### main function -------------------------
main_predict = function(gene, exongr, pas_ann, bam, density_train, read_len, mode,
num_thre, dist_thre, sig_fward = 1e-10,
num_pas_thre, frac_pas_thre, region = "all"){
nExon = length(exongr)
# if(nrow(pas_ann) == 1) return(NULL)
reads_prob = get_reads_prob_predict(bam, density_train, exongr, pas_ann, num_thre, dist_thre, read_len, region)
if(is.null(reads_prob)) return(NULL)
nreads = reads_prob$nreads
plist = reads_prob$prob
pasids = colnames(plist)
paspos = as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(pasids, split = "\\:"), function(x) x[2]))
npas = length(pasids)
if(npas == 1){
pas.type = pas_ann[pas_ann$PAS_ID == pasids, "Intron.exon.location"]
res = list(gene = gene, pas = pasids, pas.type = pas.type,
nreads = nreads, npas = 1)
alp = matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
loglik_init = sapply(1:npas, function(j){
return( get_loglik_pred(plist[,j,drop = FALSE], alp_hat = alp) )
loglik_null = max(loglik_init)
idx_pas = which.max(loglik_init)
select_pas = select_forward_pred(max_step = 2*nExon, idx_init = idx_pas,
pas_pos = paspos, plist,
loglik = loglik_null, sig_fward, mode)
idx_pas = select_pas$idx_sel
alpha = select_pas$alp
ind1 = (max(nreads) * alpha[,1] >= num_pas_thre)
ind2 = (alpha[,1] >= frac_pas_thre)
ind = which(ind1 & ind2)
if(length(ind) == 0) return(NULL)
idx_pas = idx_pas[ind]
if(length(ind) == 1){
pas.type = pas_ann$Intron.exon.location[match(pasids[idx_pas], pas_ann$PAS_ID)]
res = list(gene = gene, pas = pasids[idx_pas], pas.type = pas.type,
nreads = nreads, npas = 1)
pasids = pasids[idx_pas]
pas.type = pas_ann$Intron.exon.location[match(pasids, pas_ann$PAS_ID)]
res = list(gene = gene, pas = pasids, pas.type = pas.type,
nreads = nreads, npas = length(pasids))
### wrap function -------------------------
wrap_predict = function(pas_by_gene_single, pas_by_gene, exons_gr,
bam, density_train_path,
dist_thre = 600, # distance larger than threshold is not considered in training
num_thre = 10, # threshold on read number for including in training
read_len = 76,
num_pas_thre = 10,
frac_pas_thre = 0.01,
ncores = 1,
run = "all",
subset = NULL,
region = "all"
### PAS annotation ---------------------
GENEID = sapply(pas_by_gene, function(x) x$Ensemble.ID[1])
### reference genome -------------------
geneid = names(exons_gr)
geneid = sapply(strsplit(geneid, split = "\\."), function(x) x[1])
genesb = GENESB[match(geneid, GENEID)]
exons_gr = exons_gr[!]
genesb = genesb[!]
message(paste(length(genesb), "genes!"))
names(exons_gr) = genesb
pas_by_gene_single = pas_by_gene_single[names(pas_by_gene_single) %in% genesb]
pas_by_gene = pas_by_gene[names(pas_by_gene) %in% genesb]
### training --------------------------
if(run == "all"){
ss = length(bam)
density_train = lapply(1:ss, function(k){
message("Start training ...")
bam_path = bam[k]
pdist = get_pdist_singlePAS(bam_path, exons_gr, pas_by_gene_single, num_thre, dist_thre, ncores)
saveRDS(density_train, file = density_train_path)
if(run == "skip-train"){
density_train = readRDS(density_train_path)
ss = length(bam)
mod = sapply(1:ss, function(k){
dens = density_train[[k]]
mode = ceiling(mean(mod))
message("Calculate APA events ...")
if(is.null(subset)){usegenes = GENESB
message(paste(length(subset), "genes in subset!"))
usegenes = intersect(subset,GENESB)
message(paste(length(usegenes), "genes in subset and data!"))
if(length(usegenes) == 0) message("Stop!")
result = mclapply(usegenes, function(gene){
exongr = exons_gr[[gene]]
if(is.null(exongr)) return(NULL)
pas_ann = pas_by_gene[[gene]]
str = pas_ann$Strand[1]
if(str == "+"){
idx = which(pas_ann$Position > start(exongr)[1])
if(length(idx) == 0){return(NULL)}
pas_ann = pas_ann[idx, , drop = FALSE]
if(str == "-"){
idx = which(pas_ann$Position < max(end(exongr)))
if(length(idx) == 0){return(NULL)}
pas_ann = pas_ann[idx, , drop = FALSE]
res = try(main_predict(gene, exongr, pas_ann, bam, density_train, read_len, mode,
num_thre, dist_thre, sig_fward = 1e-10,
num_pas_thre, frac_pas_thre, region), silent = TRUE)
# if(gene == "Tcea1") print(res)
}, mc.cores = ncores)
names(result) = usegenes
saveRDS(result, file = save_path)
### write function -------------------------
mapper_write = function(save_path, output_dir){
result = readRDS(save_path)
ind = which(sapply(result, function(x) class(x) != "try-error"))
result = result[ind]
result = result[!sapply(result, is.null)]
message(paste("Writing results for", length(result), "genes ..."))
npas = sapply(result, function(x) x$npas)
### multiple pas
res1 = result[npas > 1]
da.gene = lapply(1:length(res1), function(i){
res = res1[[i]]
da = data.frame(gene = res$gene, npas = res$npas,
pval = signif(res$pval, digits = 3),
RLD.utr = signif(res$RLD.utr, digits = 3),
RLD.all = signif(res$RLD.all, digits = 3),
RED = signif(res$diff2$RED, digits = 3),
pval.fisher = signif(res$diff2$pval, digits = 3),
RED.gene1 = res$diff2$top2[1], RED.gene2 = res$diff2$top2[2],
t(res$nreads$c1), t(res$nreads$c2))
da.gene = Reduce(rbind, da.gene)
l = (ncol(da.gene)-9)/2
colnames(da.gene) = c(colnames(da.gene)[1:9],
paste0("nread.c1.", 1:l),
paste0("nread.c2.", 1:l))
write.table(da.gene, paste0(output_dir, "gene.txt"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote = F)
da.pas = lapply(1:length(res1), function(i){
res = res1[[i]]
count = data.frame(gene = res$gene, pas = rownames(res$alp_alt), type = res$pas.type,
frac.c1 = signif(res$alp_alt[,1], digits = 3),
frac.c2 = signif(res$alp_alt[,2], digits= 3))
da.pas = Reduce(rbind, da.pas)
write.table(da.pas, paste0(output_dir, "pas.txt"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote = F)
### single pas
res1 = result[npas == 1]
da.gene = lapply(1:length(res1), function(i){
res = res1[[i]]
da = data.frame(gene = res$gene, npas = 1, pval = NA,
RLD.utr = NA, RLD.all = NA, RED = NA, pval.fisher = NA,
RED.gene1 = NA, RED.gene2 = NA,
t(res$nreads$c1), t(res$nreads$c2))
da.gene = Reduce(rbind, da.gene)
write.table(da.gene, paste0(output_dir, "gene.txt"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
quote = F, append = T)
da.pas = lapply(1:length(res1), function(i){
res = res1[[i]]
count = data.frame(res$gene, res$pas, res$pas.type, 1, 1)
da.pas = Reduce(rbind, da.pas)
# colnames(da.pas) = c("gene", "pas", "type", "frac.c1", "frac.c2",
# paste0("nread.c1.", 1:length(res$nreads$c1)),
# paste0("nread.c2.", 1:length(res$nreads$c2)))
write.table(da.pas, paste0(output_dir, "pas.txt"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
quote = F, append = T)
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