estimates.
#' Ancient TL, 27, pp. 45-46.
#' Prescott, J.R., Hutton, J.T., 1988. Cosmic ray and gamma ray dosimetry for
#' TL and ESR. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 14, pp. 223-227.
#' Prescott, J.R., Hutton, J.T., 1994. Cosmic ray contributions to dose rates
#' for luminescence and ESR dating: large depths and long-term time variations.
#' Radiation Measurements, 23, pp. 497-500.
#' @source
#' The following data were carefully read from figures in mentioned
#' sources and used for fitting procedures. The derived expressions are used in
#' the function `calc_CosmicDoseRate`.
#' **values.cosmic.Softcomp**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Program: \tab "AGE"\cr
#' Reference: \tab Gruen (2009) \cr
#' Fit: \tab Polynomials in the form of
#' }
#' For depths between 40-167 g cm^-2:
#' \deqn{y = 2*10^-6*x^2-0.0008*x+0.2535}
#' (For depths <40 g cm^-2)
#' \deqn{y = -6*10^-8*x^3+2*10^-5*x^2-0.0025*x+0.2969}
#' **`values.factor.Altitude`**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Reference: \tab Prescott & Hutton (1994) \cr
#' Page: \tab 499 \cr
#' Figure: \tab 1 \cr
#' Fit: \tab 2-degree polynomial in the form of
#' }
#' \deqn{y = -0.026*x^2 + 0.6628*x + 1.0435}
#' **`values.par.FJH`**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Reference: \tab Prescott & Hutton (1994) \cr
#' Page: \tab 500 \cr
#' Figure: \tab 2 \cr
#' Fits: \tab 3-degree polynomials and linear fits
#' }
#' F (non-linear part, \eqn{\lambda} < 36.5 deg.):
#' \deqn{y = -7*10^-7*x^3-8*10^-5*x^2-0.0009*x+0.3988}
#' F (linear part, \eqn{\lambda} > 36.5 deg.):
#' \deqn{y = -0.0001*x + 0.2347}
#' J (non-linear part, \eqn{\lambda} < 34 deg.):
#' \deqn{y = 5*10^-6*x^3-5*10^-5*x^2+0.0026*x+0.5177}
#' J (linear part, \eqn{\lambda} > 34 deg.):
#' \deqn{y = 0.0005*x + 0.7388}
#' H (non-linear part, \eqn{\lambda} < 36 deg.):
#' \deqn{y = -3*10^-6*x^3-5*10^-5*x^2-0.0031*x+4.398}
#' H (linear part, \eqn{\lambda} > 36 deg.):
#' \deqn{y = 0.0002*x + 4.0914}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ##load data
#' data(BaseDataSet.CosmicDoseRate)
#' @name BaseDataSet.CosmicDoseRate
#' @aliases values.cosmic.Softcomp values.factor.Altitude values.par.FJH
#' @md

#' @title Example data from a SAR OSL and SAR TL measurement for the package
#' Luminescence
#' @description Example data from a SAR OSL and TL measurement for package Luminescence
#' directly extracted from a Risoe BIN-file and provided in an object of type
#' [Risoe.BINfileData-class]

#' @format
#' `CWOSL.SAR.Data`: SAR OSL measurement data
#' `TL.SAR.Data`: SAR TL measurement data
#' Each class object contains two slots: (a) `METADATA` is a [data.frame] with
#' all metadata stored in the BIN file of the measurements and (b) `DATA`
#' contains a list of vectors of the measured data (usually count values).
#' @section Version: 0.1
#' @references
#' **CWOSL.SAR.Data**: unpublished data
#' **TL.SAR.Data**: unpublished data
#' @source **CWOSL.SAR.Data**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory Bayreuth \cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab BT607 \cr
#' Location: \tab Saxony/Germany \cr
#' Material: \tab Middle grain quartz measured on aluminium cups on a Risø TL/OSL DA-15 reader\cr
#' Reference: \tab unpublished
#' }
#' **TL.SAR.Data**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory of Cologne\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab LP1_5\cr
#' Location: \tab Spain\cr
#' Material: \tab Flint \cr
#' Setup: \tab Risoe TL/OSL DA-20 reader (Filter: Semrock Brightline, HC475/50, N2, unpolished steel discs) \cr
#' Reference: \tab unpublished \cr
#' Remarks: \tab dataset limited to one position
#' }
#' @note
#' Please note that this example data cannot be exported to a BIN-file using the function
#' `writeR2BIN` as it was generated and implemented in the package long time ago. In the meantime
#' the BIN-file format changed.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ## show first 5 elements of the METADATA and DATA elements in the terminal
#' data(ExampleData.BINfileData, envir = environment())
#' CWOSL.SAR.Data@@DATA[1:5]
#' @name ExampleData.BINfileData
#' @aliases CWOSL.SAR.Data TL.SAR.Data
#' @md

#' Example CW-OSL curve data for the package Luminescence
#' `data.frame` containing CW-OSL curve data (time, counts)
#' @name ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve
#' @docType data
#' @format Data frame with 1000 observations on the following 2 variables:
#' - `list("x")`: a numeric vector, time
#' - `list("y")`: a numeric vector, counts
#' @references
#' Baartman, J.E.M., Veldkamp, A., Schoorl, J.M., Wallinga, J.,
#' Cammeraat, L.H., 2011. Unravelling Late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape
#' dynamics: The Upper Guadalentin Basin, SE Spain. Geomorphology, 125,
#' 172-185.
#' Bos, A.J.J. & Wallinga, J., 2012. How to visualize quartz OSL signal
#' components. Radiation Measurements, 47, 752-758.
#' @source **ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory Bayreuth\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab BT607\cr
#' Location: \tab Saxony/Germany\cr
#' Material: \tab Middle grain quartz measured on aluminium cups on a Risø TL/OSL DA-15 reader.\cr
#' Reference: \tab unpublished data }
#' **CW_Curve.BosWallinga2012**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Netherlands Centre for Luminescence Dating (NCL)\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab NCL-2108077\cr
#' Location: \tab Guadalentin Basin, Spain\cr
#' Material: \tab Coarse grain quartz\cr
#' Reference: \tab Bos & Wallinga (2012) and Baartman et al. (2011)
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve, envir = environment())
#' plot(ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve)
#' @aliases CW_Curve.BosWallinga2012 ExampleData.CW_OSL_Curve
#' @md

#' Example portable OSL curve data for the package Luminescence
#' A `list` of [RLum.Analysis-class] objects, each containing
#' the same number of [RLum.Data.Curve-class] objects representing
#' individual OSL, IRSL and dark count measurements of a sample.
#' @name ExampleData.portableOSL
#' @docType data
#' @source
#' **ExampleData.portableOSL**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Cologne Luminescence Laboratory\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab `none` \cr
#' Location: \tab Nievenheim/Germany\cr
#' Material: \tab Fine grain quartz \cr
#' Reference: \tab unpublished data
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(ExampleData.portableOSL, envir = environment())
#' plot_RLum(ExampleData.portableOSL)
#' @md

#' Example data for fit_LMCurve() in the package Luminescence
#' Linearly modulated (LM) measurement data from a quartz sample from Norway
#' including background measurement. Measurements carried out in the
#' luminescence laboratory at the University of Bayreuth.
#' @format Two objects (data.frames) with two columns (time and counts).
#' @references
#' Fuchs, M., Kreutzer, S., Fischer, M., Sauer, D., Soerensen, R., 2012. OSL and IRSL
#' dating of raised beach sand deposits along the south-eastern coast of Norway.
#' Quaternary Geochronology, 10, 195-200.
#' @source
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory Bayreuth\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab BT900\cr
#' Location: \tab Norway\cr
#' Material: \tab Beach deposit, coarse grain quartz measured on aluminium discs on a Risø TL/OSL DA-15 reader\cr
#' }
#' @examples
#' ##show LM data
#' data(ExampleData.FittingLM, envir = environment())
#' plot(values.curve,log="x")
#' @name ExampleData.FittingLM
#' @aliases values.curve values.curveBG
#' @md

#' Example Lx/Tx data from CW-OSL SAR measurement
#' LxTx data from a SAR measurement for the package Luminescence.
#' @format A [`data.frame`] with 4 columns (Dose, LxTx, LxTx.Error, TnTx).
#' @references unpublished data
#' @source
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory Bayreuth\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab BT607\cr
#' Location: \tab Ostrau (Saxony-Anhalt/Germany)\cr
#' Material: \tab Middle grain (38-63 \eqn{\mu}m) quartz measured on a Risoe TL/OSL DA-15 reader.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## plot Lx/Tx data vs dose [s]
#' data(ExampleData.LxTxData, envir = environment())
#' plot(LxTxData$Dose,LxTxData$LxTx)
#' @name ExampleData.LxTxData
#' @aliases LxTxData
#' @md

#' Example Lx and Tx curve data from an artificial OSL measurement
#' `Lx` and `Tx` data of continuous wave (CW-) OSL signal curves.
#' @format Two [`data.frame`]s containing time and count values.
#' @references unpublished data
#' @source
#' Arbitrary OSL measurement.
#' @examples
#' ##load data
#' data(ExampleData.LxTxOSLData, envir = environment())
#' ##plot data
#' plot(Lx.data)
#' plot(Tx.data)
#' @name ExampleData.LxTxOSLData
#' @aliases Lx.data Tx.data
#' @md

#' Example data as [RLum.Analysis-class] objects
#' Collection of different [RLum.Analysis-class] objects for
#' protocol analysis.
#' @format
#' `IRSAR.RF.Data`: IRSAR.RF.Data on coarse grain feldspar
#' Each object contains data needed for the given protocol analysis.
#' @section Version: 0.1
#' @references
#' **IRSAR.RF.Data**
#' Kreutzer, S., Lauer, T., Meszner, S., Krbetschek, M.R., Faust, D., Fuchs,
#' M., 2014. Chronology of the Quaternary profile Zeuchfeld in Saxony-Anhalt /
#' Germany - a preliminary luminescence dating study. Zeitschrift fuer
#' Geomorphologie 58, 5-26. doi: 10.1127/0372-8854/2012/S-00112
#' @source **IRSAR.RF.Data**
#' These data were kindly provided by Tobias Lauer and Matthias Krbetschek.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory TU Bergakademie Freiberg\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab ZEU/SA1\cr
#' Location: \tab Zeuchfeld (Zeuchfeld Sandur; Saxony-Anhalt/Germany)\cr
#' Material: \tab K-feldspar (130-200 \eqn{\mu}m)\cr
#' Reference: \tab Kreutzer et al. (2014)
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ##load data
#' data(ExampleData.RLum.Analysis, envir = environment())
#' ##plot data
#' plot_RLum(IRSAR.RF.Data)
#' @name ExampleData.RLum.Analysis
#' @aliases IRSAR.RF.Data
#' @md

#' Example data as [RLum.Data.Image-class] objects
#' Measurement of Princton Instruments camera imported with the function
#' [read_SPE2R] to R to produce an
#' [RLum.Data.Image-class] object.
#' @format Object of class [RLum.Data.Image-class]
#' @section Version: 0.1
#' @source
#' **ExampleData.RLum.Data.Image**
#' These data were kindly provided by Regina DeWitt.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab.: \tab Department of Physics, East-Carolina University, NC, USA\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab - \cr
#' Location: \tab - \cr
#' Material: \tab - \cr
#' Reference: \tab - \cr
#' }
#' Image data is a measurement of fluorescent ceiling lights with a cooled
#' Princeton Instruments (TM) camera fitted on Risø DA-20 TL/OSL reader.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ##load data
#' data(ExampleData.RLum.Data.Image, envir = environment())
#' ##plot data
#' plot_RLum(ExampleData.RLum.Data.Image)
#' @name ExampleData.RLum.Data.Image
#' @md

#' Example data for a SAR OSL measurement and a TL spectrum using a lexsyg
#' reader
#' Example data from a SAR OSL measurement and a TL spectrum for package
#' Luminescence imported from a Freiberg Instruments XSYG file using the
#' function [read_XSYG2R].
#' @format
#' `OSL.SARMeasurement`: SAR OSL measurement data
#' The data contain two elements: (a) `$Sequence.Header` is a
#' [data.frame] with metadata from the measurement,(b)
#' `Sequence.Object` contains an [RLum.Analysis-class] object
#' for further analysis.
#' `TL.Spectrum`: TL spectrum data
#' [RLum.Data.Spectrum-class] object for further analysis. The
#' spectrum was cleaned from cosmic-rays using the function
#' `apply_CosmicRayRemoval`. Note that no quantum efficiency calibration
#' was performed.
#' @section Version: 0.1
#' @seealso [read_XSYG2R], [RLum.Analysis-class], [RLum.Data.Spectrum-class],
#' [plot_RLum], [plot_RLum.Analysis], [plot_RLum.Data.Spectrum]
#' @references
#' Unpublished data measured to serve as example data for that
#' package. Location origin of sample BT753 is given here:
#' Fuchs, M., Kreutzer, S., Rousseau, D.D., Antoine, P., Hatte, C., Lagroix,
#' F., Moine, O., Gauthier, C., Svoboda, J., Lisa, L., 2013. The loess sequence
#' of Dolni Vestonice, Czech Republic: A new OSL-based chronology of the Last
#' Climatic Cycle. Boreas, 42, 664--677.
#' @source
#' **OSL.SARMeasurement**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory Giessen\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab no code\cr
#' Location: \tab not specified\cr
#' Material: \tab Coarse grain quartz  on steel cups on lexsyg research reader\cr
#' Reference: \tab unpublished
#' }
#' **TL.Spectrum**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory Giessen\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab BT753\cr
#' Location: \tab Dolni Vestonice/Czech Republic\cr
#' Material: \tab Fine grain polymineral on steel cups on lexsyg research reader\cr
#' Reference: \tab Fuchs et al., 2013 \cr
#' Spectrum: \tab Integration time 19 s, channel time 20 s\cr
#' Heating: \tab 1 K/s, up to 500 deg. C
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ##show data
#' data(ExampleData.XSYG, envir = environment())
#' ## =========================================
#' ##(1) OSL.SARMeasurement
#' OSL.SARMeasurement
#' ##show $Sequence.Object
#' OSL.SARMeasurement$Sequence.Object
#' ##grep OSL curves and plot the first curve
#' OSLcurve <- get_RLum(OSL.SARMeasurement$Sequence.Object,
#' recordType="OSL")[[1]]
#' plot_RLum(OSLcurve)
#' ## =========================================
#' ##(2) TL.Spectrum
#' TL.Spectrum
#' ##plot simple spectrum (2D)
#' plot_RLum.Data.Spectrum(TL.Spectrum,
#'                         plot.type="contour",
#'                         xlim = c(310,750),
#'                         ylim = c(0,300),
#'                         bin.rows=10,
#'                         bin.cols = 1)
#' ##plot 3d spectrum (uncomment for usage)
#' # plot_RLum.Data.Spectrum(TL.Spectrum, plot.type="persp",
#' # xlim = c(310,750), ylim = c(0,300), bin.rows=10,
#' # bin.cols = 1)
#' @name ExampleData.XSYG
#' @aliases OSL.SARMeasurement TL.Spectrum
#' @md

#' Example De data sets for the package Luminescence
#' Equivalent dose (De) values measured for a fine grain quartz sample from a
#' loess section in Rottewitz (Saxony/Germany) and for a coarse grain quartz
#' sample from a fluvial deposit in the rock shelter of Cueva Anton
#' (Murcia/Spain).
#' @format A [list] with two elements, each containing a two column [data.frame]:
#' \describe{
#' `$BT998`: De and De error values for a fine grain quartz
#' sample from a loess section in Rottewitz.
#' `$CA1`: Single grain De
#' and De error values for a coarse grain quartz sample from a fluvial deposit
#' in the rock shelter of Cueva Anton
#' }
#' @references
#'  **BT998**
#' Unpublished data
#' **CA1**
#' Burow, C., Kehl, M., Hilgers, A., Weniger, G.-C., Angelucci, D., Villaverde,
#' V., Zapata, J. and Zilhao, J.  (2015). Luminescence dating of fluvial
#' deposits in the rock shelter of Cueva Anton, Spain. Geochronometria 52, 107-125.
#' **BT998**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Luminescence Laboratory Bayreuth\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab BT998\cr
#' Location: \tab Rottewitz (Saxony/Germany)\cr
#' Material: \tab Fine grain quartz measured on aluminium discs on a Risø TL/OSL DA-15 reader\cr
#' Units: \tab Values are given in seconds \cr
#' Dose Rate: \tab Dose rate of the beta-source at measurement ca. 0.0438 Gy/s +/- 0.0019 Gy/s\cr
#' Measurement Date: \tab 2012-01-27
#' }
#' **CA1**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab Cologne Luminescence Laboratory (CLL)\cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab C-L2941\cr
#' Location: \tab Cueva Anton (Murcia/Spain)\cr
#' Material: \tab Coarse grain quartz (200-250 microns) measured on single grain discs on a Risoe TL/OSL DA-20 reader\cr
#' Units: \tab Values are given in Gray \cr
#' Measurement Date: \tab 2012
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ##(1) plot values as histogram
#' data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
#' plot_Histogram(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998, xlab = "De [s]")
#' ##(2) plot values as histogram (with second to gray conversion)
#' data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
#' De.values <- Second2Gray(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998,
#'                          dose.rate = c(0.0438, 0.0019))
#' plot_Histogram(De.values, xlab = "De [Gy]")
#' @name ExampleData.DeValues
#' @md

#' Example data for feldspar fading measurements
#' Example data set for fading measurements of the IR50, IR100, IR150 and
#' IR225 feldspar signals of sample UNIL/NB123. It further contains regular equivalent dose
#' measurement data of the same sample, which can be used to apply a
#' fading correction to.
#' @format A [list] with two elements, each containing a further [list] of
#' [data.frame]s containing the data on the fading and equivalent dose measurements:
#' \describe{
#' `$fading.data`: A named [list] of [data.frame]s,
#' each having three named columns (`LxTx, LxTx.error, timeSinceIrradiation`).\cr
#' `..$IR50`: Fading data of the IR50 signal.\cr
#' `..$IR100`: Fading data of the IR100 signal.\cr
#' `..$IR150`: Fading data of the IR150 signal.\cr
#' `..$IR225`: Fading data of the IR225 signal.\cr
#' `$equivalentDose.data`: A named of [data.frame]s,
#' each having three named columns (`dose, LxTx, LxTx.error`).\cr
#' `..$IR50`: Equivalent dose measurement data of the IR50 signal.\cr
#' `..$IR100`: Equivalent dose measurement data of the IR100 signal.\cr
#' `..$IR150`: Equivalent dose measurement data of the IR150 signal.\cr
#' `..$IR225`: Equivalent dose measurement data of the IR225 signal.\cr
#' }
#' @source
#' These data were kindly provided by Georgina E. King. Detailed information
#' on the sample UNIL/NB123 can be found in the reference given below. The raw
#' data can be found in the accompanying supplementary information.
#' @references
#' King, G.E., Herman, F., Lambert, R., Valla, P.G., Guralnik, B., 2016.
#' Multi-OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar. Quaternary Geochronology 33, 76-87.
#' doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2016.01.004
#' **Details**
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Lab: \tab University of Lausanne \cr
#' Lab-Code: \tab UNIL/NB123 \cr
#' Location: \tab Namche Barwa (eastern Himalayas)\cr
#' Material: \tab Coarse grained (180-212 microns) potassium feldspar \cr
#' Units: \tab Values are given in seconds \cr
#' Lab Dose Rate: \tab Dose rate of the beta-source at measurement ca. 0.1335 +/- 0.004 Gy/s \cr
#' Environmental Dose Rate: \tab 7.00 +/- 0.92 Gy/ka (includes internal dose rate)
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ## Load example data
#' data("ExampleData.Fading", envir = environment())
#' ## Get fading measurement data of the IR50 signal
#' IR50_fading <- ExampleData.Fading$fading.data$IR50
#' head(IR50_fading)
#' ## Determine g-value and rho' for the IR50 signal
#' IR50_fading.res <- analyse_FadingMeasurement(IR50_fading)
#' ## Show g-value and rho' results
#' gval <- get_RLum(IR50_fading.res)
#' rhop <- get_RLum(IR50_fading.res, "rho_prime")
#' gval
#' rhop
#' ## Get LxTx values of the IR50 DE measurement
#' IR50_De.LxTx <- ExampleData.Fading$equivalentDose.data$IR50
#' ## Calculate the De of the IR50 signal
#' IR50_De <- plot_GrowthCurve(IR50_De.LxTx,
#'                                 mode = "interpolation",
#'                                 fit.method = "EXP")
#' ## Extract the calculated De and its error
#' IR50_De.res <- get_RLum(IR50_De)
#' De <- c(IR50_De.res$De, IR50_De.res$De.Error)
#' ## Apply fading correction (age conversion greatly simplified)
#' IR50_Age <- De / 7.00
#' IR50_Age.corr <- calc_FadingCorr(IR50_Age, g_value = IR50_fading.res)
#' @name ExampleData.Fading
#' @md

#' Example OSL surface exposure dating data
#' A set of synthetic OSL surface exposure dating data to demonstrate the
#' [fit_SurfaceExposure] functionality. See examples to reproduce the data
#' interactively.
#' @details
#' **`$sample_1`**
#' \tabular{ccc}{
#' **mu** \tab **`sigmaphi`** \tab **age** \cr
#'   0.9 \tab 5e-10 \tab 10000 \cr
#' }
#' **`$sample_2`**
#' \tabular{ccccc}{
#' **mu** \tab **`sigmaphi`** \tab **age** \tab **Dose rate** \tab **D0** \cr
#'   0.9 \tab 5e-10 \tab 10000 \tab 2.5 \tab 40 \cr
#' }
#' **`$set_1`**
#' \tabular{ccc}{
#' **mu** \tab **`sigmaphi`** \tab **ages** \cr
#'   0.9 \tab 5e-10 \tab 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6 \cr
#' }
#' **`$set_2`**
#' \tabular{ccccc}{
#' **mu** \tab **`sigmaphi`** \tab **ages** \tab **Dose rate** \tab **D0** \cr
#'   0.9 \tab 5e-10 \tab 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6 \tab 1.0 \tab 40 \cr
#' }
#' @format A [list] with 4 elements:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' **Element** \tab **Content** \cr
#' `$sample_1` \tab A [data.frame] with 3 columns (depth, intensity, error) \cr
#' `$sample_2` \tab A [data.frame] with 3 columns (depth, intensity, error) \cr
#' `$set_1` \tab A [list] of 4 [data.frame]s, each representing a sample with different ages \cr
#' `$set_2` \tab A [list] of 5 [data.frame]s, each representing a sample with different ages \cr
#' }
#' @references Unpublished synthetic data
#' @source
#' See examples for the code used to create the data sets.
#' @examples
#' ## ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$sample_1
#' sigmaphi <- 5e-10
#' age <- 10000
#' mu <- 0.9
#' x <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
#' fun <- exp(-sigmaphi * age * 365.25*24*3600 * exp(-mu * x))
#' set.seed(666)
#' synth_1 <- data.frame(depth = x,
#'                       intensity = jitter(fun, 1, 0.1),
#'                       error = runif(length(x), 0.01, 0.2))
#' ## VALIDATE sample_1
#' fit_SurfaceExposure(synth_1, mu = mu, sigmaphi = sigmaphi)
#' ## ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$sample_2
#' sigmaphi <- 5e-10
#' age <- 10000
#' mu <- 0.9
#' x <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
#' Ddot <- 2.5   / 1000 / 365.25 / 24 / 60 / 60 # 2.5 Gy/ka in Seconds
#' D0 <- 40
#' fun <- (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) *
#'           exp(-(age * 365.25*24*3600) *
#'                 (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0)) + Ddot/D0) /
#'   (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0)
#' set.seed(666)
#' synth_2 <- data.frame(depth = x,
#'                       intensity = jitter(fun, 1, 0.1),
#'                       error = runif(length(x), 0.01, 0.2))
#' ## VALIDATE sample_2
#' fit_SurfaceExposure(synth_2, mu = mu, sigmaphi = sigmaphi, Ddot = 2.5, D0 = D0)
#' ## ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$set_1
#' sigmaphi <- 5e-10
#' mu <- 0.9
#' x <- seq(0, 15, 0.2)
#' age <- c(1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6)
#' set.seed(666)
#' synth_3 <- vector("list", length = length(age))
#' for (i in 1:length(age)) {
#'   fun <- exp(-sigmaphi * age[i] * 365.25*24*3600 * exp(-mu * x))
#'   synth_3[[i]] <- data.frame(depth = x,
#'                              intensity = jitter(fun, 1, 0.05))
#' }
#' ## VALIDATE set_1
#' fit_SurfaceExposure(synth_3, age = age, sigmaphi = sigmaphi)
#' ## ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$set_2
#' sigmaphi <- 5e-10
#' mu <- 0.9
#' x <- seq(0, 15, 0.2)
#' age <- c(1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6)
#' Ddot <- 1.0 / 1000 / 365.25 / 24 / 60 / 60 # 2.0 Gy/ka in Seconds
#' D0 <- 40
#' set.seed(666)
#' synth_4 <- vector("list", length = length(age))
#' for (i in 1:length(age)) {
#'   fun <- (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) *
#'             exp(-(age[i] * 365.25*24*3600) *
#'                   (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0)) + Ddot/D0) /
#'     (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0)
#'   synth_4[[i]] <- data.frame(depth = x,
#'                              intensity = jitter(fun, 1, 0.05))
#' }
#' ## VALIDATE set_2
#' fit_SurfaceExposure(synth_4, age = age, sigmaphi = sigmaphi, D0 = D0, Ddot = 1.0)
#' \dontrun{
#' ExampleData.SurfaceExposure <- list(
#'   sample_1 = synth_1,
#'   sample_2 = synth_2,
#'   set_1 = synth_3,
#'   set_2 = synth_4
#' )
#' }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name ExampleData.SurfaceExposure
#' @md

#' Example Al2O3:C Measurement Data
#' Measurement data obtained from measuring Al2O3:C chips at the IRAMAT-CRP2A, Université Bordeaux
#' Montaigne in 2017 on a Freiberg Instruments lexsyg SMART reader.
#' The example data used in particular to allow test of the functions
#' developed in framework of the work by Kreutzer et al., 2018.
#' @format Two datasets comprising [RLum.Analysis-class] data imported using the function [read_XSYG2R]
#' \describe{
#' `data_ITC`: Measurement data to determine the irradiation time correction, the data can
#' be analysed with the function [analyse_Al2O3C_ITC]
#' `data_CrossTalk`: Measurement data obtained while estimating the irradiation cross-talk of the
#' reader used for the experiments. The data can be analysed either with the function
#' [analyse_Al2O3C_CrossTalk] or [analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement]
#' }
#' @note From both datasets unneeded curves have been removed and
#' the number of aliquots have been reduced to a required minimum to keep the file size small, but
#' still being able to run the corresponding functions.
#' @seealso [analyse_Al2O3C_ITC], [analyse_Al2O3C_CrossTalk], [analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement]
#' @references Kreutzer, S., Martin, L., Guérin, G., Tribolo, C., Selva, P., Mercier, N., 2018.
#' Environmental Dose Rate Determination Using a Passive Dosimeter: Techniques and Workflow for alpha-Al2O3:C Chips.
#' Geochronometria 45, 56–67.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ##(1) curves
#' data(ExampleData.Al2O3C, envir = environment())
#' plot_RLum(data_ITC[1:2])
#' @name ExampleData.Al2O3C
#' @aliases data_CrossTalk data_ITC
#' @md

#' Example TR-OSL data
#' Single TR-OSL curve obtained by Schmidt et al. (under review) for quartz sample BT729
#' (origin: Trebgast Valley, Germany, quartz, 90-200 µm, unpublished data).
#' @format One [RLum.Data.Curve-class] dataset imported using the function [read_XSYG2R]
#' \describe{
#' `ExampleData.TR_OSL`: A single [RLum.Data.Curve-class] object with the TR-OSL data
#' }
#' @seealso [fit_OSLLifeTimes]
#' @references Schmidt, C., Simmank, O., Kreutzer, S., under review.
#' Time-Resolved Optically Stimulated Luminescence of Quartz in the Nanosecond Time Domain. Journal
#' of Luminescence, 1-90
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' ##(1) curves
#' data(ExampleData.TR_OSL, envir = environment())
#' plot_RLum(ExampleData.TR_OSL)
#' @name ExampleData.TR_OSL
#' @md

#' Collection of External Data
#' @description Description and listing of data provided in the folder `data/extdata`
#' @details
#' The **R** package `Luminescence` includes a number of raw data files, which are mostly used in
#' the example sections of appropriate functions. They are also used internally for testing corresponding
#' functions using the `testthat` package (see files in `tests/testthat/`) to ensure their operational
#' reliability.
#' **Accessibility**
#' If the **R** package `Luminescence` is installed correctly the preferred way to access and use these
#' data from within **R** is as follows:
#'  `system.file("extdata/<FILENAME>", package = "Luminescence")`
#' **Individual file descriptions**
#' *>>Daybreak_TestFile.DAT/.txt<<*
#' **Type:** raw measurement data \cr
#' **Device:** Daybreak OSL/TL reader\cr
#' **Measurement date:** unknown\cr
#' **Location:** unknown\cr
#' **Provided by:** unknown\cr
#' **Related R function(s):** `read_Daybreak2R()`\cr
#' **Reference:** unknown
#' *>>DorNie_0016.psl<<*
#' **Type:** raw measurement data \cr
#' **Device:** SUERC portable OSL reader \cr
#' **Measurement date:** 19/05/2016 \cr
#' **Location:** Dormagen-Nievenheim, Germany \cr
#' **Provided by:** Christoph Burow (University of Cologne) \cr
#' **Related R function(s):** `read_PSL2R()` \cr
#' **Reference:** unpublished \cr
#' **Additional information:** Sample measured at an archaeological site near \cr
#'  Dormagen-Nievenheim (Germany) during a practical course on Luminescence dating in 2016. \cr
#' *>>QNL84_2_bleached.txt*, *QNL84_2_unbleached.txt<<*
#' **Type:** Test data for exponential fits \cr
#' **Reference:** Berger, G.W., Huntley, D.J., 1989. Test data for exponential fits. Ancient TL 7, 43-46. \cr
#' *>>STRB87_1_bleached.txt*, *STRB87_1_unbleached.txt<<*
#' **Type:** Test data for exponential fits \cr
#' **Reference:** Berger, G.W., Huntley, D.J., 1989. Test data for exponential fits. Ancient TL 7, 43-46.
#' *>>XSYG_file.xsyg*
#' **Type:** XSYG-file stump \cr
#' **Info: ** XSYG-file with some basic curves to test functions \cr
#' **Reference:** no reference available
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name extdata
#' @md

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