Man pages for MCMC4Extremes
Posterior Distribution of Extreme Value Models in R

barcelos30-day maxima rainfall at Barcelos Station
dggevDual Gamma Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
fajardo15-day maxima river food at Fajardo River
gammapPosterior Distribution with Gamma Density
gevpPosterior Distribution with Parameters of GEV
ggevpPosterior Distribution with Parameters of Dual Gamma...
gpdpPosterior Distribution with Parameters of GPD
gumbelpPosterior Distribution with GEV, where xi=0
gurgueiaDaily river quota of Gurgueia River.
ibovespaDaily returns of ibovespa
normalpPosterior Distribution with Normal Density
plot.gevpPlot Fitted GEV Model
plot.ggevpPlot Fitted for the Dual Gamma Generalized Extreme Value...
plot.gpdpPlot Fitted GPD Model
plot.gumbelpPlot Fitted Gumbel Model
plot.normalpPlot Fitted Normal Model
summary.gevpSummarizing Posterior Distribution with Parameters of GEV
summary.ggevpSummarizing Posterior Distribution with Parameters of GGEV
summary.gpdpSummarizing Posterior Distribution with Parameters of GPD
summary.gumbelpSummarizing Posterior Distribution with Parameters of Gumbel
MCMC4Extremes documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:50 p.m.