
Defines functions read_TIFF2R

Documented in read_TIFF2R

#'@title Import TIFF Image Data into R
#'@description Simple wrapper around [tiff::readTIFF] to import TIFF images
#'and TIFF image stacks to be further processed within the package `'Luminescence'`
#'@param file [character] (**required**): file name
#'@param ... not in use, for compatibility reasons only
#'@return [RLum.Data.Image-class] object
#'@author Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#'@section Function version: 0.1.2
#'@seealso [tiff::readTIFF], [RLum.Data.Image-class]
#'@keywords IO
#'file <- file.choose()
#'image <- read_TIFF2R(file)
read_TIFF2R <- function(
# Integrity ---------------------------------------------------------------
  ## most of the users don't need this import, no need to bother them
  ## with required libraries
  if (!requireNamespace("tiff", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("Importing TIFF files requires the package tiff.\n",
         "To install this package run 'install.packages('tiff')' in your R console.",
         call. = FALSE)

    stop("[read_TIFF2R()] File does not exist or is not readable!", call. = FALSE)

# Import ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## import
  temp <- tiff::readTIFF(file, all = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)

  if(is(temp, "list"))
    temp <- as(temp, "RLum.Data.Image")

# Return ------------------------------------------------------------------
  set_RLum(class = "RLum.Data.Image", data = temp@data)


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Luminescence documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.