
Defines functions pmcidcv.smooth

Documented in pmcidcv.smooth

#' The function used to determine the value of target function for different value of delta in the population MCID setting
#' @keywords internal
pmcidcv.smooth <- function(x, y, delta, fold, maxit, tol) {
  if (fold == 1) {stop("Fold must be >1")}
  if (maxit < 1) {stop("Maxit must be >=1")}
  if (tol < 0) {stop("Tol must be >0")}
  funval <- c()
  #data <- cbind(x, y)[sample(nrow(cbind(x, y))), ]
  data <- cbind(x, y)
  folds <- cut(seq(1, nrow(data)), breaks = fold, labels = FALSE)
  for(jj in 1:fold) {
    testid <- which(folds == jj, arr.ind = TRUE)
    datat <- data[testid, ]
    datatr <- data[-testid, ]
    ntr <- nrow(datatr)
    xtr <- datatr[, 1]
    ytr <- datatr[, 2]
    wtr <- ifelse(ytr == 1, ntr / sum(ytr == 1), ntr / sum(ytr == -1))
    xtt <- datat[, 1]
    ytt <- datat[, 2]
    wtt <- ifelse(ytt == 1, length(ytt) / sum(ytt==1), length(ytt) / sum(ytt == -1))
    opt_init <- optim(par = 0, fn = pmcid.hinge.smooth, x = xtr, y = ytr, w = wtr, n = ntr, delta = delta, method = "L-BFGS-B")
    tau_new <- opt_init$par
    iter <- 0
    oldvalfun <- 2000
    newvalfun <- 1000
    while ((oldvalfun - newvalfun) >= tol & iter <= maxit) {
      iter <- iter + 1
      oldvalfun <- newvalfun
      u_new <- ytr * (xtr - tau_new)
      t_new <- -1 / ntr * ((-2 / delta) * ((1 - 2 / delta * u_new) * ifelse(u_new < delta / 2 & u_new >= 0, 1, 0) + ifelse(u_new < 0, 1, 0)))
      opt <- optim(par = 0, fn = pmcid.ramp.smooth, x = xtr, y = ytr, w = wtr, n = ntr, t = t_new, delta = delta, method = "L-BFGS-B")
      newvalfun <- opt$value
      tau_new <- opt$par
    funval[jj] <- 0.5 * mean(wtt * (1 - ytt * ifelse(xtt - tau_new >= 0, 1, -1)))

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MCID documentation built on Sept. 10, 2021, 5:07 p.m.