get_pas_by_gene_single = function(pas_by_gene){
pas_by_gene_single = pas_by_gene[sapply(pas_by_gene, nrow) == 1]
pas_by_gene_single = pas_by_gene_single[sapply(pas_by_gene_single, function(x) x$LOCATION) != "Intron"]
names(pas_by_gene_single) = sapply(pas_by_gene_single, function(x) x$Gene.Symbol[1])
trunc_matrix = function(Smat){
eSmat = eigen(Smat)
eSmat$values[eSmat$values < 0] = 0
Smat = eSmat$vectors %*% diag(eSmat$values) %*% t(eSmat$vectors)
paired_test = function(X1, X2){
npas = nrow(X1)
n = ncol(X1)
N1 = colSums(X1)
N2 = colSums(X2)
NN1 = sum(N1)
NN2 = sum(N2)
mi1 = t(t(X1) / N1)
mi2 = t(t(X2) / N2)
fraclist = lapply(1:n, function(i){
cbind(mi1[,i], mi2[, i])
if(NN1 <= n | NN2 <= n){
return(list(pvalue = NA, fraclist = fraclist))
idx = which(N1 > 0 & N2 > 0)
if(length(idx) < n){
if(length(idx) == 1) return(list(pvalue = NA, fraclist = fraclist))
X1 = X1[, idx]
X2 = X2[, idx]
n = ncol(X1)
if(n < 3){return(list(pvalue = NA, fraclist = fraclist))}
if(n - npas < 1){
a = rowSums(X1) + rowSums(X2)
idx = order(a, decreasing = T)[1:(n-1)]
X1 = X1[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
X2 = X2[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
npas = nrow(X1)
N1 = colSums(X1)
N2 = colSums(X2)
NN1 = sum(N1)
NN2 = sum(N2)
mi1 = t(t(X1) / N1)
mi2 = t(t(X2) / N2)
Mc1 = (NN1 - sum(N1^2) / NN1) / (n-1)
Mc2 = (NN2 - sum(N2^2) / NN2) / (n-1)
m1 = rowSums(X1) / NN1
m2 = rowSums(X2) / NN2
mi1 = t(t(X1) / N1)
mi2 = t(t(X2) / N2)
diff1 = mi1 - m1
diff2 = mi2 - m2
S1 = diff1 %*% diag(N1) %*% t(diff1) / (n-1)
S2 = diff2 %*% diag(N2) %*% t(diff2) / (n-1)
G1 = (diag(mi1 %*% N1) - mi1 %*% diag(N1) %*% t(mi1)) / (NN1-n)
G2 = (diag(mi2 %*% N2) - mi2 %*% diag(N2) %*% t(mi2)) / (NN2-n)
V = diff1 %*% diag(N1+N2) %*% t(diff2) /(Mc1+Mc2) / (n-1)
V = (V + t(V)) * sum(N1*N2) / (NN1*NN2)
Sig1 = S1 * sum(N1^2) / Mc1 / (NN1^2) + G1 * (Mc1 - sum(N1^2) / NN1) / NN1 / Mc1
Sig2 = S2 * sum(N2^2) / Mc2 / (NN2^2) + G2 * (Mc2 - sum(N2^2) / NN2) / NN2 / Mc2
Sig1 = trunc_matrix(Sig1)
Sig2 = trunc_matrix(Sig2)
Smat = Sig1 + Sig2 - V
Smat = trunc_matrix(Smat)
stat = t(m1-m2) %*% ginv(Smat) %*% (m1-m2) * (n-npas+1)/(n-1)/(npas-1)
pval = 1-pf(as.numeric(stat), npas-1, n-npas+1)
return(list(Smat = Smat, pvalue = pval, fraclist = fraclist))
write_bed = function(save_path, output_dir, read_len, paired, ns){
result = readRDS(save_path)
ind = which(sapply(result, function(x) class(x) != "try-error"))
result = result[ind]
result = result[!sapply(result, is.null)]
message(paste("Writing BED for", length(result), "genes ..."))
if(paired == FALSE){
dabed = lapply(1:length(result), function(i){
res = result[[i]]
if(res$npas > 1){
pasids = rownames(res$alp_alt)
pasids = strsplit(pasids, split = "\\:")
chr = sapply(pasids, function(x) x[1])
str = pasids[[1]][3]
if(str == "+"){
chrEnd = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrStart = chrEnd - read_len + 1
chrStart = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrEnd = chrStart + read_len - 1
#count_c1 = round(sum(res$nreads$c1) * res$alp_alt[,1])
#count_c2 = round(sum(res$nreads$c2) * res$alp_alt[,2])
count_c1 = res$alp_alt[,1]
count_c2 = res$alp_alt[,2]
da_c1 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c1)
da_c2 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c2)
pasids = res$pas
pasids = strsplit(pasids, split = "\\:")
chr = sapply(pasids, function(x) x[1])
str = pasids[[1]][3]
if(str == "+"){
chrEnd = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrStart = chrEnd - read_len + 1
chrStart = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrEnd = chrStart + read_len - 1
# count_c1 = sum(res$nreads$c1)
# count_c2 = sum(res$nreads$c2)
count_c1 = 1
count_c2 = 1
da_c1 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c1)
da_c2 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c2)
return(list(c1 = da_c1, c2 = da_c2, str = str))
idx1 = sapply(dabed, function(x) x$str == "+")
idx2 = sapply(dabed, function(x) x$str == "-")
dabed_c1 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx1], function(x) x$c1))
write.table(dabed_c1, paste0(output_dir, "c1_forward.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
dabed_c2 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx1], function(x) x$c2))
write.table(dabed_c2, paste0(output_dir, "c2_forward.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
dabed_c1 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx2], function(x) x$c1))
write.table(dabed_c1, paste0(output_dir, "c1_reverse.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
dabed_c2 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx2], function(x) x$c2))
write.table(dabed_c2, paste0(output_dir, "c2_reverse.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
if(paired == TRUE){
dabed = lapply(1:length(result), function(i){
res = result[[i]]
if(res$npas > 1){
pasids = rownames(res$alp_alt)
pasids = strsplit(pasids, split = "\\:")
chr = sapply(pasids, function(x) x[1])
str = pasids[[1]][3]
if(str == "+"){
chrEnd = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrStart = chrEnd - read_len + 1
chrStart = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrEnd = chrStart + read_len - 1
da_by_samples = lapply(1:ns, function(k){
#count_c1 = round(sum(res$nreads$c1) * res$alp_alt[,1])
#count_c2 = round(sum(res$nreads$c2) * res$alp_alt[,2])
count_c1 = res$fraclist[[k]][,1]
count_c2 = res$fraclist[[k]][,2]
da_c1 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c1)
da_c2 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c2)
return(list(c1 = da_c1, c2 = da_c2))
pasids = res$pas
pasids = strsplit(pasids, split = "\\:")
chr = sapply(pasids, function(x) x[1])
str = pasids[[1]][3]
if(str == "+"){
chrEnd = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrStart = chrEnd - read_len + 1
chrStart = as.numeric(sapply(pasids, function(x) x[2]))
chrEnd = chrStart + read_len - 1
da_by_samples = lapply(1:ns, function(k){
# count_c1 = sum(res$nreads$c1)
# count_c2 = sum(res$nreads$c2)
count_c1 = 1
count_c2 = 1
da_c1 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c1)
da_c2 = data.frame(chr, chrStart, chrEnd, count_c2)
return(list(c1 = da_c1, c2 = da_c2))
return(list(da_by_samples = da_by_samples, str = str))
idx1 = sapply(dabed, function(x) x$str == "+")
idx2 = sapply(dabed, function(x) x$str == "-")
for(k in 1:ns){
dabed_c1 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx1], function(x) x$da_by_samples[[k]]$c1))
dabed_c1 = dabed_c1[complete.cases(dabed_c1), ]
write.table(dabed_c1, paste0(output_dir, "c1_sample", k, "_forward.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
dabed_c2 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx1], function(x) x$da_by_samples[[k]]$c2))
dabed_c2 = dabed_c2[complete.cases(dabed_c2), ]
write.table(dabed_c2, paste0(output_dir, "c2_sample", k, "_forward.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
dabed_c1 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx2], function(x) x$da_by_samples[[k]]$c1))
dabed_c1 = dabed_c1[complete.cases(dabed_c1), ]
write.table(dabed_c1, paste0(output_dir, "c1_sample", k, "_reverse.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
dabed_c2 = Reduce(rbind, lapply(dabed[idx2], function(x) x$da_by_samples[[k]]$c2))
dabed_c2 = dabed_c2[complete.cases(dabed_c2), ]
write.table(dabed_c2, paste0(output_dir, "c2_sample", k, "_reverse.bedgraph"),
sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote = F)
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