Man pages for MCMC.qpcr
Bayesian Analysis of qRT-PCR Data

amp.effamplification efficiencies and experimental Cq1 (optional...
beckham.dataCellular heat stress response data.
beckham.effamplification efficiencies for
coral.stressRT-qPCR of stress response in coral Porites astreoides
cq2countsPrepares qRT-PCR data for mcmc.qpcr analysis
cq2genormReformats raw Ct data for geNorm analysis (non-parametric...
cq2logPrepares qRT-PCR data for mcmc.qpcr analysis using lognormal...
diagnostic.mcmcPlots three diagnostic plots to check the validity of the...
dilutionsData to determine amplification efficiency
getNormalizedDataExtracts qPCR model predictions
HPDplotPlotting fixed effects for all genes for a single combination...
HPDplotBygenePlots qPCR analysis results for individual genes.
HPDplotBygeneBygroupPlots qPCR analysis results for individual genes
HPDpointsHPDplot, HPDpoints
HPDsummarySummarizes and plots results of mcmc.qpcr function series.
mcmc.converge.checkMCMC diagnostic plots
mcmc.pvalcalculates p-value based on Bayesian z-score or MCMC sampling
mcmc.qpcrAnalyzes qRT-PCR data using generalized linear mixed model
mcmc.qpcr.classicAnalyzes qRT-PCR data using "classic" model, based on...
mcmc.qpcr.lognormalFits a lognormal linear mixed model to qRT-PCR data.
MCMC.qpcr-packageBayesian analysis of qRT-PCR data
normalize.qpcrInternal function called by mcmc.qpcr.classic
outlierSamplesdetects outlier samples in qPCR data
padj.hpdsummaryAdjusts p-values within an HPDsummary() object for multiple...
padj.qpcrCalculates adjusted p-values corrected for multiple...
PrimEffDetermines qPCR amplification efficiencies from dilution...
softNormAccessory function to mcmc.qpcr() to perform soft...
summaryPlotWrapper function for ggplot2 to make bar and line graphs of...
trellisByGeneFor two-way designs, plots mcmc.qpcr model predictions gene...
MCMC.qpcr documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:22 p.m.