
Defines functions mocca.boot mocca.clust mocca.validate mocca.objectives `[.mocca.objectives` plot.mocca.objectives mocca.pareto analyzePareto mocca

Documented in analyzePareto mocca

mocca.boot <- function(x, R=10, size=nrow(x), replace=T){
    stop("'x' must be a matrix")
  if(R <= 0)
    stop("'R' must be positiv")
    mb <- replicate(R, sort(sample(1:nrow(x), size, replace = T)))
    mb <- replicate(R, sort(sample(1:nrow(x), size)))

  class(mb) <- "mocca.boot"

## mocca.clust <- function(x, mb, K = 2:10, algorithms = c("kmeans", "fcmeans", "neuralgas", "single"), iter.max=1000, nstart=10){
mocca.clust <- function(x, mb, K = 2:10, algorithms = c("kmeans", "neuralgas", "single"), iter.max=10, nstart=1){
    stop("'x' must be a matrix")
  if(missing(mb) || !inherits(mb, "mocca.boot"))
    stop("'mb' must be of type 'mocca.boot'")
    stop("minimum of 'K' must be a number larger than 2")

  x <- as.matrix(x)

  algorithms <- c("baseline", match.arg(algorithms, several.ok = T))
  R = ncol(mb)
  cres <- vector("list", length = length(algorithms))
  names(cres) <- algorithms

  # create lists for results
  for(alg in algorithms){
    cres[[alg]] <- vector("list", length = max(K))
    for (k in K){
      cres[[alg]][[k]] <- vector("list", length = R)

  # fill lists with results
  for(run in 1:R){
    subset <- mb[, run]
    for(k in K){
      for(alg in algorithms){
        cres[[alg]][[k]][[run]] <- runcluster(x, k, subset, alg, iter.max, nstart)

  #class(cres) <- "mocca.clust"

mocca.validate <- function(x, cres){
    stop("'x' must be a matrix")
  if(missing(cres) )#|| !inherits(cres,"mocca.clust"))
    stop("'cres' must be of type 'mocca.clust'")
  algorithms <- names(cres)
  K <- which(!(sapply(cres[[1]], is.null)))
  R <- length(cres[[1]][[K[1]]])

  eres <- vector("list", length = length(algorithms))
  names(eres) <- algorithms
  for(alg in algorithms){
    eres[[alg]] <- vector("list", length = max(K))
  for(k in K){
    for(alg in algorithms){
        eres[[alg]][[k]] <- combn(R, 2, function(u) clusval(x, cres[[alg]][[k]][[u[1]]], cres[[alg]][[k]][[u[2]]], k), simplify=F)

  class(eres) <- "mocca.validate"

mocca.objectives <- function(eres){
  if(missing(eres) || !inherits(eres,"mocca.validate"))
    stop("'eres' must be of type 'mocca.validate'")

  algorithms <- names(eres)[-1]
  indices <- names(eres$baseline[[which(!(sapply(eres[[1]], is.null)))[1]]][[1]])
  ## methods <- c("mean", "median")
  methods <- c("median")
  obj <- create_objectives(eres, algorithms, indices, methods)
  #class(obj) <- "mocca.objectives"

`[.mocca.objectives` <- function(x, ..., drop=T){
  cl <- oldClass(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  val <- NextMethod("[")
  class(val) <- cl

plot.mocca.objectives <- function(x, y=c(1,2), ...){
  class(x) <- NULL
  plot(x[y[1],], x[y[2],], pch=NA, xlab=rownames(x)[y[1]], ylab=rownames(x)[y[2]], ...)
  text(x[y[1],], x[y[2],], labels=colnames(x))

mocca.pareto <- function(obj){
  if(missing(obj) || !inherits(obj,"mocca.objectives"))
    stop("'obj' must be of type 'mocca.objectives'")

  ps <- getParetoSet(obj)
  pstable <- getParetoRanking(obj, ps)

  res <- list(rank=ps[order(apply(pstable, 1, function(u) min(u[-which(u==0)])), decreasing=T)], table=pstable)

  class(res) <- "mocca.pareto"

analyzePareto <- function(obj){
  if(missing(obj) || !is.matrix(obj))
    stop("'obj' must be a matrix of objective values")

  ps <- getParetoSet(obj)
  pstable <- getParetoRanking(obj, ps)

  res <- list(rank=ps[order(apply(pstable, 1, function(u) min(u[-which(u==0)])), decreasing=T)], table=pstable)


## mocca <- function(x, R = 50, K = 2:20, sampling.method = c("jackknife", "bootstrap", "bisect"), cluster.algorithms = c("kmeans", "fcmeans", "neuralgas", "single"), validation.index = c("MCA", "Rand", "Jaccard", "FM", "RR", "DP"), iter.max=10, nstart=1, save.dir = "./", save.all=F){
mocca <- function(x, R = 50, K = 2:10, iter.max=1000, nstart=10){
    stop("'x' must be a matrix")
  if(R <= 1)
    stop("'R' must be greater than 1")
  if(min(K)<2 || max(K)>nrow(x))
    stop("min 'K' must be greater than 1 and less than the number of data points")
  # sampling.method <- match.arg(sampling.method)
  # cluster.algorithms <- match.arg(cluster.algorithms, several.ok = T)
  # validation.index <- match.arg(validation.index, several.ok = T)

  cat("generating subsets\n")
  #size <- switch(sampling.method,
  #               jackknife= nrow(x)-trunc(sqrt(nrow(x))),
  #               bootstrap= nrow(x),
  #               bisect= trunc(nrow(x)/2))
  #mb <- mocca.boot(x, R, size, if(sampling.method=="bootstrap"){T}else{F})
  mb <- mocca.boot(x, R)

  cat("running cluster algorithms\n")
  cres <- mocca.clust(x, mb, K, iter.max=iter.max, nstart=nstart)

  cat("running evaluation\n")
  eres <- mocca.validate(x, cres)

  cat("collecting objective values\n")
  obj <- mocca.objectives(eres)
  # res <- mocca.pareto(obj)
  #print("saving details")

  #  if(save.dir=="./")
  #    save.dir <- paste(save.dir, as.character(Sys.time(), format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"), sep="")
  #  dir.create(save.dir)
  #  save(cres, file = paste(save.dir, "/cres_C", max(K), "_R", R, ".RData", sep=""))
  #  save(eres, file = paste(save.dir, "/eres_C", max(K), "_R", R, ".RData", sep=""))
  #  save(res, file = paste(save.dir, "/pres_C", max(K), "_R", R, ".RData", sep=""))
  #  write(res$ps, file = paste(save.dir, "/result_C", max(K), "_R", R, ".txt", sep=""),ncolumns=length(res$ps))
  #  write(t(res$pstable), file = paste(save.dir, "/result_C", max(K), "_R", R, ".txt", sep=""), ncolumns=nrow(res$pstable),append=T)

  list(cluster=cres, objectiveVals=obj)

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MOCCA documentation built on March 17, 2020, 5:10 p.m.