Man pages for MSBVAR
Markov-Switching, Bayesian, Vector Autoregression Models

A02mcmcConverts A0 objects to coda MCMC objects
BCFdataSubset of Data from Brandt, Colaresi, and Freeman (2008)
cf.forecastsCompare VAR forecasts to each other or real data
decay.specLag decay specification check
dfevDecompositions of Forecast Error Variance (DFEV) for...
forc.ecdfEmpirical CDF computations for posterior forecast samples
forecastGenerate forecasts for fitted VAR objects
gibbs.A0Gibbs sampler for posterior of Bayesian structural vector...
gibbs.msbvarGibbs sampler for a Markov-switching Bayesian reduced form...
granger.testBivariate Granger causality testing
HamiltonGDPQuarterly U.S. GDP Growth, 1952Q3-1984Q4
hc.forecastForecast density estimation of hard condition forecasts for...
initialize.msbvarInitializes the mode-finder for a Markov-switching Bayesian...
irfImpulse Response Function (IRF) Computation for a VAR
IsraelPalestineConflictWeekly Goldstein Scaled Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Data,...
ldwishartLog density for a Wishart variate
list.printPrints a list object for the VAR and BVAR models in MSBVAR
maeMean absolute error of VAR forecasts
mc.irfMonte Carlo Integration / Simulation of Impulse Response...
mcmc.szbsvarGibbs sampler for coefficients of a B-SVAR model
mean.SSSummary measures and plots for MS-B(S)VAR state-spaces
mountainsMountain plots for summarizing forecast densities
msbvarMarkov-switching Bayesian reduced form vector autoregression...
msvarMarkov-switching vector autoregression (MSVAR) estimator
normalize.svarLikelihood normalization of SVAR models
null.spaceFind the null space of a matrix
plot.forc.ecdfPlots VAR forecasts and their empirical error bands
plot.forecastPlot function for forecasts
plot.gibbs.A0Plot a parameter density summary for B-SVAR A(0) objects
plot.irfPlots impulse responses posteriors of Monte Carlo simulated impulse... plot of MSBVAR impulse response functions
plotregimeidClustering and plotting function for msbvar permuted sample...
posterior.fitEstimates the marginal likelihood or log posterior...
print.dfevPrinting DFEV tables
print.posterior.fitPrint method for posterior fit measures
rdirichletRandom draws from and density for Dirichlet distribution
reduced.form.varEstimation of a reduced form VAR model
regimeSummaryRegime probability summaries and regime duration estimates...
restmtxUtility function for generating the restriction matrix for...
rmseRoot mean squared error of a Monte Carlo / MCMC sample of...
rmultnormMultivariate Normal Random Number Generator
rwishartRandom deviates from a Wishart distribution
simulateMSARSimulate (univariate) Markov-switching autoregressive (MSAR)...
simulateMSVARSimulate a Markov-switching VAR (MSVAR) process
SS.ffbsState-space forward-filter and backwards-sampler for a...
summarySummary functions for VAR / BVAR / B-SVAR model objects
summary.forecastSummary functions for forecasts obtained through VAR / BVAR /...
szbsvarStructural Sims-Zha Bayesian VAR model estimation
szbvarReduced form Sims-Zha Bayesian VAR model estimation
SZ.prior.evaluationSims-Zha Bayesian VAR Prior Specification Search
uc.forecastForecast density estimation unconditional forecasts for...
var.lag.specificationAutomated VAR lag specification testing
MSBVAR documentation built on May 30, 2017, 1:23 a.m.