
Defines functions guiMCP

Documented in guiMCP

#' Graphical User Interface for MCPtests package
#' \code{guiMCP} A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for
#'     the MCP package
#' @param gui Logical argument, \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. The default is \code{TRUE}
#' @return \code{guiMCP} presents a GUI for the results of the multiple
#'       comparison procedures in the literature. In addition, the GUI
#'       returns a graph of the results, as well as the export of these results
#'       to three types of file extension and latex code.
#' @examples
#' # Loading package
#' library(MCPtests)
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   guiMCP(gui = FALSE)
#' }
#' @import "tcltk"
# @import "tkrplot"
#' @importFrom "grDevices" "dev.new"
# @importFrom "stats" "aov"
#' @export
guiMCP <- function(gui = TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"tkrplot\" needed for this function to work. Please install it!")
  } else {
    # Language
    # # portugues
    # Sys.setenv(LANG = "pt_BR")
    # # Ingles
    # Sys.setenv(LANG = "en")

    # Environment of package
    envMCP <- new.env(parent = base::emptyenv())
    assign("dat", NULL, envir = envMCP)
    assign("results", NULL, envir = envMCP)
    assign("LaTeX", NULL, envir = envMCP)
    assign("symmb_promp", NULL, envir = envMCP)

    # Graphical User Interface
    if (gui == TRUE) {

      # Insert Icons
      img <- tclVar(); img2 <- tclVar(); img3 <- tclVar()
      imageinfo <- tkimage.create("photo", img, file = system.file("etc", "info2.gif", package = "MCPtests"))
      imageopen <- tkimage.create("photo", img2, file = system.file("etc", "open.gif", package = "MCPtests"))
      imagesaveas <- tkimage.create("photo", img3, file = system.file("etc", "save-as.gif", package = "MCPtests"))
      tkimage.create("photo", "::image::logoMCP", file = system.file("etc", "MCP1.gif", package = "MCPtests"))
      tkimage.create("photo", "::image::MCP2", file = system.file("etc", "MCP2.gif", package = "MCPtests"))
      tkimage.create("photo", "::image::MCP3",
                     file = system.file("etc", "MCP3.gif", package = "MCPtests"))
      tkimage.create("photo", "::image::edit",
                     file = system.file("etc", "edit.gif", package = "MCPtests"))
      tkimage.create("photo", "::image::directory",
                     file = system.file("etc", "directory.gif", package = "MCPtests"))

      # Auxiliar functions
      addScrollbars <- function(parent, widget,type=c("both", "x", "y")) {
        if (any(type %in% c("both","x"))) {
          xscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "horizontal",
                               command = function(...) tkxview(widget, ...))
                      xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xscr,...))

        if(any(type %in% c("both","y"))) {
          yscr <- ttkscrollbar(parent, orient = "vertical",
                               command = function(...) tkyview(widget, ...))
                      yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

        ## place in grid
        tkgrid(widget, row=0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
        if (any(type %in% c("both", "x"))) {
          tkgrid(xscr, row=1, column = 0, sticky="ew")
          tkgrid.columnconfigure(parent, 0, weight=1)
        if (any(type %in% c("both", "y"))) {
          tkgrid(yscr,row=0,column=1, sticky="ns")
          tkgrid.rowconfigure(parent, 0, weight=1)


      # ##########################
      # # Configuration of widgets
      # ##########################
      # #Clear the configurations of the option function
      .Tcl("option clear")
      # Button and TButton configurations
      .Tcl("option add *Button.Pady 2
          #option add *Button.Background #e1eff7
          #option add Button.Foreground #e1eff7
          #option add *Button.Foreground black
          option add *Button.Cursor draft_small 46
          option add *TButton.Cursor draft_small 46")
      # # Label configurations
      # .Tcl("option add *Label.Background #e1eff7")
      # # Chackbutton configurations
      # .Tcl("option add *Checkbutton.Background #e1eff7")
      # # Frame configurations
      # .Tcl("option add *Frame.Background #e1eff7")
      # Style TFrame
      #tcl("ttk::style" , "configure" , "Toolbar.TFrame", relief = "solid", expand = TRUE)
      .Tcl("ttk::style configure Toolbar.TFrame -relief solid")
      # # Style LabelFrame
      # .Tcl("ttk::style configure Toolbar.TLabelframe -background #e1eff7
      #       ttk::style configure Toolbar.TLabelframe.Label -background #e1eff7")
      # # Style PanedWindow
      # .Tcl("ttk::style configure Toolbar.TPanedwindow -background #e1eff7")
      # # Class disabled/Enabled
      .Tcl("option add *Ativado.Entry.state normal 81
          option add *Ativado.Label.state normal 81
          option add *Ativado.Button.state normal 81
          option add *Desativado.Entry.state disabled 81
          option add *Desativado.Label.state disabled 81
          option add *Desativado.Button.state disabled 81")

      # Disabled GUI (Type I)
      oldmode <- tclServiceMode(FALSE)

      # Top-level window
      wid <- 1019
      hei <- 700

      topwinMCP <- tktoplevel(
        width = wid,
        height = hei
        #background = "blue"
      # Disabled GUI (Type II)
      #tkwm.state(topwinMCP, "withdraw")

      # Configurations of top-level window

      # Title
                 gettext("GUI to the MCP package", domain = "R-MCPtests"))

      #Icon main toplevel window
      tcl("wm", "iconphoto", topwinMCP, "-default", "::image::logoMCP")

      # Not propagate
      tkpack.propagate(topwinMCP, FALSE)

      # Menu
      # Auxiliar function
      f.read <- NULL
      f.read <- function(file) {
        if (grepl("\\.txt$", file)) {
          if (tclvalue(group_cbox_1_resp) == "TRUE") {
            return(read.table(file, header = TRUE, dec = ",", sep = tclvalue(group_cbox_2_resp)))
          if (tclvalue(group_cbox_1_resp) == "FALSE") {
            return(read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = tclvalue(group_cbox_2_resp)))
        if (grepl("\\.csv$", file)) {
          if (tclvalue(group_cbox_1_resp)) {
            return(read.table(file, header = TRUE, dec = ",", sep = tclvalue(group_cbox_2_resp)))
          if (tclvalue(group_cbox_1_resp) == FALSE) {
            return(read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = tclvalue(group_cbox_2_resp)))
      group_cbox_1_resp <- tclVar("FALSE")
      group_cbox_2_resp <- tclVar("")
      openfile <- function(...) {
        if (exists("confdata")) {
        } else{
          confdata <- tktoplevel()
          tkwm.resizable(confdata, FALSE, FALSE)
                     gettext("Configurations of the data", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
        # Group of buttons
        tkpack(group_cbox <- tkframe(parent = confdata),
               expand = TRUE, fill = "x", pady = "1m")
        #tkpack.configure(group_cbox, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

        # Checkbox
        tkpack(group_cbox_1 <- tkcheckbutton(parent = group_cbox,
                                             text = gettext("Comma as decimal points", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                             variable = group_cbox_1_resp,
                                             onvalue = "TRUE",
                                             offvalue = "FALSE"),
               anchor = "nw", padx = "1m", side = "left")

        tkpack(ttkseparator(parent = group_cbox, orient = "vertical"),
               fill = "both", side = "left")
        tkpack(tklabel(parent = group_cbox,
                       text = gettext("Separator of variables:",
                                      domain = "R-MCPtests")),
               side = "left", anchor = "nw", padx = "1m"
        tkpack(group_cbox_2 <- tkentry(textvariable = group_cbox_2_resp,
                                       parent = group_cbox,
                                       width = 5),
               side = "left", anchor = "nw", padx = "1m"

        tkpack(ttkseparator(parent = confdata, orient = "horizontal"),
               fill = "x")
        tkpack(bconfdata <- ttkbutton(parent = confdata,
                                      text = gettext("Enter the data", domain = "R-MCPtests")), anchor = "e")

        funcbconfdata <- function(...){
          filetemp <- tkgetOpenFile(filetypes = paste(
            "{{txt files} {.txt} }" ,
            "{{csv files} {.csv}}" ,
            sep = " "))
          start_dir <- tclvalue(filetemp)
          if (file.exists(start_dir)) {
            envMCP$dat <- f.read(start_dir)

            tcl(search_results, "delete", "1.0", "end")
            tkinsert(search_results, "end",
                     paste(gettext("The variables in the file:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                           sep = "\n"))
            tkinsert(search_results, "end", "\n")
            tkinsert(search_results, "end",
                     paste(paste(names(f.read(start_dir)), collapse = "\n", sep = "\n"),
                           sep = "\n"), "variablesTag")
            tkinsert(search_results, "end", "\n")
            tkinsert(search_results, "end",
            tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Check the data has been loaded correctly. To do this, use the 'Edit/View' button or the 'Output' frame.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
          if (file.exists(start_dir) == FALSE) {
            tkmessageBox(message = gettext("No data set has been entered!", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
        tkbind(bconfdata, "<ButtonRelease>", funcbconfdata)
        tkbind(confdata, "<Return>", funcbconfdata)
        tkbind(confdata, "<Escape>", function(){

      menu_bar <- tkmenu(topwinMCP)
      tkconfigure(topwinMCP, menu = menu_bar)

      # File menu
      file_menu <- tkmenu(menu_bar, tearoff = FALSE)
      chosdir <- function(...) {
        dir_name <- tkchooseDirectory()
        if (nchar(dir_name <- tclvalue(dir_name))) {
          dir_name <- setwd(dir_name)
          on.exit(setwd(dir_name)) # Return initial directory
      tkadd(file_menu, 'command', label = gettext('Choose directory...', domain = "R-MCPtests"),
            accelerator = 'Ctrl+Shift+H', command = chosdir,
            image = "::image::directory", compound = "left")
      tkadd(menu_bar, 'cascade', label = gettext('File', domain = "R-MCPtests"), menu = file_menu)
      tkadd(file_menu, 'command', label = gettext('Open file (.txt or .csv)...', domain = "R-MCPtests"),
            accelerator = 'Ctrl+O', command = openfile, image = tclvalue(imageopen), compound = "left")

      ## Edit menu
      # This variable is important in the event of the "bentry" button
      fedit <- function(...) {
        if (is.null(envMCP$dat)) {
          tkmessageBox(message = gettext("No data set has been entered!", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
        } else{
          envMCP$dat <- edit(envMCP$dat)
      edit_menu <- tkmenu(menu_bar, tearoff = FALSE)
      tkadd(menu_bar, "cascade", label = gettext("Edit", domain = "R-MCPtests"), menu = edit_menu)
      tkadd(edit_menu, "command", label = gettext("Data set...", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
            accelerator = "Ctrl+E", command = fedit,
            image = "::image::edit", compound = "left")

      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Control-O>", openfile)
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Control-o>", openfile)
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Control-E>", fedit)
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Control-e>", fedit)
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Control-Shift-H>", chosdir)
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Control-Shift-h>", chosdir)

      # Overall group
      #group.all <- NULL
      group.all <- ttkpanedwindow(topwinMCP, orient = "horizontal", style = "Toolbar.TPanedwindow")
      tkpack(group.all, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      #tkwinfo("width", group.all)
      #tkwinfo("height", group.all)

      # Child groups
      #group1 <- NULL
      wid2 <- 400
      group1 <- ttkpanedwindow(group.all, orient = "vertical", width =  wid2, style = "Toolbar.TPanedwindow")
      tkadd(group.all, group1)
      #tkwinfo("width", group1)
      #tkwinfo("height", group1)
      #group2 <- NULL
      group2 <- ttkpanedwindow(group.all, orient = "vertical", width = wid - wid2, style = "Toolbar.TPanedwindow")
      tkadd(group.all, group2)
      #tkwinfo("width", group2)
      #tkwinfo("height", group2)

      # Change width of panes
      #width <- as.integer(tkwinfo("width", group.all))
      #tcl(group.all, "sashpos", 0, floor(0.37 * width))
      #tcl(group.all, "sashpos", 0, 377)

      # Child of Child groups
      child1.group1 <- ttkframe(parent = group1, style = "Toolbar.TFrame", height = 50,
                                padding = c(3,3,3,3))
      tkadd(group1, child1.group1, weight = 1)

      child2.group1 <- ttkframe(parent = group1, style = "Toolbar.TFrame", height = 200,
                                padding = c(3,3,3,3))
      tkadd(group1, child2.group1, weight = 3)
      # child1.group2 <- ttkframe(parent = group2, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
      #                           padding = c(3,3,3,3))
      # tkadd(group2, child1.group2)
      child2.group2 <- ttkpanedwindow(parent = group2, orient = "horizontal", width = 669, style = "Toolbar.TPanedwindow")
      tkadd(group2, child2.group2)
      child21.group2 <- ttkframe(parent = child2.group2, style = "Toolbar.TFrame", width = 40,
                                 padding = c(3,3,3,3))
      tkadd(child2.group2, child21.group2)
      child22.group2 <- ttkframe(parent = child2.group2, style = "Toolbar.TFrame", width = 300,
                                 padding = c(3,3,3,3))
      tkadd(child2.group2, child22.group2)

      # Working Q1
      tkpack(Q1 <- tkframe(parent = child1.group1), side = "top", anchor = "n",
             expand = TRUE, fill = "x")

      tkpack(Q1.1 <- tkframe(parent = Q1), side = "top", anchor = "n",
             expand = TRUE, fill = "x")

      #tkpack(tklabel(paren = Q1.1, image = "::image::MCP3"), side = "left", anchor = "nw")
      # Frame
      tkpack(frame.input <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Input", domain = "R-MCPtests"), parent = Q1.1,
                                          style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe"),
             side = "left",
             anchor = "n",
             expand = TRUE,
             fill = "x"
      # Group.input.top
      tkpack(group.input.top <- tkframe(parent = frame.input),
             side = "top",
             anchor = "center",
             expand = TRUE,
             fill = "x"
      # Tests
      tkpack(tklabel(text = gettext("Tests:", domain = "R-MCPtests"), parent = group.input.top),
             side = "left",
             anchor = "nw"
      entry.exp <- c("MGM", "MGR", "SNKM", "TM", "SK")
      vari <- tclVar(entry.exp[1])
      tkpack(tests_box_group <- ttkcombobox(parent = group.input.top,
                                            values = entry.exp,
                                            textvariable = vari,
                                            state = "normal",
                                            justify = "left",
                                            width = 5),
             side = "left",
             anchor = "nw",
             padx = "1m"
      tkpack(bgit <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                              parent = group.input.top, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                              command = function(...){
                                tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Choose the type of extension for the data output file. If 'latex', the code will be exported to the Console frame. The remaining options will be exported to the selected directory. The choice of the directory can be made in the 'Choosing the directory' button.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             side = "left",
             anchor = "nw"

      ## Parallelization
      tkpack(bparalell <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                   parent = group.input.top, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                   command = function(...) {
                                     tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Parallelization is still limited for some tests, such as the Scott-Knott's test. However, it is worth mentioning that it is not always efficient to use parallelization, especially when the data set is small.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             side = "right",
             anchor = "ne"
      ckeckparallel_resp <- tclVar("FALSE")
      tkpack(ckeckparallel <- tkcheckbutton(parent = group.input.top,
                                            text = gettext("Parallel", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                            variable = ckeckparallel_resp,
                                            onvalue = "TRUE",
                                            offvalue = "FALSE"),
             anchor = "ne", padx = "1m", side = "right")

      funpar <- function(...) {
        if (tclvalue(ckeckparallel_resp) == "TRUE") {
          tclvalue(ckeckparallel_resp) <- "FALSE"
        } else {
          tclvalue(ckeckparallel_resp) <- "TRUE"
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Alt-P>", funpar)
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Alt-p>", funpar)
      ## Export
      tkpack(bexp <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                              parent = group.input.top, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                              command = function(...) {
                                tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Choose the type of extension for the data output file. If 'latex', the code will be exported to the Console frame. The remaining options will be exported to the selected directory. The choice of the directory can be made in the 'Choosing the directory' button.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             side = "right",
             anchor = "ne"
      entryexp2 <- c("latex", "txt", "xlsx", "csv")
      vari2 <- tclVar(entryexp2[1])
      tkpack(entry.exp_radio <- ttkcombobox(parent = group.input.top,
                                            values = entryexp2,
                                            textvariable = vari2,
                                            state = "normal",
                                            justify = "left",
                                            width = 8),
             side = "right",
             anchor = "ne",
             padx = "1m"
      tkpack(tklabel(text = gettext("Extension: ", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                     parent = group.input.top),
             side = "right",
             anchor = "ne"

      tkpack(ttkseparator(parent = frame.input, orient = "horizontal"),
             fill = "both", side = "top", anchor = "center", pady = "2m")

      # Data Entry Options
      tkpack(group.entry <- tkframe(parent = frame.input),
             side = "top",
             anchor = "center",
             expand = TRUE,
             fill = "x"
      tkpack(tklabel(text = gettext("Options:",
                                    domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                     parent = frame.input),
             side = "left",
             anchor = "nw"
      entry <- c(gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                 gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                 gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
      vari3 <- tclVar(entry[1])

      # Auxiliar Function

      tkpack(entry_combobox <- ttkcombobox(parent= frame.input,
                                           values = entry,
                                           textvariable = vari3,
                                           state = "normal",
                                           justify = "left",
                                           width = 15
      side = "left",
      anchor = "nw",
      padx = "1m"

      tkbind(entry_combobox, "<<ComboboxSelected>>", function(...){
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          tcl(group.rv, "state", "!disabled")
          child.group.rv <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", group.rv))
          sapply(child.group.rv, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "normal")
          child.group.model <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", group.model))
          sapply(child.group.model, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "disabled")
          child.group.means <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", groupmeans))
          sapply(child.group.means, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "disabled")
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          tcl(group.rv, "state", "!disabled")
          child.group.rv <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", group.rv))
          sapply(child.group.rv, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "disabled")
          child.group.model <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", group.model))
          sapply(child.group.model, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "normal")
          child.group.means <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", groupmeans))
          sapply(child.group.means, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "disabled")
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          tcl(group.rv, "state", "!disabled")
          child.group.rv <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", group.rv))
          sapply(child.group.rv, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "disabled")
          child.group.model <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", group.model))
          sapply(child.group.model, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "disabled")
          child.group.means <- as.character(tkwinfo("children", groupmeans))
          sapply(child.group.means, function(W) {
            tcl(W, "configure", "-state", "normal")

      tkpack(bentry <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help",
                                               domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = frame.input, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...){
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Choose the type of data entry. If 'Model', enter the experimental model. If 'Response Variable', enter the object name of the responses and treatments variables and if 'Averages', enter the vector of means and treatments. For more details, use the help button on each option. \n The 'Averages' option is the only one that will not need to load a data set. Just enter the recommended options and then click the 'Calculate' button.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
      side = "left",
      anchor = "nw"

      # Significance level
      tkpack(bsl <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                             parent = frame.input, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                             command = function(...){
                               tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the value of the significance level. This value is a number between 0 and 1.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             side = "right",
             anchor = "ne"
      vari4 <- tclVar("0.05")
      tkpack(slentry <- tkentry(parent = frame.input,
                                textvariable = vari4, width = 5),
             anchor = "ne", padx = "2m", side = "right")

      tkpack(tklabel(text = gettext("Significance:",
                                    domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                     parent = frame.input),
             side = "right",
             anchor = "ne"

      # Output
      tkpack(frame.output <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Output:",
                                                          domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                           parent = Q1,
                                           width = 30, height = 10, style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe"),
             side = "top",
             anchor = "n",
             expand = TRUE,
             fill = "both"

      tkpack(search_results <- tktext(parent = frame.output, padx = "1m", pady = "1m",
                                      height = 20, wrap = "none"),
             side = "top",
             anchor = "n",
             expand = TRUE,
             fill = "both")
      tktag.configure(search_results, "variablesTag", foreground = "blue" ,
                      font = "courier 10 italic" )

      addScrollbars(frame.output, search_results)

      # Working Q2

      # Button Calculate
      tkpack(calculate_button <- ttkbutton(text = gettext("Calculate",
                                                          domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                           parent = child2.group1),
             side = "bottom",
             anchor = "s",
             expand = TRUE,
             fill = "x"
      # Auxiliar function (Plot)
      # Building function based in the tkrplot package

      tkplot <- function(parent, fun, hscale=1, vscale=1, ...) {
        # tkrplot::.make.tkindex()
        image <- paste("Rplot", tkrplot::.make.tkindex(), sep = "")
        # tkrplot::.my.tkdev()
        tkrplot::.my.tkdev(hscale, vscale)
        .Tcl(paste("image create Rplot", image))
        lab <- tktext(parent, height = 50, wrap = "none")
        tcl(lab, "image", "create", "0.0", "-image", image, "-align", "center")
        tkbind(lab,"<Destroy>", function() .Tcl(paste("image delete", image)))
        lab$image <- image
        lab$fun <- fun
        lab$hscale <- hscale
        lab$vscale <- vscale
      calcular <- function(...){
        tcl(console, "delete", "1.0", "end")
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          capture.output(envMCP$results <- MCPtests::MCPtest(y = aov(eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari5))), data = envMCP$dat),
                                                             trt = tclvalue(vari6),
                                                             alpha = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari4))),
                                                             MCP = tclvalue(vari),
                                                             parallel = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(ckeckparallel_resp)))))
          objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari6)])

          # Results in the Console
          if (tclvalue(vari2) == "latex") {
            envMCP$LaTeX <- MCPtests::MCPwrite(x = envMCP$results, extension = 'latex')
            eval_cmd_chunk(console, "results; LaTeX")
          if (tclvalue(vari2) != "latex") {
            MCPtests::MCPwrite(x = envMCP$results, MCP = 'all', extension = tclvalue(vari2), dataMR = 'all')
            eval_cmd_chunk(console, "results")

          #Update plots
          sapply(as.character(tkwinfo("children", frame.graf)),
                 function(W) tcl("destroy", W))

          #Frame label
          tkpack(framelabel <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                        padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

          # Frame label aux
          tkpack(framelabelaux <- ttkframe(framelabel, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                           padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

          #Frame plot
          tkpack(frameplot <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                       padding = c(3,3,3,3), height = 360),
                 side = "top", fill = "both", expand = TRUE)

          # Creating an image in the tcltk
          fator <- 1
          plottopwinMCP <- tkplot(parent = frameplot,
                                  function(...) {
                                    MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results,col = heat.colors(length(levels(objtreat))))
                                  }, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
          # Auxiliar function
          f <- function(...) {
            fatorup <- as.numeric(tclvalue("fator"))
            if (fator != fatorup) {
              fator <<- fatorup
              tkrplot::tkrreplot(plottopwinMCP, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
          # Button save as...
          #graphics.off() # Erasing All Graphics Devices
          dispplot <- NULL
          bsaveas <- tkbutton(parent = framelabelaux, text = gettext("Save as...", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                              borderwidth = 0, underline = 0,
                              image = tclvalue(imagesaveas), compound = "top",
                              command = function(...){
                                dispplot <<- grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                                #grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari6)])
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari8)])
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  # Treatment levels
                                  trat <- strsplit(tclvalue(vari12), split = ",", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
                                  trat <- as.factor(trat)
                                  objtreat <- trat
                                xlab <- NULL; ylab <- NULL
                                eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari18)))
                                hor <- if (tclvalue(vari17) == "") FALSE else eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari17)))
                                if (tclvalue(vari16) == "") {
                                  color <- heat.colors(length(levels(objtreat)))
                                } else {
                                  if (any(c(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16)), grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) == 1)) {
                                    if (length(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                      color <- gsub("\'", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                    if (length(grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                      color <- gsub("\"", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                  } else{
                                    color <- eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari16)))
                                MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results, col = color, horiz = hor, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
          tkpack(bsaveas, side = "left")

          # Frame label aux2
          tkpack(framelabelaux2 <- ttkframe(framelabelaux, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                            padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
          scalelabel <- tklabel(parent = framelabelaux2, text = gettext("Scale of Plot", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
          # Scale of plot
          s <- tkscale(framelabelaux2, command = f, from = 1, to = 3.00, variable = "fator",
                       showvalue = TRUE, resolution = 0.05, orient = "horiz", borderwidth = 0)

          # Drawing the widget
          tkpack(scalelabel, before = s)
          tkpack.configure(s, fill = "both", expand = TRUE, side = "bottom", ipady = 5)
          #tkpack.configure(scalelabel, side = "bottom", anchor = "s")

          #tkgrid(plottopwinMCP,  row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
          tkpack(plottopwinMCP,  fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
          addScrollbars(frameplot, plottopwinMCP)

          # #addScrollbars(frame.graf, img)

        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          objrv <- dat[,tclvalue(vari7)]
          objtreat <- as.factor(dat[,tclvalue(vari8)])
          capture.output(results <- results <<- MCPtests::MCPtest(y = objrv,
                                                                  trt = objtreat,
                                                                  dferror = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari9))),
                                                                  mserror = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari10))),
                                                                  alpha = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari4))),
                                                                  MCP = tclvalue(vari)))

          # Results in the Console
          if (tclvalue(vari2) == "latex") {
            eval_cmd_chunk(console, "results; MCPtests::MCPwrite(x = results, extension = 'latex')")
          if (tclvalue(vari2) != "latex") {
            MCPtests::MCPwrite(x = results, MCP = 'all', extension = tclvalue(vari2), dataMR = 'all')
            eval_cmd_chunk(console, "results")

          #Update plots
          sapply(as.character(tkwinfo("children", frame.graf)),
                 function(W) tcl("destroy", W))

          #Frame label
          tkpack(framelabel <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                        padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

          # Frame label aux
          tkpack(framelabelaux <- ttkframe(framelabel, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                           padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

          #Frame plot
          tkpack(frameplot <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                       padding = c(3,3,3,3), height = 360),
                 side = "top", fill = "both", expand = TRUE)

          # Creating an image in the tcltk
          fator <- 1
          plottopwinMCP <- tkplot(parent = frameplot,
                                  function(...) {
                                    MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results,col = heat.colors(length(levels(objtreat))))
                                  }, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
          # Auxiliar function
          f <- function(...) {
            fatorup <- as.numeric(tclvalue("fator"))
            if (fator != fatorup) {
              fator <<- fatorup
              tkrplot::tkrreplot(plottopwinMCP, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
          # Button save as...
          #graphics.off() # Erasing All Graphics Devices
          dispplot <- NULL
          bsaveas <- tkbutton(parent = framelabelaux, text = gettext("Save as...", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                              borderwidth = 0, underline = 0,
                              image = tclvalue(imagesaveas), compound = "top",
                              command = function(...){
                                dispplot <<- grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                                #grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari6)])
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari8)])
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  # Treatment levels
                                  trat <- strsplit(tclvalue(vari12), split = ",", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
                                  trat <- as.factor(trat)
                                  objtreat <- trat
                                xlab <- NULL; ylab <- NULL
                                eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari18)))
                                hor <- if (tclvalue(vari17) == "") FALSE else eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari17)))
                                if (tclvalue(vari16) == "") {
                                  color <- heat.colors(length(levels(objtreat)))
                                } else {
                                  if (any(c(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16)), grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) == 1)) {
                                    if (length(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                      color <- gsub("\'", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                    if (length(grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                      color <- gsub("\"", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                  } else{
                                    color <- eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari16)))
                                MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results, col = color, horiz = hor, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
          tkpack(bsaveas, side = "left")

          # Frame label aux2
          tkpack(framelabelaux2 <- ttkframe(framelabelaux, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                            padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
          scalelabel <- tklabel(parent = framelabelaux2, text = gettext("Scale of Plot", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
          # Scale of plot
          s <- tkscale(framelabelaux2, command = f, from = 1, to = 3.00, variable = "fator",
                       showvalue = TRUE, resolution = 0.05, orient = "horiz", borderwidth = 0)

          # Drawing the widget
          tkpack(scalelabel, before = s)
          tkpack.configure(s, fill = "both", expand = TRUE, side = "bottom", ipady = 5)
          #tkpack.configure(scalelabel, side = "bottom", anchor = "s")

          #tkgrid(plottopwinMCP,  row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
          tkpack(plottopwinMCP,  fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
          addScrollbars(frameplot, plottopwinMCP)
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          # if (!is.factor(eval(parse(text = svalue(gme2d))))){
          #   gmessage("The trt argument must be factor")
          # }
          # Mean vector
          aver <- paste("c(", tclvalue(vari11), ")")
          # Treatment levels
          trat <- strsplit(tclvalue(vari12), split = ",", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
          trat <- as.factor(trat)

          # Functions
          capture.output(results <- results <<- MCPtests::MCPtest(y = eval(parse(text = aver)),
                                                                  trt = trat,
                                                                  dferror = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari13))),
                                                                  mserror = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari14))),
                                                                  alpha = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari4))),
                                                                  MCP = tclvalue(vari),
                                                                  replication = eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari15))),
                                                                  ismean = TRUE))

          # Results in the Console
          if (tclvalue(vari2) == "latex") {
            eval_cmd_chunk(console, "results; MCPtests::MCPwrite(x = results, extension = 'latex')")
          if (tclvalue(vari2) != "latex") {
            MCPtests::MCPwrite(x = results, MCP = 'all', extension = tclvalue(vari2), dataMR = 'all')
            eval_cmd_chunk(console, "results")

          #Update plots
          sapply(as.character(tkwinfo("children", frame.graf)),
                 function(W) tcl("destroy", W))

          #Frame label
          tkpack(framelabel <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                        padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

          # Frame label aux
          tkpack(framelabelaux <- ttkframe(framelabel, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                           padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

          #Frame plot
          tkpack(frameplot <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                       padding = c(3,3,3,3), height = 360),
                 side = "top", fill = "both", expand = TRUE)

          # Creating an image in the tcltk
          fator <- 1
          plottopwinMCP <- tkplot(parent = frameplot,
                                  function(...) {
                                    MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results,col = heat.colors(length(levels(trat))))
                                  }, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
          # Auxiliar function
          f <- function(...) {
            fatorup <- as.numeric(tclvalue("fator"))
            if (fator != fatorup) {
              fator <<- fatorup
              tkrplot::tkrreplot(plottopwinMCP, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
          # Button save as...
          #graphics.off() # Erasing All Graphics Devices
          dispplot <- NULL
          bsaveas <- tkbutton(parent = framelabelaux, text = gettext("Save as...", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                              borderwidth = 0, underline = 0,
                              image = tclvalue(imagesaveas), compound = "top",
                              command = function(...){
                                dispplot <<- grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                                #grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari6)])
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari8)])
                                if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                  # Treatment levels
                                  trat <- strsplit(tclvalue(vari12), split = ",", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
                                  trat <- as.factor(trat)
                                  objtreat <- trat
                                xlab <- NULL; ylab <- NULL
                                eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari18)))
                                hor <- if (tclvalue(vari17) == "") FALSE else eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari17)))
                                if (tclvalue(vari16) == "") {
                                  color <- heat.colors(length(levels(objtreat)))
                                } else {
                                  if (any(c(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16)), grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) == 1)) {
                                    if (length(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                      color <- gsub("\'", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                    if (length(grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                      color <- gsub("\"", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                  } else{
                                    color <- eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari16)))
                                MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results, col = color, horiz = hor, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
          tkpack(bsaveas, side = "left")

          # Frame label aux2
          tkpack(framelabelaux2 <- ttkframe(framelabelaux, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                            padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
                 side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
          scalelabel <- tklabel(parent = framelabelaux2, text = gettext("Scale of Plot", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
          # Scale of plot
          s <- tkscale(framelabelaux2, command = f, from = 1, to = 3.00, variable = "fator",
                       showvalue = TRUE, resolution = 0.05, orient = "horiz", borderwidth = 0)

          # Drawing the widget
          tkpack(scalelabel, before = s)
          tkpack.configure(s, fill = "both", expand = TRUE, side = "bottom", ipady = 5)
          #tkpack.configure(scalelabel, side = "bottom", anchor = "s")

          #tkgrid(plottopwinMCP,  row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
          tkpack(plottopwinMCP,  fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
          addScrollbars(frameplot, plottopwinMCP)
      tkbind(calculate_button, "<ButtonRelease>", calcular)
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Control-Return>", calcular)

      # Console
      tkpack(frame.console <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Console:",
                                                           domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                            parent = child2.group1, style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe"),
             side = "bottom", expand = TRUE, fill = "x", anchor = "s")
      tkpack(console <- tktext(parent = frame.console, height = 40, wrap = "none"),
             side = "bottom", anchor = "s", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      addScrollbars(frame.console, console)
      tktag.configure(console, "commandTag", foreground = "blue" ,
                      font = "courier 10 italic" )
      tktag.configure(console, "outputTag", font = "courier 10" )
      tktag.configure(console, "errorTag", foreground = "red" ,
                      font = "courier 10 bold" )
      # Console function
      eval_cmd_chunk <- function(console , cmds) {
        cmd_chunks <- try(parse(text = cmds), silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(cmd_chunks , "try-error")) {
          tkinsert(t,"end", "Error", "errorTag") # add markup tag
        for (cmd in cmd_chunks) {
          cutoff <- 0.75 * getOption("width")
          dcmd <- deparse(cmd , width.cutoff = cutoff)
          command <-
            paste("MCPtests> ",
                  paste(dcmd, collapse = paste("\n", getOption("continue"), sep = "")) ,
                  sep = "" , collapse = "")
          tkinsert(console , "end" , command , "commandTag" )
          tkinsert(console , "end" , "\n")
          ## output, should check for errors in eval!
          # The function sink() stores the output in a file
          output <- capture.output(eval(cmd, envir = envMCP))
          output <- paste(output , collapse = "\n" )
          tkinsert(console, "end", output, "outputTag" )
          tkinsert(console, "end" , "\n")

      # Working Q3

      # Logo MCP
      tkpack(tklabel(parent = child21.group2, image = "::image::MCP3"))

      # Option 'Model'
      tkpack(group.model <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Model",
                                                         domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                          parent = child21.group2, style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe"),
             expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      ## Enter model
      tkgrid(label.model <- tklabel(text = gettext("Enter model:",
                                                   domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                    parent = group.model),
             row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari5 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(gm1d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari5,
                             parent = group.model, width = 20),
             row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bm1d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                              parent = group.model, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                              command = function(...) {
                                tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the experimental model of type Response Variable (RV) ~ Predictive Variables (PV). These variables are in the 'Output' frame, after entering the data set. For example, in a randomized block design, assuming the 'treat' object corresponding to the treatments, 'block' object corresponding to the blocks and 'resp' object corresponding to the variable response. So, you must enter the following expression: resp ~ trat + block.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "e")
      ## Treatment
      tkgrid(lm.treat <- tklabel(text = gettext("Treatment:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                 parent = group.model),
             row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari6 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(treat <- tkentry(textvariable = vari6,
                              parent = group.model, width = 20),
             row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bm2d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                              parent = group.model, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                              command = function(...) {
                                tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the name of the treatments in the experiment model inserted above, in Predictive Variables (PV). The name of the treatment are in the 'Output' frame, after entering the data set. Inserted all the arguments above, click on the 'Calculate' button.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 1, column = 2, sticky = "e"

      # Option 'Response variable'
      tkpack(group.rv <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Response variable",
                                                      domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                       parent = child21.group2, style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe",
                                       class = "Desativado"),
             expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      # Disabled group.rv
      tcl(group.rv, "state", "disabled")
      ## Response
      tkgrid(label.rv <- tklabel(text = gettext("Response:",
                                                domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                 parent = group.rv),
             row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari7 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(grv1d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari7,
                              parent = group.rv, width = 20),
             row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2

      tkgrid(bgrv1d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = group.rv, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Insert the name of the variable response of the experiment model. The name of the response variable are in the 'Output' frame, after inserting the data set.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))),
             row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "e")
      # tkbind(bgrv1d, "<ButtonRelease>", function(){
      #   tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Insert the name of the variable response of the experiment model. The name of the response variable are in the 'Output' frame, after inserting the data set.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
      # })
      ## Treatment
      tkgrid(lrv.treat <- tklabel(text = gettext("Treatment:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                  parent = group.rv),
             row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari8 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(grv2d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari8,
                              parent = group.rv, width = 20),
             row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgrv2d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = group.rv, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the name of the treatment of the experiment model. The name of the response variable are in the 'Output' frame, after entering the data set.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))),
             row = 1, column = 2, sticky = "e"

      ## DFerror
      tkgrid(lrv.dfe <- tklabel(text = gettext("DFerror:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = group.rv),
             row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari9 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(grv3d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari9,
                              parent = group.rv, width = 20),
             row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgrv3d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = group.rv, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) {
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the numeric value of the degrees of freedom of the mean square error of the experiment model.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 2, column = 2, sticky = "e"
      ## MSerror
      tkgrid(lrv.mse <- tklabel(text = gettext("MSerror:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = group.rv),
             row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari10 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(grv4d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari10,
                              parent = group.rv, width = 20),
             row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgrv4d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = group.rv, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) {
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the value of the mean square error of the experiment model. The value is numeric. Inserted all the arguments above, click on the 'Calculate' button.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 3, column = 2, sticky = "e"

      # Option 'Averages'
      tkpack(groupmeans <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Averages",
                                                        domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                         parent = child21.group2, style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe",
                                         class = "Desativado"),
             expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      # Disabled groupmeans
      tcl(groupmeans, "state", "disabled")
      ## Averages
      tkgrid(label.averages <- tklabel(text = gettext("Averages:",
                                                      domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                       parent = groupmeans),
             row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari11 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(gme1d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari11,
                              parent = groupmeans, width = 20),
             row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgme1d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = groupmeans, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) {
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the values of the averages. Each mean of the vector must be separated by a comma. For example, for the vector of the average of four treatments: 10, 20, 30, 40. You do not need to use the concatenate function, i.e., c().", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "e"
      ## Treatment
      tkgrid(la.treat <- tklabel(text = gettext("Treatment:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                 parent = groupmeans),
             row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari12 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(gme2d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari12,
                              parent = groupmeans, width = 20),
             row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgme2d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = groupmeans, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) {
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the treatment levels. For example, for a character vector of four treatments: A, B, C, D. You do not need to use the concatenate function, i.e., c(). Nor will you need to use quotes between treatment levels.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 1, column = 2, sticky = "e"
      ## DFerror
      tkgrid(la.dfe <- tklabel(text = gettext("DFerror:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                               parent = groupmeans),
             row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari13 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(gme3d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari13,
                              parent = groupmeans, width = 20),
             row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgme3d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = groupmeans, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) {
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the value of the degrees of freedom of the mean square error of the experiment model. The value is numeric.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 2, column = 2, sticky = "e"
      ## MSerror
      tkgrid(la.mse <- tklabel(text = gettext("MSerror:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                               parent = groupmeans),
             row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari14 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(gme4d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari14,
                              parent = groupmeans, width = 20),
             row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgme4d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = groupmeans, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) {
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the value of the mean square error of the experiment model. The value is numeric.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 3, column = 2, sticky = "e"

      ## Replication
      tkgrid(la.rep <- tklabel(text = gettext("Replication:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                               parent = groupmeans),
             row = 4, column = 0, sticky = "e"
      vari15 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(gme5d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari15,
                              parent = groupmeans, width = 20),
             row = 4, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgme5d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                parent = groupmeans, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                command = function(...) {
                                  tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the value of number of replications of the treatments. The value is numeric and if the data is unbalanced use the harmonic mean of the replications. Inserted all the arguments above, click on the 'Calculate' button", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 4, column = 2, sticky = "e"
      ## Options 'Graphic Parameters'

      # Option 'Graphic Parameters'
      tkpack(frame.plot <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Graphic Parameters",
                                                        domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                         parent = child21.group2, style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe"),
             expand = TRUE, fill = "both"
      ## Color
      tkgrid(tklabel(text = gettext("Color:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                     parent = frame.plot),
             row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "e", pady = 3
      vari16 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(ggraf1d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari16,
                                parent = frame.plot, width = 20),
             row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgraf1d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                 parent = frame.plot, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                 command = function(...) {
                                   tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the color name of the chart bars. Place quotation marks around the color names. For example, if you want the color red for the bars, use 'red'. For functions, quotation marks are not necessary, for example gray.colors() function.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 0, column = 2, sticky = "e"

      ## Horizontal
      tkgrid(tklabel(text = gettext("Horizontal:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                     parent = frame.plot),
             row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "e", pady = 3
      vari17 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(ggraf2d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari17,
                                parent = frame.plot, width = 20),
             row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgraf2d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                 parent = frame.plot, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                 command = function(...) {
                                   tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Choose horizontal or vertical bars (FALSE or TRUE).", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 1, column = 2, sticky = "e"
      ## Axes
      tkgrid(tklabel(text = gettext("Axes:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                     parent = frame.plot),
             row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "e", pady = 3
      vari18 <- tclVar("")
      tkgrid(ggraf3d <- tkentry(textvariable = vari18,
                                parent = frame.plot, width = 20),
             row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "e", padx = 2
      tkgrid(bgraf3d <- tkbutton(text = gettext("help", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                 parent = frame.plot, borderwidth = 0, image = tclvalue(imageinfo),
                                 command = function(...) {
                                   tkmessageBox(message = gettext("Enter the axes. Separate them by semicolons. To add the names on the X and Y axes: xlab = 'Label X-axix'; ylab = 'Label Y-axis'.", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
             row = 2, column = 2, sticky = "e"
      ## Plot button
      updateplot <- function(...) {
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari6)])
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari8)])
        if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
          trat <- strsplit(tclvalue(vari12), split = ",", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
          trat <- as.factor(trat)
          objtreat <- trat
        xlab <- NULL; ylab <- NULL
        eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari18)))
        hor <- if (tclvalue(vari17) == "") FALSE else eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari17)))
        color <- if (tclvalue(vari16) == "") heat.colors(length(levels(objtreat))) else {
          eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari16)))
          # if (any(c(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16)), grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) == 1)) {
          #   if (length(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
          #     gsub("\'", "", tclvalue(vari16))
          #   }
          #   if (length(grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
          #     gsub("\"", "", tclvalue(vari16))
          #   }
          # } else{
          #   eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari16)))
          # }
        #Update plots
        sapply(as.character(tkwinfo("children", frame.graf)),
               function(W) tcl("destroy", W))

        #Frame label
        tkpack(framelabel <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                      padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
               side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

        # Frame label aux
        tkpack(framelabelaux <- ttkframe(framelabel, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                         padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
               side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)

        #Frame plot
        tkpack(frameplot <- ttkframe(frame.graf, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                     padding = c(3,3,3,3), height = 360),
               side = "top", fill = "both", expand = TRUE)

        # Creating an image in the tcltk
        fator <- 1
        plottopwinMCP <- tkplot(parent = frameplot,
                                function(...) {
                                  MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results, col = color, horiz = hor, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
                                }, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
        # Auxiliar function
        f <- function(...) {
          fatorup <- as.numeric(tclvalue("fator"))
          if (fator != fatorup) {
            fator <<- fatorup
            tkrplot::tkrreplot(plottopwinMCP, hscale = fator, vscale = fator)
        # Button save as...
        #graphics.off() # Erasing All Graphics Devices
        dispplot <- NULL
        bsaveas <- tkbutton(parent = framelabelaux, text = gettext("Save as...", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                            borderwidth = 0, underline = 0,
                            image = tclvalue(imagesaveas), compound = "top",
                            command = function(...){
                              dispplot <<- grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                              #grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE) # New device plot
                              if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Model", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari6)])
                              if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Response variable", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                objtreat <- as.factor(envMCP$dat[,tclvalue(vari8)])

                              if (tclvalue(vari3) == gettext("Averages", domain = "R-MCPtests")) {
                                # Treatment levels
                                trat <- strsplit(tclvalue(vari12), split = ",", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
                                trat <- as.factor(trat)
                                objtreat <- trat
                              xlab <- NULL; ylab <- NULL
                              eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari18)))
                              hor <- if (tclvalue(vari17) == "") FALSE else eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari17)))
                              if (tclvalue(vari16) == "") {
                                color <- heat.colors(length(levels(objtreat)))
                              } else {
                                if (any(c(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16)), grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) == 1)) {
                                  if (length(grep("\'", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                    color <- gsub("\'", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                  if (length(grep("\"", tclvalue(vari16))) > 0) {
                                    color <- gsub("\"", "", tclvalue(vari16))
                                } else{
                                  color <- eval(parse(text = tclvalue(vari16)))
                              MCPtests::MCPbarplot(envMCP$results, col = color, horiz = hor, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
        tkpack(bsaveas, side = "left")

        # Frame label aux2
        tkpack(framelabelaux2 <- ttkframe(framelabelaux, style = "Toolbar.TFrame",
                                          padding = c(3,3,3,3)),
               side = "top", fill = "x", expand = TRUE)
        scalelabel <- tklabel(parent = framelabelaux2, text = gettext("Scale of Plot", domain = "R-MCPtests"))
        # Scale of plot
        s <- tkscale(framelabelaux2, command = f, from = 1, to = 3.00, variable = "fator",
                     showvalue = TRUE, resolution = 0.05, orient = "horiz", borderwidth = 0)

        # Drawing the widget
        tkpack(scalelabel, before = s)
        tkpack.configure(s, fill = "both", expand = TRUE, side = "bottom", ipady = 5)
        #tkpack.configure(scalelabel, side = "bottom", anchor = "s")

        #tkgrid(plottopwinMCP,  row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "news")
        tkpack(plottopwinMCP,  fill = "both", expand = TRUE)
        addScrollbars(frameplot, plottopwinMCP)
      tkpack(plot_button <- ttkbutton(text = gettext("Update plot",
                                                     domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                      parent = child21.group2,
                                      command = updateplot),
             side = "bottom",
             anchor = "s",
             expand = TRUE,
             fill = "x"
      tkbind(topwinMCP, "<Alt-Return>", updateplot)

      # Working Q4
      tkpack(frame.graf <- ttklabelframe(text = gettext("Plot",
                                                        domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                         parent = child22.group2,
                                         style = "Toolbar.TLabelframe"
      expand = TRUE, fill = "both"
      tkpack(tklabel(parent = frame.graf, image = "::image::MCP2"),
             expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
      tkpack(tklabel(parent = frame.graf, foreground = "blue",
                     text = gettext("Democratizing statistical knowledge to the world!", domain = "R-MCPtests")),
             side = "bottom", anchor = "center"

      # Activate GUI
      finish <- tclServiceMode(oldmode)

      # Mensagem de protecao para nao fechar o programa por engano
      tkwm.protocol(topwinMCP, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", function(){
        response <- tkmessageBox(icon = "question",
                                 message = gettext("Really close?", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
                                 type = "yesno" ,
                                 parent = topwinMCP)
        tkdestroy(topwinMCP) # Caso contrario feche
      #tkwm.state(topwinMCP, "zoomed")
    if (gui == FALSE) {
      response <- tk_messageBox(
        title = gettext("Tell me something:", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
        message = gettext("Do you want to use the GUI for the package?", domain = "R-MCPtests"),
        icon = "question",
        type = "yesno"
      if (response == "yes") {
        guiMCP(gui = TRUE)
      if (response == "no") {
        tk_messageBox(message = gettext("Use the MRtest function! For help, use ?MRtest", domain = "R-MCPtests"))



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MCPtests documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 5:09 p.m.