
Defines functions tailarea.z tailarea.t check.arguments pmata.wald dmata.wald mata.wald

Documented in dmata.wald mata.wald pmata.wald

#' Model-Averaged Tail Area Wald (MATA-Wald) Confidence Interval, Density, and Distribution
#' Functions for computing the Model-Averaged Tail Area Wald (MATA-Wald) confidence interval, density, and distribution. These are all constructed using single-model frequentist estimators and model weights.  See details.
#' @details
#' \code{mata.wald} may be used to construct model-averaged confidence intervals, using the Model-Averaged Tail Area (MATA) construction (see Turek and Fletcher (2012) for details). The idea underlying this construction is similar to that of a model-averaged Bayesian credible interval.  This function returns the lower and upper confidence limits of a MATA-Wald interval.
#' Closely related, the \code{dmata.wald} and \code{pmata.wald} functions evaluate the MATA-Wald confidence density and confidence distribution functions, which were developed by Fletcher et al. (2019).
#' Two usages are supported.  For the normal linear model, or any other model where a t-based interval is appropriate (e.g., quasi-poisson), using option \code{mata.t = TRUE} corresponds to a MATA-Wald confidence interval, density, or distribution corresponding to the solutions of equations (2) and (3) of Turek and Fletcher (2012).  The argument \code{residual.dfs} is required for this usage.
#' When the sampling distribution for the estimator is asymptotically normal (e.g. MLEs), possibly after a transformation, use option \code{mata.t = FALSE}. This corresponds to solutions to the equations in Section 3.2 of Turek and Fletcher (2012).
#' If the parameter is fixed to a certain value under one or more candidate models, this value should be provided in the \code{theta.hats} argument, along with a corresponding value of zero in \code{se.theta.hats}.  For the model-averaged confidence density, this results in a point mass equal to the sum of the weights for these models.
#' @param theta.hats A numeric vector containing the parameter estimates under each  candidate model.
#' @param se.theta.hats A numeric vector containing the estimated standard error of each value in \code{theta.hats}.  If an element is zero, this corresponds to the parameter being fixed to the value give in \code{theta.hats} under a particular candidate model.
#' @param model.weights A vector containing the weights for each candidate model (e.g. AIC weights or stacking weights). All model weights must be non-negative, and sum to one.
#' @param mata.t Logical.  TRUE for the normal linear model case, and FALSE otherwise.  When TRUE, the argument \code{residual.dfs} must also be supplied.
#' @param residual.dfs A vector containing the residual (error) degrees of freedom under each candidate model.  This argument must be provided when \code{mata.t = TRUE}.
#' @param alpha For \code{mata.wald} only, the desired lower and upper error rate. The value 0.025 corresponds to a 95% MATA-Wald confidence interval, and 0.05 to a 90% interval. Must be between 0 and 0.5. Default value is 0.025.
#' @param theta For \code{dmata.wald} and \code{pmata.wald} only, a vector of theta values at which to evaluate the model-averaged confidence density or distribution function.
#' @author Daniel Turek
#' @name MATA
#' @aliases mata
#' @seealso mata.wald, dmata.wald, pmata.wald
#' @references
#' Turek, D. and Fletcher, D. (2012). Model-Averaged Wald Confidence Intervals. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56(9): 2809-2815.
#' Fletcher, D. (2018). Model Averaging. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Briefs in Statistics.
#' Fletcher, D., Dillingham, P. W., and Zeng, J. (2019). Model-averaged confidence distributions. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 26: 367–384.
#' @examples
#'# Normal linear prediction:
#'# Generate single-model Wald and model-averaged MATA-Wald 95% confidence intervals
#'# Data 'y', covariates 'x1' and 'x2', all vectors of length 'n'.
#'# 'y' taken to have a normal distribution.
#'# 'x1' specifies treatment/group (factor).
#'# 'x2' a continuous covariate.
#'# Take the quantity of interest (theta) as the predicted response 
#'# (expectation of y) when x1=1 (second group/treatment), and x2=15.
#'n = 20                              # 'n' is assumed to be even
#'x1 = c(rep(0,n/2), rep(1,n/2))      # two groups: x1=0, and x1=1
#'x2 = rnorm(n, mean=10, sd=3)
#'y = rnorm(n, mean = 3*x1 + 0.1*x2)  # data generation
#'x1 = factor(x1)
#'m1 = glm(y ~ x1)                    # using 'glm' provides AIC values.
#'m2 = glm(y ~ x1 + x2)               # using 'lm' doesn't.
#'aic = c(m1$aic, m2$aic)
#'delta.aic = aic - min(aic)
#'model.weights = exp(-0.5*delta.aic) / sum(exp(-0.5*delta.aic))
#'residual.dfs = c(m1$df.residual, m2$df.residual)
#'p1 = predict(m1, se=TRUE, newdata=list(x1=factor(1), x2=15))
#'p2 = predict(m2, se=TRUE, newdata=list(x1=factor(1), x2=15))
#'theta.hats = c(p1$fit, p2$fit)
#'se.theta.hats = c(p1$se.fit, p2$se.fit)
#'#  AIC model weights
#'#  95% Wald confidence interval for theta (under Model 1)
#'theta.hats[1] + c(-1,1)*qt(0.975, residual.dfs[1])*se.theta.hats[1]
#'#  95% Wald confidence interval for theta (under Model 2)
#'theta.hats[2] + c(-1,1)*qt(0.975, residual.dfs[2])*se.theta.hats[2]
#'#  95% MATA-Wald confidence interval for theta:
#'mata.wald(theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights, mata.t = TRUE, residual.dfs = residual.dfs)
#'#  Plot the model-averaged confidence density and distribution functions
#'#  on the interval [2, 7]
#'thetas <- seq(2, 7, by = 0.1)
#'dens <- dmata.wald(thetas, theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights,
#'                   mata.t = TRUE, residual.dfs = residual.dfs)
#'dists <- pmata.wald(thetas, theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights,
#'                    mata.t = TRUE, residual.dfs = residual.dfs)
#'par(mfrow = c(2,1))
#'plot(thetas, dens, type = 'l', main = 'Model-Averaged Confidence Density')
#'plot(thetas, dists, type = 'l', main = 'Model-Averaged Confidence Distribution')

#' @rdname MATA
#' @export
mata.wald = function(theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights, mata.t, residual.dfs, alpha = 0.025) {
    check.arguments(theta.hats=theta.hats, se.theta.hats=se.theta.hats, model.weights=model.weights, mata.t=mata.t, residual.dfs=residual.dfs, alpha=alpha, mata.ci=TRUE)
    se.theta.hats[se.theta.hats == 0] = 0.00000001
    if(mata.t) {
        theta.L = stats::uniroot(f=tailarea.t, interval=c(-1e10, 1e10),
            theta.hats=theta.hats, se.theta.hats=se.theta.hats, 
            model.weights=model.weights, alpha=alpha, 
            residual.dfs=residual.dfs, tol=1e-10)$root
        theta.U = stats::uniroot(f=tailarea.t, interval=c(-1e10, 1e10),
            theta.hats=theta.hats, se.theta.hats=se.theta.hats, 
            model.weights=model.weights, alpha=1-alpha, 
            residual.dfs=residual.dfs, tol=1e-10)$root
    } else {
        theta.L = stats::uniroot(f=tailarea.z, interval=c(-1e10, 1e10), 
            theta.hats=theta.hats, se.theta.hats=se.theta.hats, 
            model.weights=model.weights, alpha=alpha, tol=1e-10)$root
        theta.U = stats::uniroot(f=tailarea.z, interval=c(-1e10, 1e10), 
            theta.hats=theta.hats, se.theta.hats=se.theta.hats, 
            model.weights=model.weights, alpha=1-alpha, tol=1e-10)$root
    c(theta.L, theta.U)

#' @rdname MATA
#' @export
dmata.wald = function(theta, theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights, mata.t, residual.dfs) {
    check.arguments(theta.hats=theta.hats, se.theta.hats=se.theta.hats, model.weights=model.weights, mata.t=mata.t, residual.dfs=residual.dfs)
    dens_vector = numeric(length(theta))
    for(i_theta in seq_along(theta)) {
        dens = 0
        for(i in seq_along(theta.hats)) {
            if(se.theta.hats[i] == 0) {
                if(theta.hats[i] == theta[i_theta])   dens = Inf    ## dens + model.weights[i]
            } else {
                x = (theta[i_theta] - theta.hats[i]) / se.theta.hats[i]
                dens = dens + model.weights[i] * ifelse(mata.t, stats::dt(x, residual.dfs[i]), stats::dnorm(x)) / se.theta.hats[i]
        dens_vector[i_theta] = dens

#' @rdname MATA
#' @export
pmata.wald = function(theta, theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights, mata.t, residual.dfs) {
    check.arguments(theta.hats=theta.hats, se.theta.hats=se.theta.hats, model.weights=model.weights, mata.t=mata.t, residual.dfs=residual.dfs)
    cdf_vector = numeric(length(theta))
    for(i_theta in seq_along(theta)) {
        cdf = 0
        for(i in seq_along(theta.hats)) {
            if(se.theta.hats[i] == 0) {
                if(theta.hats[i] == theta[i_theta])   cdf = NA      ## cdf + model.weights[i]
                if(theta.hats[i] <  theta[i_theta])   cdf = cdf + model.weights[i]
            } else {
                x = (theta[i_theta] - theta.hats[i]) / se.theta.hats[i]
                cdf = cdf + model.weights[i] * ifelse(mata.t, stats::pt(x, residual.dfs[i]), stats::pnorm(x))
        cdf_vector[i_theta] = cdf

check.arguments = function(theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights, mata.t, residual.dfs, alpha, mata.ci = FALSE) {
    if(length(theta.hats) != length(se.theta.hats))    stop('dimension mismatch in arguments', call. = FALSE)
    if(length(theta.hats) != length(model.weights))    stop('dimension mismatch in arguments', call. = FALSE)
    if(any(se.theta.hats < 0))                         stop('negative se.theta.hats', call. = FALSE)
    if(any(model.weights < 0))                         stop('negative model.weights', call. = FALSE)
    if(abs(sum(model.weights)-1) > 0.001)              stop('model.weights do not sum to 1', call. = FALSE)
    if(!is.logical(mata.t))                            stop('mata.t must be logical', call. = FALSE)
    if(mata.t) {
        if(missing(residual.dfs))                      stop('must specify residual.dfs when mata.t = TRUE', call. = FALSE)
        if(length(theta.hats) != length(residual.dfs)) stop('dimension mismatch in arguments', call. = FALSE)
        if(any(residual.dfs <= 0))                     stop('residual.dfs must be positive', call. = FALSE)
    if(mata.ci) {
        if((alpha<=0) | (alpha>=0.5))                  stop('alpha outside of meaningful range', call. = FALSE)

tailarea.t = function(theta, theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights, alpha, residual.dfs) {
    t.quantiles = (theta-theta.hats)/se.theta.hats
    tailarea = sum(model.weights*stats::pt(t.quantiles, df=residual.dfs)) - alpha

tailarea.z = function(theta, theta.hats, se.theta.hats, model.weights, alpha) {
    z.quantiles = (theta-theta.hats)/se.theta.hats
    tailarea = sum(model.weights*stats::pnorm(z.quantiles)) - alpha

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